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转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第14套


1.She thought her_________ were amusing, but the others thought such tricks were irritating.

(A) anecdotes (B) researches (C) demands (D) pranks (E) debts

2.Though its wings look extremely_________, the butterfly is_________ enough to fly as high as 7,000 feet.

(A) vivid..powerful

(B) iridescent. .skillful

(C) slender. .thick

(D) beautiful. .heavy

(E) fragile. .sturdy

3. Several medieval manuscripts that were improperly_________, and thus lost within the library itself since their acquisition, have been located and are finally_________ patrons.

(A) praised..scrutinized by

(B) displayed. .comprehensible to

(C) labeled. .accessible to

(D) administered. .overlooked by

(E) cataloged. .unobtainable by

4. Using gestures and facial expressions rather than words, the performers eloquently communicated through the art of the_________.

(A) mediator (B) ensemble (C) elocutionist (D) pantomime (E) troubadour

5. The ability to treat stress-related illness is limited because many conditions can_________ stress, but none of them has been singled out as the_________ cause of stress.

(A) alleviate. .original

(B) relieve. .sole

(C) induce. .predominant

(D) inhibit..actual

(E) produce. .partial

6. Company President Carmen Sanchez intends the_________ with which she works to be an example to her employees; as a result, they find that they are expected to apply themselves to their jobs most_________.

(A) sagacity. .unscrupulously

(B) leniency. .decorously

(C) nonchalance. .tenaciously

(D) acrimony. .cheerfully

(E) ardor. .assiduously

7. George was so eager to_________ his preconceptions that he grasped at any fact that seemed to_________ the undeniable gaps in his theory.

(A) reinforce..strengthen

(B) preserve. .bridge

(C) convey..widen

(D) overcome. .plug

(E) disregard. .destroy

8.That Virginia Woolf&aposs criticism of prose is more astute than her criticism of poetry is most likely due to her ability, as a novelist and essayist, to approach prose as one of its_________ .

(A) novices (B) neighbors (C) interpreters (D) practitioners (E) detractors

9. Since the opposing factions could reach no_________the budget proposal, they decided to_________ it and to debate the hazardous waste bill instead.

(A) consensus on. .table

(B) opinion about, .enact

(C) decision about, .berate

(D) agreement on. .proclaim

(E) compromise on. .endorse


1. Pat made the descent with unusual caution placing each foot first_________, then firmly.

(A) heavily (B) clumsily (C) tentatively (D) confidently (E) languidly

2. Because the geometry course_________ the principles governing solid structures, it was especially popular with students specializing in _________.

(A) emphasized. .architecture

(B) deleted. .geology

(C) reversed. .literature

(D) revealed. .history

(E) attacked. .economics

3. As their enemy grew weaker, the confidence of the allies increased and the_________ predictions they had made at the beginning of the war began to seem justified.

(A) imperceptive (B) belated (C) everlasting (D) optimistic (E) useless

4. Typically, an environmental problem worsens little by little until finally its fects can no longer be_________; organizations then emerge to raise public consciousness and to press vociferously for_________ action.

(A) preserved, .immediate

(B) disregarded, .gradual

(C) ignored, .remedial

(D) observed, .governmental

(E) distorted, .scientific

5. The workers were bored by the mindless routine of their jobs; their performance, therore, was mechanical, no more than_________.

(A) querulous (B) perfunctory (C) diffuse (D) irresolute (E) transient

6. In the style of some ancient Chinese poets, Asian American poet Li-Young Lee speaks_________ but_________: he meditates on abstract issues while using everyday language in his writing.

(A) clearly. .simply

(B) pompously. .nonchalantly

(C) philosophically. .colloquially

(D) diffidently. .cunningly

(E) sternly. .profoundly

7.They were not_________ misfortune, having endured more than their share of _________.

(A) cognizant of.. calamity

(B) superstitious about. .prosperity

(C) jealous of. .success

(D) oblivious to. .happiness

(E) unacquainted with. .adversity

8. It is perilously easy to decry so_________ a historical figure without trying to understand the motives for his reprehensible actions.

(A) exemplary (B) astute (C) ficacious (D) prosaic (E) villainous

9. Because that testimony had been the_________ the prosecutor&aposs case, when it was ruled inadmissible the case collapsed.

(A) scapegoat for (B) linchpin of (C) bane of (D) conundrum of (E) buffer against

10.Samantha&aposs distinguishing trait is her_________: she gives liberally to those less fortunate than herself.

(A) amicability(B) inexorableness (C) frivolity (D) munificence (E) venerability


Section One

1. D 2.E 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.E 7.B 8.D 9.A

Section Two

1. C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.E 8.E 9.B 10.D


转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第14套


1.She thought her_________ were amusing, but the others thought such tricks were irritating.

(A) anecdotes (B) researches (C) demands (D) pranks (E) debts

2.Though its wings look extremely_________, the butterfly is_________ enough to fly as high as 7,000 feet.

(A) vivid..powerful

(B) iridescent. .skillful

(C) slender. .thick

(D) beautiful. .heavy

(E) fragile. .sturdy

3. Several medieval manuscripts that were improperly_________, and thus lost within the library itself since their acquisition, have been located and are finally_________ patrons.

(A) praised..scrutinized by

(B) displayed. .comprehensible to

(C) labeled. .accessible to

(D) administered. .overlooked by

(E) cataloged. .unobtainable by

4. Using gestures and facial expressions rather than words, the performers eloquently communicated through the art of the_________.

(A) mediator (B) ensemble (C) elocutionist (D) pantomime (E) troubadour

5. The ability to treat stress-related illness is limited because many conditions can_________ stress, but none of them has been singled out as the_________ cause of stress.

(A) alleviate. .original

(B) relieve. .sole

(C) induce. .predominant

(D) inhibit..actual

(E) produce. .partial

6. Company President Carmen Sanchez intends the_________ with which she works to be an example to her employees; as a result, they find that they are expected to apply themselves to their jobs most_________.

(A) sagacity. .unscrupulously

(B) leniency. .decorously

(C) nonchalance. .tenaciously

(D) acrimony. .cheerfully

(E) ardor. .assiduously

7. George was so eager to_________ his preconceptions that he grasped at any fact that seemed to_________ the undeniable gaps in his theory.

(A) reinforce..strengthen

(B) preserve. .bridge

(C) convey..widen

(D) overcome. .plug

(E) disregard. .destroy

8.That Virginia Woolf&aposs criticism of prose is more astute than her criticism of poetry is most likely due to her ability, as a novelist and essayist, to approach prose as one of its_________ .

(A) novices (B) neighbors (C) interpreters (D) practitioners (E) detractors

9. Since the opposing factions could reach no_________the budget proposal, they decided to_________ it and to debate the hazardous waste bill instead.

(A) consensus on. .table

(B) opinion about, .enact

(C) decision about, .berate

(D) agreement on. .proclaim

(E) compromise on. .endorse 上12下


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