

SAT考试巴朗3500单词 L.

2017/08/05 23:00:53 编辑: 浏览次数:232 移动端

L cabal N. 内阁 small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests. maniacal ADJ. 疯狂的;无理智的 raging mad; insane. methodical ADJ. 方法论的;系统化的 systematic. pontifical ADJ. 教皇的;主教的 pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious. pathological ADJ. 病理学 related to the study of disease; diseased or markedly abnormal. physiological ADJ. 生理学的 pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms. tautological ADJ. 同义反复的 needlessly repetitious. metallurgical ADJ. 冶金的 pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores. diabolical ADJ. 恶魔的 devilish. polemical ADJ. 辩论的,好辩的 aggressive in verbal attack; disputatious. inimical ADJ. 不友好的;敌意的;有害的 unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental. astronomical ADJ. 巨大,广阔 enormously large or extensive. cynical ADJ. 愤世嫉俗 skeptical or distrustful of human motives. atypical ADJ. 非正常的,不正常 not normal. chimerical ADJ. 不现实,空想 fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative. empirical ADJ. 经验主义 based on experience. satirical ADJ. 嘲弄的 mocking. categorical ADJ. 无条件;直截了当 without exceptions; unqualified; absolute. rhetorical ADJ. 修辞色彩的;花言巧语的 pertaining to fective communication; insincere in language. lackadaisical ADJ. 懒洋洋的,没上进心的 lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; languid. whimsical ADJ. 无常的;古怪的 capricious; fanciful. metaphysical ADJ. 形而上学的 pertaining to speculative philosophy. practical ADJ. 有用的;经验的;实践证明的 based on experience; usul. hypothetical ADJ. 基于假设的,设想的,假想的 based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed. theoretical ADJ. 理论的 not practical or applied; hypothetical. apolitical ADJ. 不问政治的 having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs. hypocritical ADJ. 伪善;欺骗 pretending to be virtuous; deceiving. hypercritical ADJ. 及其夸张 excessively exacting. elliptical ADJ. 椭圆的;有意模棱两可的 oval; ambiguous, either purposely or because key words have been lt out. egotistical ADJ. 极度自我中心;自以为是,逞能 excessively self-centered; self-important; conceited. nautical ADJ. 航海的 pertaining to ships or navigation. quizzical ADJ. 古怪的;嘲弄的;令人好奇的 teasing; bantering; mocking; curious. reciprocal ADJ. 互相的;互动的;互惠的 mutual; exchangeable; interacting. equivocal ADJ. 蓄意误导;含混,模棱两可 ambiguous; intentionally misleading. unequivocal ADJ. 明白清楚的 plain; obvious; unmistakable. ordeal N. 严酷的考验;折磨 severe trial or affliction. piecemeal ADV. 一次一个的,逐个的;渐渐的;碎的 one piece at a time; gradually. repeal V. 废除;撤除 revoke; annul. ethereal ADJ. 轻的,空气的;像天堂的 light; heavenly; unusually rined. corporeal ADJ. 肉体的,物质的 bodily; material. incorporeal ADJ. 非物质的,无形的;无实体的 lacking a material body; insubstantial. zeal N. 热心;热诚 eager enthusiasm. regal ADJ. 皇家的 royal. prodigal ADJ. 浪费的 wastul; reckless with money. madrigal N. 小曲;牧歌 pastoral song. centrifugal ADJ. 离心;放射 radiating; departing from the center. apocryphal ADJ. 假的,捏造的 untrue; made up. marshal V. 排序;整理 put in order. lethal ADJ. 致命的 deadly. glacial ADJ. 冰河的,冰川的 like a glacier; extremely cold. benicial ADJ. 有用的 helpful; usul. superficial ADJ. 肤浅的;浅薄的 trivial; shallow. provincial ADJ. 省级的;视野不宽的;简单的 pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated. remedial ADJ. 治疗的,补救的 curative; corrective. cordial ADJ. 亲切;衷心 gracious; heartfelt. primordial ADJ. 原始的;与时间同在的 existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary. parochial ADJ. 狭小的,地方的 narrow in outlook; provincial; related to parishes. filial ADJ. 子女的 pertaining to a son or daughter. menial ADJ. 仆人的;卑贱的 suitable for servants; lowly; mean. venial ADJ. 可宽恕的 forgivable; trivial. biennial ADJ. 两年一度 every two years. perennial N. 终年的;永久的 something that is continuing or recurrent. marsupial N. 有袋哺乳动物(袋鼠、袋熊、袋狼) one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch. actuarial ADJ. 保险精算的,精算 calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics. imperial ADJ. 帝王的;皇帝的 like an emperor; related to an empire. material ADJ. 物质的;重要的 made of physical matter; unspiritual; important. sartorial ADJ. 裁缝的;缝纫机的;缝匠肌的 pertaining to tailors. terrestrial ADJ. 地的;地球的 earthly (as opposed to celestial); pertaining to the land. mercurial ADJ. 善变的;无常的 capricious; changing; fickle. spatial ADJ. 空间的 relating to space. substantial ADJ. 坚实的;充实的 ample; solid; in essentials. insubstantial ADJ. 无实体的,虚无的;脆弱的,不坚固的 lacking substance; insignificant; frail. tangential ADJ. 外围的;切线的 peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing. potential ADJ. 潜在的 expressing possibility; latent. inconsequential ADJ. 不合理的,不重要的 insignificant; unimportant. nuptial ADJ. 婚姻的 related to marriage. martial ADJ. 好战的;尚武的 warlike. partial ADJ. 不完善的;偏爱的 incomplete; having a liking for something. impartial ADJ. 公平的 not biased; fair. bestial ADJ. 残忍的 beastlike; brutal. celestial ADJ. 天体的 heavenly. colloquial ADJ. 口语的 pertaining to conversational or common speech. trivial ADJ. 不重要的 unimportant; trifling. convivial ADJ. 欢乐;高兴 festive; gay; characterized by joviality. jovial ADJ. 天性善良的;好的;高兴的,愉快的 good-natured; merry. infinitesimal ADJ. 微小的 very small. mammal N. 哺乳动物 a vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young. thermal ADJ. 热的;热学的 pertaining to heat. informal ADJ. 非正式的;不拘礼节的 absence of ceremony; casual. abysmal ADJ. 无底的 bottomless. banal ADJ. 平凡,陈腐,老生常谈 hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality. arsenal N. 军火库 storage place for military equipment. venal ADJ. 贪污的 capable of being bribed. cardinal ADJ. 主要的 chi. aboriginal ADJ. , N. subliminal ADJ. 低于极限的;下意识的 below the threshold. nominal ADJ. 有名无实的,名存实亡的;名义上的 in name only; trifling. germinal ADJ. 未成熟的,幼芽的 pertaining to a germ; creative. provisional ADJ. 临时的 tentative. irrational ADJ. 无理的,缺乏逻辑的;不理智的 illogical; lacking reason; insane. conventional ADJ. 典型的;普通的 ordinary; typical. optional ADJ. 可选的 not obligatory; lt to one&aposs choice. carnal ADJ. 肉体的;欲望的 fleshly. hibernal ADJ. 冬天的 wintry. infernal ADJ. 魔鬼的,地狱的 pertaining to hell; devilish. maternal ADJ. 母性的 motherly. diurnal ADJ. 日常的 daily. nocturnal ADJ. 夜的 done at night. communal ADJ. 公共的 held in common; of a group of people. cerebral ADJ. 脑的;智力的 pertaining to the brain or intellect. visceral ADJ. 内脏的 felt in one&aposs inner organs. feral ADJ. 野生的,未驯服的 not domestic; wild. peripheral ADJ. 外围的 marginal; outer. bicameral ADJ. 两院制的(参,众) two-chambered, as a legislative body. ephemeral ADJ. 朝生暮死,短暂,短命 short-lived; fleeting. lateral ADJ. 侧面的,侧向的 coming from the side. collateral N. 抵押品 security given for loan. integral ADJ. 一体的,完整的 complete; necessary for completeness. amoral ADJ. 不道德的 nonmoral. temporal ADJ. 暂时的 not lasting forever; limited by time; secular. auroral ADJ. 曙光的,极光的 pertaining to the aurora borealis. pastoral ADJ. 田园的;乡下的 rural. astral ADJ. 关于星的 relating to the stars. neutral ADJ. 中型的;自然的;中庸的,公允的 impartial; not supporting one side over another. mural N. 壁画 wall painting. preternatural ADJ. 超自然的 beyond what is normal in nature. horticultural ADJ. 园艺的 pertaining to cultivation of gardens. reprisal N. 报复 retaliation. universal ADJ. 通用的 characterizing or affecting all; present everywhere. colossal ADJ. 巨大 huge. causal ADJ. 因果关系的 implying a cause-and-fect relationship. arousal N. 觉醒;激励 awakening; provocation (of a response). centripetal ADJ. 向心 tending toward the center. marital ADJ. 婚姻的 pertaining to marriage. vital ADJ. 重要的;生命的;生机的 vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing. incidental ADJ. 不重要的;少数的 not essential; minor. fundamental V. 基本的,基础的 basic; primary; essential. detrimental ADJ. 有害的 harmful; damaging. monumental ADJ. 雄伟的;厚重的;结实的;纪念的 massive. pivotal ADJ. 关键的 crucial; key; vital. noncommittal ADJ. 不明朗的,不表态的;中庸的,未决的 neutral; unpledged; undecided. acquittal N. 无罪开释 deliverance from a charge. rebuttal N. 驳斥;举反证 rutation; response with contrary evidence. multilingual ADJ. 多语种的 having many languages. sensual ADJ. 感官的;肉欲的;感官论的 devoted to the pleasures of the senses; carnal; voluptuous. fectual ADJ. 有效的 able to produce a desired fect; valid. infectual ADJ. 无效的,弱的 not fective; weak. perpetual ADJ. 永久的 everlasting. virtual ADJ. 有效的;实质的;虚的 in essence; for practical purposes. libel N. 诽谤;中伤 damatory statement; act of writing something that smears a person&aposs character. citadel N. 大本营 fortress. infidel N. 异教徒,异端;不信宗教的 unbeliever. genteel ADJ. 上流的 well-bred; elegant. pummel V. 用拳头打 beat or pound with fists. sentinel N. 哨兵 sentry; lookout. kernel N. 核心的 central or vital part; whole seed (as of corn). repel V. 撤退;退却 drive away; disgust. impel V. 驱使 drive or force onward. dispel V. 散开;分裂;消失 scatter; drive away; cause to vanish. doggerel N. 打油诗 poor verse. wastrel N. 废物;饭桶;放荡的人 profligate. chisel N. 凿子 wedgelike tool for cutting. chisel V. 欺骗 swindle or cheat; cut with a chisel. gruel V. 稀粥;极度紧张 liquid food made by boiling oatmeal, etc. gavel N. 棒槌 hammerlike tool; mallet. ravel V. 使混乱;解开混乱,解决混乱 fall apart into tangles; unravel or untwist; entangle. unravel V. 拆开;解决 disentangle; solve. snivel V. 流鼻涕;啜泣;鼻子一把泪一把 run at the nose; snuffle; whine. drivel N. 胡言乱语;愚蠢 nonsense; foolishness. hovel N. 小屋 shack; small, wretched house. grovel V. 趴,匍匐 crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate. rail V. 责骂;斥责;咆哮 scold; rant. frail ADJ. 弱的 weak. assail V. 攻击 assault. entail V. 要求,需要;牵涉到 require; necessitate; involve. curtail V. 减短;降低 shorten; reduce. quail V. 懦弱;胆怯 cower; lose heart. travail N. 辛苦劳作 painful labor. prevail V. 导致,促使;击败;盛行 induce; triumph over. codicil N. 遗嘱的附录 supplement to the body of a will. foil N. 烘托;衬托 contrast. foil V. 打击;打败,挫败 deat; frustrate. turmoil N. 骚动;混乱 great commotion and confusion. despoil V. 掠夺 plunder. roil V. 搅动(使水变浑);激怒 to make liquids murky by stirring up sediment. embroil V. 连累,牵连;使其混乱,麻烦缠身 throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle. cavil V. 挑剔 make frivolous objections. Civil ADJ. 民事的;国民的 having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite. catcall N. 嘘声 shout of disapproval; boo. windfall N. 横财 unexpected lucky event. pitfall N. 缺陷 hidden danger; concealed trap. gall V. 惹恼;侮辱 annoy; chafe. gall N. 痛苦;烦恼;恼怒 bitterness; nerve. pall V. 厌烦,腻味 grow tiresome. appall V. 使惊慌,震惊 dismay; shock. enthrall V. 俘获 capture; enslave. forestall V. 预防 prevent by taking action in advance. fell V. 放倒,打倒 cut or knock down; bring down (with a missile). fell ADJ. 凶猛的,致命的 cruel; deadly. quell V. 扑灭;镇压;平息 extinguish; put down; quiet. grill V. 盘问 question severely. distill V. 蒸馏;萃取,提炼,提纯 extract the essence; purify; rine. swill V. 痛饮 drink greedily. loll V. 懒洋洋的坐或靠 lounge about. knoll N. 小山包 little round hill. droll ADJ. 滑稽可笑;离奇古怪,怪里怪气 queer and amusing. lull N. 平静,安静,暂停,短暂的平息 moment of calm. lull V. 安抚,平静;换取信任,使其失去警惕 soothe; cause one to relax one&aposs guard; subside. protocol N. 协议 diplomatic etiquette. extol V. 赞美 praise; glorify. maul V. 粗手粗脚的处理 handle roughly. balul ADJ. 恶意的,有害的 deadly; having a malign influence; ominous. dolul ADJ. 悲伤 sorrowful. slothful ADJ. 懒的 lazy. bountiful ADJ. 富足的;慷慨的 abundant; graciously generous. dutiful ADJ. 恭敬的;尊重的 respectful; obedient. willful ADJ. 顽固的;故意的 intentional; headstrong. insightful ADJ. 有洞察力的 discerning; perceptive. fitful ADJ. 断断续续;间歇 spasmodic; intermittent. wistful ADJ. 渴望的 vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful. annul v. 避免 make void. pterodactyl N. 翼龙 extinct flying reptile.


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