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Barron3500词汇逆序记忆词表 A replica N. 复制 copy. armada N. 舰队 fleet of warships. agenda N. 议程 items of business at a meeting. panacea N. 包治百病的药,灵丹妙药 cure-all; remedy for all diseases. saga N. 斯堪的纳维亚的传说;传奇 Scandinavian myth; any legend. phobia N. 恐怖 morbid fear. xenophobia N. 惧外的 fear or hatred of foreigners. acrophobia N. 恐高症 fear of heights. hydrophobia N. 恐水症;狂犬病 rabies; fear of water. claustrophobia N. 幽闭恐怖症 fear of being locked in. nostalgia N. 想家;乡愁 homesickness; longing for the past. paraphernalia N. 琐碎的东西;零碎的随身物品 equipment; odds and ends. anemia N. 贫血 condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles. insomnia N. 失眠 wakulness; inability to sleep. paranoia N. 妄想狂;偏执狂 psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution. cornucopia N. 象征丰饶的羊角 horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance. utopia N. 乌托邦 ideal place, state, or society. aria N. 清唱剧 operatic solo. euphoria N. 非常愉快;病态的愉快,愉悦症 feeling of great happiness and well-being (sometimes exaggerated). aphasia N. 失声 loss of speech due to injury or illness. amnesia N. 失忆,健忘 loss of memory. intelligentsia N. 知识分子;知识界 the intelligent and educated classes [often used derogatorily]. spatula N. 压舌板;抹刀;批灰刀 broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing. tarantula N. 毒蜘蛛 venomous spider. anathema N. 诅咒 solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse. enigma N. 谜 puzzle; mystery. stigma N. 耻辱;耻辱的标记;柱头;气门 token of disgrace; brand. miasma N. 沼气;瘴气,毒气;天然气 swamp gas; heavy, vaporous atmosphere, often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence. charisma N. 魅力 divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader Political commentators have deplored the importance of a candidate&aposs charisma in these days of television campaigning. nirvana N. 涅磐 in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the attainment of an impersonal beatitude. phenomena N. 现象 observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation. subpoena N. 传票 writ summoning a witness to appear. stamina N. 毅力;意志力 strength; staying power. patina N. 铜绿;光泽;古色 green crust on old bronze works; tone slowly taken by varnished painting. persona N. 角色 public personality or facade. fauna N. 动物志 animals of a period or region. tundra N. 苔原;冻土 rolling, treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America. plethora N. 过剩;过多 excess; overabundance. flora N. 植物志 plants of a region or era. cantata N. 大合唱;康塔塔 story set to music, to be sung by a chorus. junta N. 小集团;政治团伙 group of men joined in political intrigue; cabal. iota N. 极少量的 very small quantity. vendetta N. 深仇;世仇 blood feud. diva N. 著名女歌唱家,天后;歌剧女主角 operatic singer; prima donna. stanza N. 节;段落(诗的);盘(棋的) division of a poem. B drab ADJ. 迟钝的;单调的 dull; lacking color; cheerless. ebb V. 衰退 recede; lessen. glib ADJ. 光滑,柔顺;口齿伶俐,圆滑 fluent; facile; slick. aplomb N. 沉着,垂直 poise; assurance. succumb V. 屈服;屈从;死 yield; give in; die. plumb ADJ. 垂直;铅锤;用铅锤量 checking perpendicularity; vertical. barb N. 鱼钩,钩状物 sharp projection from fishhook, etc. absorb V. 吸收,合并 assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; wholly engage. perturb V. 感到不安 disturb greatly. daub V. 涂抹 smear (as with paint). C pyromaniac N. 纵火狂 person with an insane desire to set things on fire. kleptomaniac N. 偷窃狂;盗窃癖 person who has a compulsive desire to steal. demoniac ADJ. 魔鬼的 fiendish. hypochondriac N. 无病呻吟;忧郁症 person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about illness. bivouac N. 帐篷 temporary encampment. archaic ADJ. 过时的 antiquated. mosaic N. 马赛克 picture made of colorful small inlaid tiles. prosaic ADJ. 事实的;平淡的;缺乏想象力的 dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact; factual. monosyllabic ADJ. 单音节的 having only one syllable. cherubic ADJ. 天真无邪 angelic; innocent-looking. nomadic ADJ. 游牧的 wandering. sporadic ADJ. 零星的 occurring irregularly. spasmodic ADJ. 断断续续的;间歇的 fitful; periodic. episodic ADJ. 插曲式的 loosely connected; divided into incidents. prolific ADJ. 多产的;丰富的 abundantly fruitful. calorific ADJ. 产热的 heat-producing. soporific ADJ. 催眠的 sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness. beatific ADJ. 祝福;幸福的 giving bliss; blissful. lethargic ADJ. 昏睡的;瞌睡的 drowsy; dull. graphic ADJ. 图像的;图画的 pertaining to the art of delineating; vividly described. anthropomorphic ADJ. 人形的 having human form or characteristics. monolithic ADJ. 单片的,单块的;一体不动摇的 solidly uniform; unyielding. relic N. 纪念物;废墟,遗留 surviving remnant; memento. bucolic ADJ. 田园的 rustic; pastoral. catholic ADJ. 一般的,普遍的;天主教 broadly sympathetic; liberal. vitriolic ADJ. 腐蚀的;硫酸的;讽刺的 corrosive; sarcastic. dynamic ADJ. 充满活力的 energetic; vigorously active. panoramic ADJ. 全景的 related to an unobstructed and comprehensive view. academic ADJ. 学术的 related to a school; not practical or directly usul. pandemic ADJ. 广泛传播的,流行的 widespread; affecting the majority of people. endemic ADJ. 地方的;小范围内流行 prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country. seismic ADJ. 地震的 pertaining to earthquakes. Cosmic ADJ. 宇宙的;巨大的 pertaining to the universe; vast. titanic ADJ. 巨大的 gigantic. ethnic ADJ. 种族的 relating to races. laconic ADJ. 简洁的 bri and to the point. sardonic ADJ. 讽刺的 disdainful; sarcastic; cynical. histrionic ADJ. 戏剧性的 theatrical. mnemonic ADJ. 记忆的 pertaining to memory. chronic ADJ. 慢性的 long established as a disease. ironic ADJ. 讽刺性的 resulting in an unexpected and contrary outcome. tonic ADJ. 精神充沛的 invigorating; rreshing. embryonic ADJ. 胚胎的;未开发的,原始的 undeveloped; rudimentary. Stoic ADJ. impassive; unmoved by joy or gri. epic N. 史诗;剧作 long heroic poem, or similar work of art. myopic ADJ. 鼠目寸光;缺乏远见 nearsighted; lacking foresight. choleric ADJ. 易发怒的;脾气坏 hot-tempered. generic ADJ. 普通的 characteristic of an entire class or species. esoteric ADJ. 难以理解的,深奥的 hard to understand; known only to the chosen few. sophomoric ADJ. 一知半解的;不成熟的 immature; half-baked, like a sophomore. rhetoric N. 说话的学问;花言巧语 art of fective communication; insincere language. asymmetric ADJ. 不对称 not identical on both sides of a dividing central line. eccentric ADJ. 古怪的,奇怪的 irregular; odd; whimsical; bizarre. concentric ADJ. 同心 having a common center. anthropocentric ADJ. 人类中心说 regarding human beings as the center of the universe. panegyric N. 推崇之至 formal praise. analgesic ADJ. 止痛的 causing insensitivity to pain. forensic ADJ. 法院的;适于法庭的 suitable to debate or courts of law. intrinsic ADJ. 内在的;固有的 essential; inherent; built-in. extrinsic ADJ. 外围的,不重要的;外来的 external; not essential; extraneous. schematic ADJ. 示例的;示意性的 relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols. thematic ADJ. 主题的;主题相关的 relating to a unifying motif or idea. problematic ADJ. 忧郁的;忧心忡忡的;心存疑虑的;有疑问的 doubtful; unsettled; questionable; perplexing. pragmatic ADJ. 实际的;注重实效的 practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the practical worth or impact of something. phlegmatic ADJ. 冷静的;平静的;不易被激起的 calm; not easily disturbed. enigmatic ADJ. 朦胧的;谜一样的 obscure; puzzling. dogmatic ADJ. 独断的,教条的,固执的 opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal. aromatic ADJ. 芬芳的 fragrant. monochromatic ADJ. 单色的 having only one color. traumatic ADJ. 外伤的 pertaining to an injury caused by violence. autocratic ADJ. 独裁 having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial. erratic ADJ. 奇怪的;不可预测的 odd; unpredictable. static ADJ. 静态的 unchanging; lacking development. aquatic ADJ. 与水有关系的 pertaining to water. climactic ADJ. 顶点的,高潮的 relating to the highest point. eclectic ADJ. 折衷的 composed of elements drawn from disparate sources. acetic ADJ. 酸的 vinegary. ascetic ADJ. 苦行;禁欲 practicing self-denial; austere. prophetic ADJ. 预言的 foretelling the future. pathetic ADJ. 可怜的,触动人心的 causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching. aesthetic ADJ. 审美的 artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful. anesthetic N. 麻醉药 substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness. hermetic ADJ. 密封的,气密的 sealed by fusion so as to be airtight. frenetic ADJ. 发狂的 frenzied; frantic. kinetic ADJ. 运动的;运动学的 producing motion. politic ADJ. 精明的;明智的;诡计多端的;谨慎的 expedient; prudent; well advised. pedantic ADJ. 书生气的 showing off learning; bookish. frantic ADJ. 狂乱 wild. Chaotic ADJ. 混乱 in utter disorder. erotic ADJ. 激情的 pertaining to passionate love. exotic ADJ. 陌生的,外来的,奇异的,异国情调 not native; strange. quixotic ADJ. 空想的;狂想的 idealistic but impractical. skeptic N. 怀疑论者 doubter; person who suspends judgment until the evidence supporting a point of view has been examined. aseptic ADJ. 抗菌的 preventing infection; having a cleansing fect. antiseptic N. 抗菌物 substance that prevents infection. synoptic ADJ. 概要的 providing a general overview; summary. apocalyptic ADJ. 启示的,启示录的 prophetic; pertaining to revelations. bombastic ADJ. 夸张的 pompous; using inflated language. ecclesiastic ADJ. 神职的 pertaining to the church. iconoclastic ADJ. 打破旧习 attacking cherished traditions. monastic ADJ. 僧侣的;遁入空门的,不问世事 related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns. sadistic ADJ. 虐待狂的;残忍成性的 inclined to cruelty. atheistic ADJ. 无神论 denying the existence of God. Simplistic ADJ. 过分单纯化的 oversimplified. anachronistic ADJ. 时代错误 having an error involving time in a story. linguistic ADJ. 语言的 pertaining to language. altruistic ADJ. 无私的,关心他人的 unselfishly generous; concerned for others. agnostic N. 无神论者 one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality. caustic ADJ. 腐蚀;挖苦 burning; sarcastically biting. rustic ADJ. 乡村的;笨拙的,不舒服的 pertaining to country people; uncouth. therapeutic ADJ. 治疗的;治疗学的 curative. toxic ADJ. 有毒的 poisonous.
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