

SAT巴朗单词 D-E.

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D scad N. 大批的,许多 a great quantity. myriad N. 无数,非常多 very large number. goad V. 刺激;激励;驱策 urge on. tightwad N. 吝啬鬼 excessively frugal person; miser. embed V. 封装,嵌入,插入 enclose; place in something. jaundiced ADJ. 患黄疸病的;有偏见的 prejudiced (envious, hostile or resentful); yellowed. jaded ADJ. 疲倦的 fatigued; surfeited. evenhanded ADJ. 公平的 impartial; fair. outmoded ADJ. 过时的 longer stylish; old-fashioned. heed V. 注意,关注,留意 pay attention to; consider. dogged ADJ. 顽固的;顽强的 determined; stubborn. deranged ADJ. 不理智 insane. estranged ADJ. 分离的;孤立的 separated; alienated. detached ADJ. 分离的 emotionally removed; calm and objective; physically unconnected. parched ADJ. 干旱的;干渴的 extremely dry; very thirsty. impoverished ADJ. 穷 poor. watershed N. 分水岭 crucial dividing point. unscathed ADJ. 没有受伤的 unharmed. studied ADJ. 有计划的;故意的;有想法的 not spontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful. raried ADJ. 稀释(气体) made less dense (of a gas]. qualified ADJ. 有资格的;有限制的;被限制的 limited; restricted. pied ADJ. 杂色的;斑驳的 variegated; multicolored. frenzied ADJ. 狂乱的 madly excited. marked ADJ. 值得注意的;报仇的目标 noticeable or pronounced; targeted for vengeance. garbled ADJ. 混淆 mixed up; jumbled; distorted. unbridled ADJ. 放肆的;肆虐的 violent. brindled ADJ. 有条纹或斑点的 tawny or grayish with streaks or spots. disheveled ADJ. 邋遢,肮脏 untidy. dappled ADJ. 有斑点的 spotted. gnarled ADJ. 扭曲 twisted. mottled ADJ. 有斑点的;弄脏的 blotched in coloring; spotted. resigned ADJ. 认命,顺从;听天由命 accepting one&aposs fate; unresisting; patiently submissive. ingrained ADJ. 牢固的;深深扎根的;深入人心的 deeply established; firmly rooted. inclined ADJ. 倾向;倾向于,弯曲 tending or leaning toward; bent. seasoned ADJ. 老练的 experienced. quadruped N. 四足动物 four-footed animal. kindred ADJ. 同族的,同类的;血缘的 related; belonging to the same family. checkered ADJ. 多变的;像国际象棋棋盘一样的方格 marked by changes in fortune. mannered ADJ. 做作的,矫饰的 affected; not natural. enamored ADJ. 爱情的;坠入爱河的 in love. marred ADJ. 受损的 damaged; disfigured. inured ADJ. 习惯了的,适应了的 accustomed; hardened. biased ADJ. 偏见的,偏差 slanted; prejudiced. bemused ADJ. 困惑的,发呆的 confused; lost in thought; preoccupied. sophisticated ADJ. 世故的;复杂的 worldly-wise and urbane; complex. variegated ADJ. 杂色的 many-colored. unmitigated ADJ. 未缓和的;绝对的 unrelieved or immoderate; absolute. corrugated ADJ. 皱的 wrinkled; ridged. emaciated ADJ. 瘦弱的,脆弱的 thin and wasted. inebriated ADJ. 醉的 habitually intoxicated; drunk. striated ADJ. 有细条纹的 marked with parallel bands; grooved. elated ADJ. 过分高兴的;兴高采烈 overjoyed; in high spirits. belated ADJ. 推迟的,延期的 delayed. inflated ADJ. 夸张的,虚华的,被放大的 exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas). calculated ADJ. 预先计划好的,算好的;合适的 deliberately planned; likely. insulated ADJ. 分离;隔离 set apart; isolated. animated ADJ. 活跃的,有生气的 lively; spirited. bloated ADJ. 浮肿 swollen or puffed as with water or air. celebrated ADJ. 名人 famous; well-known. serrated ADJ. 锯齿状的 having a sawtoothed edge. graduated ADJ. 分级;排序 arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc. antiquated ADJ. 过时的,陈旧的 old-fashioned; obsolete. affected ADJ. 假的,做作的 artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress. multifaceted ADJ. 多面的 having many aspects. blighted ADJ. 完蛋了的;生病了的 suffering from a disease; destroyed. uninhibited ADJ. 放荡不羁的;不受限制的 unrepressed. dispirited ADJ. 没情绪的,沮丧的 lacking in spirit. unrequited ADJ. 不报答的,不回应的 not reciprocated. stilted ADJ. 夸大的;充气的;虚胖的;踩高跷的 bombastic; inflated. unwarranted ADJ. 莫名其妙的;没来由的;冤枉的 unjustified; groundless; undeserved. unprecedented ADJ. 空前的 novel; unparalleled. demented ADJ. 疯狂的 insane. disjointed ADJ. 断开 disconnected. concerted ADJ. 协调的 mutually agreed on; done together. purported ADJ. 传说的;谣传的 alleged; claimed; reputed or rumored. flabbergasted ADJ. 大吃一惊;目瞪口呆 astounded; astonished; overcome with surprise. disinterested ADJ. 公允的 unprejudiced. convoluted ADJ. 围绕,卷绕;费解 coiled around; involved; intricate. muted ADJ. 静默的;静音的 silent; muffled; toned down. reputed ADJ. 名誉好的;有名气的;名誉的 supposed. subdued ADJ. 屈服的;柔和的;减弱的 less intense; quieter. contrived ADJ. 做作的;牵强的 forced; artificial; not spontaneous. hallowed ADJ. 神圣化的 blessed; consecrated. hackneyed ADJ. 常见的;不希罕,陈腐 commonplace; trite. upbraid V. 责备 severely scold; reprimand. staid ADJ. 沉静的;安静的 sober; sedate. rabid ADJ. 狂暴的;激烈的 like a fanatic; furious. morbid ADJ. 病态的,恐怖的;喜怒无常的;不成熟的 given to unwholesome thought; moody; characteristic of disease. turbid ADJ. 浑浊的;搅动了沉淀物的 muddy; having the sediment disturbed. placid ADJ. 平静的 peacul; calm. flaccid ADJ. 软弱的;无活力的 flabby. rancid ADJ. 油脂一样腐臭的 having the odor of stale fat. viscid ADJ. 粘合的 adhesive; gluey. lucid ADJ. 明晰的;聪明的 easily understood; clear; intelligible. pellucid ADJ. 透明;清澈;明白的 transparent; limpid; easy to understand. sordid ADJ. 肮脏;卑鄙 filthy; base; vile. rigid ADJ. 刚硬的;不屈的 stiff and unyielding; strict; hard and unbending. frigid ADJ. 刺骨寒 intensely cold. turgid ADJ. 肿胀的 swollen; distended. valid ADJ. 正当的;有效的 logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable. pallid ADJ. 苍白的,惨淡的 pale; wan. stolid ADJ. 乏味的;单调的;冷漠的 dull; impassive. humid ADJ. 潮湿的 damp. anthropoid ADJ. 类人的 manlike. asteroid N. 小行星 small planet. devoid ADJ. 缺乏的 lacking. vapid ADJ. 平淡单调的;索然无味的;缺乏想象力的 dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless. intrepid ADJ. 无畏的 fearless. tepid ADJ. 冷淡的;微热的 lukewarm. insipid ADJ. 索然无味的;单调的 lacking in flavor; dull. limpid ADJ. 清澈 clear. arid ADJ. 荒芜的 dry; barren. hybrid N. 混合的,混血的 mongrel; mixed breed. acrid ADJ. 尖锐;尖酸 sharp; bitterly pungent. florid ADJ. 华丽的;红润的 ruddy; reddish; flowery. torrid ADJ. 有激情的;热带的 passionate; hot or scorching. putrid ADJ. 恶臭的;腐烂的 foul; rotten; decayed. lurid ADJ. 耸人听闻的;可怕的;惨白的;血红的 wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome. fetid ADJ. 恶臭的 malodorous. languid ADJ. 疲倦的,无精打采的 weary; sluggish; listless. avid ADJ. 贪婪 greedy; eager for. livid ADJ. 铅灰色的;青一块紫一块的;暴怒的 lead-colored; black and blue; enraged. fervid ADJ. 炙热的 ardent. piebald ADJ. 花斑的;斑驳的 mottled; spotted. ribald ADJ. 下流的;放荡的;亵渎的 wanton; profane. yield N. 产出;(投资的)回报 amount produced; crop; income on investment. yield V. 屈服;放弃 give in; surrender. scaffold N. 脚手架;绞刑架 temporary platform for workers; bracing framework; platform for execution. withhold V. 拒给;保留 ruse to give; hold back. husband V. 节约 use sparingly; conserve; save. offhand ADJ. 即时的;随意的 casual; done without prior thought. bland ADJ. 温和的 soothing or mild; agreeable. reprimand V. 谴责 reprove severely; rebuke. countermand V. 取消;废除 cancel; revoke. gourmand N. 老饕 epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink. firebrand N. 总惹麻烦的人,惹事生非者,捣乱人 hothead: troublemaker. withstand V. 抵抗;经受住 stand up against; successfully resist. legend N. 图例 explanatory list of symbols on a map. apprehend V. 逮捕;惧怕;领会 arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive. amend V. 修订,修改,变更 correct; change, generally for the better. stipend N. 薪金;津贴 pay for services. append V. 追加,附上 attach. rend V. 分开;撕开 split; tear apart. portend V. 预示 foretell; presage. distend V. 扩大;扩张 expand; swell out. rescind V. 取消 cancel. vagabond N. 流浪者 wanderer; tramp. abscond V. 隐匿,逃避,躲债 depart secretly and hide. frond N. 棕榈叶;蕨叶 fern leaf; palm or banana leaf. moribund ADJ. 垂死的 dying. dumbfound V. 使人惊讶 astonish. profound ADJ. 深刻的 deep; not superficial; complete. compound V. 混合;组合;增加 combine; constitute; pay interest; increase. propound V. 提出 put forth for analysis. slipshod ADJ. 邋遢的;慢吞吞的;漫不经心的 untidy or slovenly; shabby. prod V. 刺;刺激;激励 poke; stir up; urge. bard N. (吟游)诗人 poet. scabbard N. 剑鞘 case for a sword blade; sheath. haggard ADJ. 枯槁的;憔悴的 wasted away; gaunt. laggard ADJ. 缓慢的,迟缓的 slow; sluggish. sluggard N. 懒人 lazy person. shard N. 碎片(陶瓷的) fragment, generally of pottery. hoard V. 储藏 stockpile; accumulate for future use. vanguard N. 先驱;先锋 forerunners; advance forces. haphazard ADJ. 随机的 random; by chance. accord N. 一致 agreement. discord N. 冲突的;不和谐的 conflict; lack of harmony. ford N. 津;浅滩 place where a river can be crossed on foot. laud V. 赞美 praise. shroud V. 裹尸;隐藏 hide from view; wrap for burial. lewd ADJ. 淫荡的,下流的,好色的;猥亵的 lustful. shrewd ADJ. 精明;敏锐 clever; astute. E minutiae N. 细节;细微之处 petty details. imbibe V. 吸收 drink in. gibe V. 嘲笑 mock. ascribe V. 归因于;指派 rer; attribute; assign. circumscribe V. 限制 limit; confine. transcribe V. 复制 copy. proscribe V. 禁止 ostracize; banish; outlaw. probe V. 探测 explore with tools. dace V. 丑化 mar; disfigure. face V. 抹掉 rub out. solace N. 安慰 comfort in trouble. grimace N. 扭曲的脸;做鬼脸 a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc. embrace V. 拥抱;接受,包含 hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include. fleece V. 抢劫;诈骗 rob; plunder. fleece N. 羊毛外套 wool coat of a sheep. artifice N. 技巧;欺骗 deception; trickery. chalice N. 圣餐杯 goblet; consecrated cup. accomplice N. 共犯,同伙 partner in crime. splice V. 绑定的;联合的 fasten together; unite. precipice N. 悬崖;危险的位置 cliff; dangerous position. avarice N. 贪婪,贪财 greediness for wealth. caprice N. 反复无常;一时幻想;奇怪的想法 sudden, unexpected fancy; whim. entice V. 吸引;引诱 lure; attract; tempt. novice N. 新手 beginner. arrogance N. 傲慢,骄傲 pride; haughtiness. mischance N. 霉运;不幸 ill luck. enhance V. 增加;改进 increase; improve. diance N. 抵抗;不屈服 rusal to yield; resistance. allegiance N. 忠诚 loyalty. compliance N. 顺从 readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements. askance ADJ. 瞄,不经意的斜视 with a sideways or indirect look. imbalance N. 不平衡,不成比例 lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion. nonchalance N. 冷淡 indifference; lack of concern; composure. vigilance N. 警惕 watchfulness. surveillance N. 监视;监督 watching; guarding. countenance V. 忍受;接受 approve; tolerate. countenance N. 脸 face. sustenance N. 食物;生计 means of support, food, nourishment. ordinance N. 法令;政令 decree. dissonance N. 不和谐的(声音) discord. comeuppance N. 报应 rebuke; deserts. forbearance N. 耐心 patience. hindrance N. 障碍物 block; obstacle. protuberance N. 隆起;突出;瘤 protrusion; bulge. exuberance N. 富得流油的;精力充沛;浪费,过度 overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness. entrance V. 使其着迷;使其神志恍惚 put under a spell; carry away with emotion. remonstrance N. 抗议 protest; objection. assurance N. 担保,保证;确定;自信 promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence. malfeasance N. 渎职;不法行为 wrongdoing. reconnaissance N. 侦查 survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering. pittance N. 微薄的薪水 a small allowance or wage. nuance N. 细微差别 shade of difference in meaning or color; subtle distinction. grievance N. 委屈;冤情;不平 cause of complaint. abeyance N. 悬而未决 suspended action. conveyance N. 运输;交通工具 vehicle; transfer. cognizance N. 认知 knowledge. reticence N. 不动声色的;深藏不露的;沉默寡言的 reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to silence. fervescence N. 泡腾,沸腾;兴奋,活泼 inner excitement or exuberance; bubbling from fermentation or carbonation. reminiscence N. 怀旧;回想 recollection. cadence N. 平仄,重音 rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds); beat. decadence N. 颓废;腐坏 decay. incidence N. 发生;发生率;影响的范围、频度;入射角;关联,相结合,对接 rate of occurrence; particular occurrence. coincidence N. 巧合 two or more things occurring at the same time by chance. impudence N. 无礼;厚颜无耻 impertinence; insolence. jurisprudence N. 法学 science of law. negligence N. 疏忽,没能尽力的 neglect; failure to take reasonable care. intransigence N. 不妥协;不让步 rusal of any compromise; stubbornness. ambience N. 环境 environment; atmosphere. prescience N. 预示能力 ability to foretell the future. ambivalence N. 矛盾的观点或情绪 the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes. insolence N. 傲慢 impudent disrespect; haughtiness. turbulence N. 湍流;骚乱;动荡 state of violent agitation. truculence N. 野蛮;粗鲁 aggressiveness; ferocity. opulence N. 奢华;巨富;富裕,富足 extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance. abstinence N. 节制(饮食) restraint from eating or drinking. derence N. 尊重的,尊重他人的 courteous regard for another&aposs wish. irreverence N. 不尊敬的 lack of proper respect. quintessence N. 精粹;精华 purest and highest embodiment. subsistence N. 存在;生存 existence; means of support; livelihood. affluence N. 富足,财富 abundance; wealth. eloquence N. 雄辩;修辞 expressiveness; persuasive speech. evince V. 表示 show clearly. wince V. 退缩 shrink back; flinch. ensconce V. 安排妥当 settle comfortably. denounce V. 咒骂;批评 condemn; criticize. renounce V. 放弃;断绝关系 abandon; disown; repudiate. farce N. 闹剧;嘲笑 broad comedy; mockery. acquiesce V. 默许 assent; agree without protesting. coalesce V. 接合 combine; fuse. traduce V. 诽谤;中伤 expose to slander. induce V. 劝诱;导致,引起 persuade; bring about. facade N. 正面的;表面的,肤浅的 front (of building); superficial or false appearance. barricade N. 屏障;障碍物 hastily put together densive barrier; obstacle. cavalcade N. 队伍 procession; parade. arcade N. 拱廊 a covered passageway, usually lined with shops. cascade N. 小瀑布 small waterfall. renegade N. 变节者 deserter; traitor. accolade N. 出名的大奖 award of merit. escapade N. 胡闹;奇怪、出格的行为 prank; flighty conduct. abrade V. 磨损,侵蚀 wear away by friction; scrape; erode. centigrade ADJ. 华氏 measure of temperature used widely in Europe. retrograde V. 倒退的 go backwards; degenerate. tirade N. 长篇慷慨激昂的演说 extended scolding; denunciation; harangue. dissuade V. 劝阻;使灰心 persuade not to do; discourage. cede V. 放弃;屈服于;投降 yield (title, territory) to; surrender formally. accede V. 同意 agree. antecede V. 先于 precede. concede V. 勉强,让步,屈从 admit; yield. impede V. 阻止;拖延 hinder; block; delay. supersede V. 取代;推迟 cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete. chide V. 斥责 scold. deride V. 打趣;取消 ridicule; make fun of. subside V. 下沉;平息;减退 settle down; descend; grow quiet. bode V. 预兆 foreshadow; portend. mode N. 时尚;方式;模式 prevailing style; manner; way of doing something. erode V. 侵蚀 eat away. corrode V. 腐蚀 destroy by chemical action. horde N. 拥挤 crowd. preclude V. 消灭;杜绝 make impossible; eliminate. delude V. 盅惑 deceive. prelude N. 序;先驱;先导 introduction; forerunner. allude V. 暗指 rer indirectly. prude N. 规矩的人;正经人;故作正经的人 excessively modest person. obtrude V. 插手,强入,冲出 push (oneself or one&aposs ideas) forward or intrude; butt in; stick out or extrude. intrude V. 强挤入,侵入;强加于人 trespass; enter as an uninvited person. protrude V. 突出 stick out. extrude V. 挤压,逼 force or push out. quietude N. 平静;宁静 tranquility. verisimilitude N. 逼真 appearance of truth; likelihood. solitude N. 独身 state of being alone; seclusion. plenitude N. 充分,富足 abundance; completeness. magnitude N. 巨大的,大数量级的 greatness; extent. decrepitude N. 衰老;老耄 state of collapse caused by illness or old age. turpitude N. 奸恶;卑鄙 depravity. pulchritude N. 美丽;标致 beauty; comeliness. lassitude N. 疲乏 languor; weariness. vicissitude N. 转运 change of fortune. beatitude N. 祝福 blessedness; state of bliss. latitude N. 范围 freedom from narrow limitations. platitude N. 陈词滥调 trite remark; commonplace statement. rectitude N. 垂直;正直;公正 uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment. aptitude N. 能力,才能 fitness; talent. certitude N. 确实 certainty. fortitude N. 勇敢的 bravery; courage. servitude N. 奴隶身份;苦工 slavery; compulsory labor. exude V. 卸下,流出 discharge; give forth. apogee N. 顶点 highest point. devotee N. 热心的追随者 enthusiastic follower. marquee N. 建筑物入口处的雨棚,遮蔽物 canopy above an entrance, under which one can take shelter; rooflike shelter above a theater entrance. chafe V. 摩擦;擦热 warm by rubbing; make sore (by rubbing). vouchsafe V. 允许;赐予 grant; choose to give in reply; permit. gaffe N. 失态;出丑 social blunder. rife ADJ. 普遍的 abundant; current. adage N. 格言,谚语 wise saying; proverb. lineage N. 血统 descent; ancestry. engage V. 吸引;雇佣;答应;结合;订婚 attract; hire; pledge oneself; confront. disengage V. 脱离;分离 uncouple; separate; disconnect. verbiage N. 空话;大话 pompous array of words. foliage N. 树叶 masses of leaves. tutelage N. 监护 guardianship; training. camouflage V. 伪装 disguise; conceal. pillage V. 掠夺 plunder. collage N. 拼贴画 work of art put together from fragments. rummage V. 到处翻寻 ransack; thoroughly search. homage N. 敬意 honor; tribute. plumage N. 鸟类的羽毛 feathers of a bird. badinage N. 开玩笑,揶揄;取消 teasing conversation. espionage N. 间谍行为 Spying. carnage N. 残杀;大屠杀 destruction of life. disparage V. 忽略,轻视 belittle. mirage N. 曲解;海市蜃楼;虚影 unreal rlection; optical illusion. barrage N. 弹幕,火力网 barrier laid down by artillery fire. entourage N. 随从,随行人员 group of attendants; retinue. sage N. 智者;圣人 person celebrated for wisdom. presage V. 预示 foretell. hermitage N. 隐居的居所 home of a hermit. vantage N. 优势 position giving an advantage. montage N. 蒙太奇 photographic composition combining elements from different sources. assuage V. 减轻(痛苦);满足(饥渴);安慰 ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger). salvage V. 补救;抢救;打捞;营救 rescue from loss. acknowledge V. 认可,承认 recognize; admit. abridge V. 删节,节选 condense or shorten. dislodge V. 强制移除 remove (forcibly). hodgepodge N. 大杂烩 jumble; mixture of ill-suited elements. begrudge V. 愤恨;嫉妒 resent. besiege V. 围攻 surround with armed forces; harass (with requests). allege V. 断言 state without proof. renege V. 食言;反悔;否认;翻供 deny; go back on. protege N. 被保护人 person receiving protection and support from a patron. prestige N. 声望;威信 impression produced by achievements or reputation. vestige N. 遗迹;痕迹;残留物 trace; remains. divulge V. 揭开,暴露 reveal. avenge V. 复仇 take vengeance for something (or on behalf of someone). scavenge V. 腐食;打扫 hunt through discarded materials for usable items; search, especially for food. impinge V. 撞击;碰撞 infringe; touch;. lunge V. 突进,刺,冲 quick forward dive or reach; thrust. expunge V. 取消,去除,排除 cancel; remove. verge N. 边界 border; edge. diverge V. 多样的;各异的 vary; go in different directions from the same point. converge V. 聚合;接近 approach; tend to meet; come together. gorge N. 峡谷 small, steep-walled canyon. gorge V. 狼吞虎咽 stuff oneself. disgorge V. 吐出,涌出,呕吐 surrender something; eject; vomit. scourge N. 鞭笞;蹂躏 lash; whip; severe punishment. purge V. 净化;清除;拉肚子 remove or get rid of something unwanted; free from blame or guilt; cleanse or purify. resurge V. 复活 rise again; flow to and fro. subterfuge N. 借口;托辞 pretense; evasion. deluge N. 冲(水)(刺) flood; rush. gouge V. 挖出;撕下 tear out. cache N. 藏身之处 hiding place. panache N. 华丽 flair; flamboyance. cliche N. 陈词滥调 phrase dulled in meaning by repetition. pastiche N. 摹写;模仿 imitation of another&aposs style in musical composition or in writing. avalanche N. 雪崩 great mass of falling snow and ice. gauche ADJ. 粗笨的,粗糙的 clumsy; coarse and uncouth. psyche N. 灵魂 soul; mind. catastrophe N. 灾难 calamity; disaster. sheathe V. 插入鞘 place into a case. loathe V. 厌恶;增武 detest. swathe V. 包装物;绷带 wrap around; bandage. seethe V. 扰乱的;沸腾 be disturbed; boil. lithe ADJ. 柔软的 flexible; supple. blithe ADJ. 欢乐,高兴 gay; joyous; heedless.


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