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转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第11套


1. Many cultural historians believe that language has a_________ purpose: it serves not only as a means of communication but also as a means of dining culture.

(A) foreign (B) literary (C) false (D) dual (E) direct

2. In 1859 Black pioneer Clara Brows turned the unpromising conditions that had_________ many other settlers of the mining camp into a source of_________ by starting her own business.

(A) discouraged.. reconciliation

(B) deated., prosperity

(C) elevated.. happiness

(D) aided.. opportunity

(E) delayed.. unity

3. While the island country s dramatists typically use_________ settings and myths, their themes are not_________ their country alone; indeed, many plays are appreciated worldwide for their insightful treatment of common human issues.

(A) ancient.. condescending to

(B) modest.. concerned with

(C) native.. limited to

(D) ordinary. .lobbying for

(E) cosmopolitan.. indebted to

4. Far from_________ the old social inequities, the law_________ new ones by virtue of the loopholes it lt for the wealthy.

(A) eradicating.. created

(B) jeopardizing.. corrected

(C) placating.. eliminated

(D) duplicating.. avoided

(E) corroborating.. anticipated

5. The use of gospel music in the modem production of the ancient Greek tragedy is fective, in spite of seeming_________ to critics interested only in historical accuracy.

(A) felicitous (B) inevitable (C) anachronistic (D) timeless (E) exemplary

6. It has been suggested that the detailed listings of animals, plants, and minerals by their usulness to humans indicate the_________ of the ancient Mesopotamians.

(A) irrationality (B) humanity (C) temerity (D) serendipity (E) anthropocentrism

7. Buildings designed exclusively for strength and stability, structures for which only_________ considerations have been taken into account, are properly works of engineering, not true architecture.

(A) utilitarian (B) grandiose (C) imaginative (D) aesthetic (E) external

8. Many healing practices that doctors once derided as_________ have now been sanctioned by the medical community.

(A) benign (B) diagnostic (C) inficacious (D) discretionary (E) therapeutic

9. Sometimes forgetting that rationality is only one part of a person&aposs experience, Andrew takes an excessively_________ approach to life.

(A) cerebral (B) obdurate (C) sensitive (D) pretentious (E) enervated


1. For centuries, the coastline of Uruguay was regarded by European mariners as a_________ place, one seemingly devoid of inhabitants.

(A) conceivable (B) desolate (C) fallacious (D) prepossessing (E) discourteous

2. Chocolate connects -us to the past, for despite modern_________ in food-processing technology, the steps necessary for transforming cocoa beans into chocolate have been_________ for nearly two centuries.

(A) developments.. varied

(B) setbacks.. constant

(C) failures.. inconsistent

(D) progress..unstable

(E) advances.. unchanged

3. The landscape was truly_________, so arid that even the hardiest plants could not survive.

(A) lurid (B) parched (C) drubbed (D) verdant (E) variegated

4. Born_________, children will follow their natural inclination to explore their surroundings with a_________ that belies the random appearance of their play.

(A) innocent.. deviousness

(B) serious.. merriment

(C) curious..purposulness

(D) eager..moderation

(E) aware..casualness

5. Although English philosopher Anne Conway was_________ by her seventeenth-century contemporaries, she has through oversight been nearly_________ in recent times.

(A) revered.. forgotten

(B) censured.. venerated

(C) abandoned.. ignored

(D) imitated.. emulated

(E) pardoned.. absolved

6. While the_________ explorers faced risks courageously, they were not_________, choosing instead to avoid needless dangers.

(A) flagrant.. punctual

(B) intrepid.. foolhardy

(C) genial.. clandestine

(D) resolute.. amicable

(E) culpable.. irresponsible

7. Maxine Hong Kingston presents universal themes in the context of Chinese American culture; this has helped her achieve a literary _________ that is_________, yet speaks to the full range of human experience.

(A) success.. indistinct

(B) voice.. unique

(C) convention.. encompassing

(D) style.. comprehensive

(E) prominence.. general

8. The gri and sadness of parting and the sorrows that seem eternal are_________ by time, but they leave their scars.

(A) revived (B) magnified (C) nurtured (D) mitigated (E) concocted

9. The traditional process of producing an oil painting requires so many steps that it seems_________ to artists who prer to work quickly.

(A) provocative (B) consummate (C) interminable (D) facile (E) prolific

10. Photography as an art form often seeks the _________ in its subjects, those qualities that cannot be expressed in words.

(A) infable (B) mundane (C) onerous (D) incisive (E) auspicious


Section One

1. D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.E 7.A 8.C 9.A

Section Two

1. B 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A


转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第11套


1. Many cultural historians believe that language has a_________ purpose: it serves not only as a means of communication but also as a means of dining culture.

(A) foreign (B) literary (C) false (D) dual (E) direct

2. In 1859 Black pioneer Clara Brows turned the unpromising conditions that had_________ many other settlers of the mining camp into a source of_________ by starting her own business.

(A) discouraged.. reconciliation

(B) deated., prosperity

(C) elevated.. happiness

(D) aided.. opportunity

(E) delayed.. unity

3. While the island country s dramatists typically use_________ settings and myths, their themes are not_________ their country alone; indeed, many plays are appreciated worldwide for their insightful treatment of common human issues.

(A) ancient.. condescending to

(B) modest.. concerned with

(C) native.. limited to

(D) ordinary. .lobbying for

(E) cosmopolitan.. indebted to

4. Far from_________ the old social inequities, the law_________ new ones by virtue of the loopholes it lt for the wealthy.

(A) eradicating.. created

(B) jeopardizing.. corrected

(C) placating.. eliminated

(D) duplicating.. avoided

(E) corroborating.. anticipated

5. The use of gospel music in the modem production of the ancient Greek tragedy is fective, in spite of seeming_________ to critics interested only in historical accuracy.

(A) felicitous (B) inevitable (C) anachronistic (D) timeless (E) exemplary

6. It has been suggested that the detailed listings of animals, plants, and minerals by their usulness to humans indicate the_________ of the ancient Mesopotamians.

(A) irrationality (B) humanity (C) temerity (D) serendipity (E) anthropocentrism

7. Buildings designed exclusively for strength and stability, structures for which only_________ considerations have been taken into account, are properly works of engineering, not true architecture.

(A) utilitarian (B) grandiose (C) imaginative (D) aesthetic (E) external

8. Many healing practices that doctors once derided as_________ have now been sanctioned by the medical community.

(A) benign (B) diagnostic (C) inficacious (D) discretionary (E) therapeutic

9. Sometimes forgetting that rationality is only one part of a person&aposs experience, Andrew takes an excessively_________ approach to life.

(A) cerebral (B) obdurate (C) sensitive (D) pretentious (E) enervated 上12下


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