您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年SAT数学考试有什么变化.
There are three areas, focuses of math, problem solving and data analysis, the heart of algebra and passport to advanced math.
Problem solving and data analysis include using ratios, percentages and proportional reasoning to solve problems in real world situations including science, social science and career context. No longer will the SAT only have disconnected problems, or tricky situations that students won’t likely see again.
The heart of algebra, focuses on mastery of linear equations and systems which echo throughout many field of study.
The passport to advanced math is the third area on the SAT. And once again, it is the math that opens doors of opportunity. These problems on the exams focus on the math you need to pursue further study, in disciplines like science and career opportunities in the stem field of science and technology, engineering and math. The passport to advanced math section will carully add in more complex equations or functions and expressions, which open up fields like the calculus.
There&aposs one other change in the math section of the SAT. As College Board has done in advance placements assessments, there will be now calculator and non-calculator sections on the SAT. The non-calculator section makes it possible for the SAT to assess the students understanding these ideas. It rewords well-learned techniques, fluency with calculation and number sense. This is so meaningful, I must tell you, for math teachers and for mathematicians in this country. Because they all know that mathematics is not just plug in solutions into an answer. It&aposs understanding the work in front of you. And the non-calculator section really allows us teachers accelerate their cultivation of that core technique in understanding.
最后,美国人终于意识到培养学生的计算能力是很重要的,数学不再可以全程使用计算器,新SAT会考察学生对于数学知识点的理解,掌握数学技巧, 计算和数学概念。较于之前的美国SAT考试,数学难度提高了。对于准备参加新SAT考试的中国学生来说,尤其擅长数学的同学,这当然是好事。最起码,SAT试题的成绩会占据大幅度的优势。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲