


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:148 移动端


  Andrew Johnson (1865-1868)

  --southerners, not so radical; later was overridden many times by Republican Congress

  Thirteenth Amendment: granting blacks citizenships

  Reconstruction Proclamation

  Black Codes: no voting rights, no jury attendance, no gun, no traveling freely, limited job opportunity

  Jim Crow laws: segregation

  Freedman’s Bureau: provide food, clothing, education, medicare, job helps to blacks

  Civil Rights Bill of 1866: conferring full citizenship to blacks, including court rights and property rights, against Black Codes

  Fourteenth Amendment

  Reconstruction Act: putting soldiers in South, disfranchising Confederates

  Ex parte Milligan case: no military tribunal to civilians, but now neglected

  Tenure of Office Act: let Jackson impeached b/c firing a radical Republican in cabinet; later acquitted

  Woman’s Loyal League: women who want vote

  Alaska Purchase (1867): called “Seward’s folly” at first


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