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  The U.S. History Subject Test consists of 95 multiple-choice items. The items mainly test U.S. history from pre-Columbian times to the present. A few items, however, test basic social science concepts used in disciplines such as political science and economics. These extra concepts, while they may be taught in courses in government or economics, are almost always included in the typical high school course on U.S. history. In short, to do well on this test, you do not need instruction in a special discipline. A reasonably challenging high school course in U.S. history should be sufficient preparation.

  The test writers divide the items into categories according to the type of material covered and the period from which the concept is taken. This ensures that each new test has the proper balance of concepts so that, for example, it doesn’t have too many items concerning the colonial period or too few items concerning foreign policy. You don’t need to know what these categories are, because that knowledge won’t help you do well on the test. You have to answer questions, not put them into categories. You can rest assured, however, that the balance will rlect the treatment given U.S. history by the typical high school text. A test, for example, will probably ask about twice as many questions about the period “1899 to present” as about the colonial period.

  Questions Used

  The items used are, for the most part, straightforward multiple-choice questions or completions.


  Which of the colonies was founded as a ruge for imprisoned debtors?

  (A) Connecticut

  (B) Delaware

  (C) Georgia

  (D) New Jersey

  (E) North Carolina

  This is a typical multiple-choice question. The correct answer is (C). Founder James Oglethorpe viewed his colony primarily as a haven for previously imprisoned debtors, though he also believed it had some significance as a buffer against French and Spanish expansion.


  In his 1796 farewell address, George Washington urged the United States to

  (A) steer clear of permanent alliances with foreign countries

  (B) abolish slavery in every state at the earliest opportunity

  (C) organize political parties to nominate candidates for public office

  (D) form a long-term military alliance with France against Great Britain

  (E) make the government more democratic by providing for universal suffrage

  This item differs from the first example only in form. It is phrased as a completion rather than a question.

  The correct answer is (A). In his farewell address, Washington said, “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”

  There are some question forms that have special features.


  Amendments to the United States Constitution have dealt with all of the following EXCEPT

  (A) manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages

  (B) popular election of senators

  (C) separation of church and state

  (D) establishment of political parties

  (E) the right of women citizens to vote

  Notice the wording of the question stem. It informs you that four of the five answer choices rer to topics that are the subject of constitutional amendments. One of the answer choices–the correct one–rers to a topic that is not the subject of a constitutional amendment.

  The United States Constitution has been amended to provide for

  1. prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages: 18th (later repealed)

  2. popular election of senators: 17th

  3. separation of church and state: 1st

  4. suffrage for women: 19th

  Neither the original document nor any of the amendments provides for the establishment of political parties. So the correct answer to the question is (D).

  When addressing a question that uses a word such as EXCEPT, NOT, or LEAST, make sure you know what you are looking for. Be carul, because those words reverse the question: what would ordinarily be a wrong answer is the right one, and vice versa.

  Occasionally, an item is in a format that makes guessing easier.


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