您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 4道SAT数学选择题练习(2017年6月9日—6月12日).
1.,,, andare points on a line, withthe midpoint of segment. The lengths of segments,, andare,, and, respectively. What is the length of segment?
2.In the xy-plane, line passes through the pointsand. Lineis perpendicular to line. What is the slope of line?
3.A geologist hasrocks of equal weight. Ifrocks and a-ounce weight balance on a scale withrocks and a-ounce weight, what is the weight, in ounces, of one of these rocks?
,,,,, ...
4.The first term of the sequence above is. Which of the following could be the formula for finding theterm of this sequence for any positive integer?
1.The correct answer is B
The key to this question lies in not jumping to incorrect conclusions. The question names the points on a line. It gives you a variety of information about the points. The one thing it does not do is tell you the order in which the points fall.
Many students assume that the order of the points is, then, then, then.As you will see, if you try to locate the points in this order, you will be unable to answer the question.
What Is the Question Asking?
The question asks for the length of line segment. In order to find this length, you have to establish the relative positions of the four points on the line.
What Do You Know?
Try to draw the figure. You might be tempted to locate pointfirst. Unfortunately, you don&apost have enough information about, yet, to place it.
You can place,, andbecauseis the midpoint of.
You know the lengths of three of the line segments:
Because you know whereis, you can label the length of.
Build the Figure, Adding What You Know and What You Can Figure Out
Becauseis the midpoint of, you know thatandare eachunits long.
Where can you place point?
It has to beunits from, because.
It also has to be
units from, because.
So the only location foris betweenand, but closer to.
Place pointand mark the distances.
It is now an easy matter to figure out the answer to the question:
isunits closer tothan, soisunits.
4.The correct answer is B
You do not know the value of theterm or theterm of the sequence, but you do know the values of the,, andterms. The correct formula must giveas the value of theterm,as the value of theterm, andas the value of theterm. Choice E,, gives, not, as the value of theterm. Choice A,, gives, not, as the value of theterm. Choice C,, gives, not, as the value of theterm. Choice D,, gives, not, as the value of theterm. This leaves choice B,, which gives the correct values for the,, andterms of the sequence.
1.,,, andare points on a line, withthe midpoint of segment. The lengths of segments,, andare,, and, respectively. What is the length of segment?
2.In the xy-plane, line passes through the pointsand. Lineis perpendicular to line. What is the slope of line?
3.A geologist hasrocks of equal weight. Ifrocks and a-ounce weight balance on a scale withrocks and a-ounce weight, what is the weight, in ounces, of one of these rocks?
,,,,, ...
4.The first term of the sequence above is. Which of the following could be the formula for finding theterm of this sequence for any positive integer?
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲