

SAT巴朗3500词汇表 M-N.

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M beam N. 光束;铁梁,木梁;一束电波 ray of light; long piece of metal or wood; course of a radio signal. sham V. 佯装;假的;赝品 pretend. epigram N. 警句;讽刺民谣 witty thought or saying, usually short. esteem V. 尊重;估价 respect; value. stratagem N. 计谋;战略 deceptive scheme. anthem N. 圣歌,赞美诗 song of praise or patriotism. requiem N. 安灵弥撒;安灵歌,挽歌 mass for the dead; dirge. stem V. 制止流出 check the flow. paradigm N. 典范;模式 model; example; pattern. acclaim V. 赞扬,表扬 applaud; announce with great approval. exclaim V. 呼喊,大叫 cry out suddenly. maim V. 伤害 mutilate; injure. interim N. 临时的;间歇的 meantime. prim ADJ. 整洁的;精准的,精确的 very precise and formal; exceedingly proper. verbatim ADV. 逐字的 word for word. maxim N. 至理名言;格言 proverb; a truth pithily stated. balm N. (止痛的)安慰物 something that relieves pain. realm N. 领域 kingdom; field or sphere. random ADJ. 随机的 without dinite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard. fathom V. 领会;调查,测量 comprehend; investigate. idiom N. 习语;成语 expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive style. axiom N. 公理,自明的道理 self-evident truth requiring no proof. venom N. 毒液;恶毒 poison; hatred. loom V. 织布机 appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged or distorted form). mushroom V. 膨胀,迅速生长 expand or grow rapidly. stem from V. 起因于 arise from. maelstrom N. 漩涡 whirlpool. buxom ADJ. 丰满;充满活力;欢快 plump; vigorous; jolly. swarm N. 一大群;挤满,占满,蜂拥 dense moving crowd; large group of honeybees. pachyderm N. 皮厚的动物(如大象) thick-skinned animal. multiform ADJ. 多态的 having many forms. sarcasm N. 挖苦;讽刺 scornful remarks; stinging rebuke. chasm N. 深渊 abyss. solecism N. 语法错误;谬误 construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically. fanaticism N. 狂热的,盲目的 excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a beli or cause. witticism N. 俏皮话 witty saying; wisecrack. neologism N. 新生词 new or newly coined word or phrase. catechism N. 教义问答手册;FAQ,Q&A book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer. schism N. 分离 division; split. materialism N. 唯物主义 preoccupation with physical comforts and things. fatalism N. 宿命论 beli that events are determined by forces beyond one&aposs control. parallelism N. 平行状态;相似的 state of being parallel; similarity. euphemism N. 委婉的表达 mild expression in place of an unpleasant one. pessimism N. 悲观主义者 beli that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess. antagonism N. 反抗,敌对 hostility; active resistance. egoism N. 自我中心,利己主义 excessive interest in one&aposs self; beli that one should be interested in one&aposs self rather than in others. escapism N. 逃避现实,纸醉金迷 avoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements. malapropism N. 可笑的用词错误 comic misuse of a word. plagiarism N. 剽窃 tht of another&aposs ideas or writings passed off as original. aphorism N. 格言,警句,谚语 pithy maxim. astigmatism N. 散光 eye dect that prevents proper focus. nepotism N. 偏袒的人(亲戚) favoritism (to a relative). truism N. 真实性 self-evident truth. atavism N. 反祖;隔代遗传 resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; dormity returning after passage of two or more generations. recidivism N. 累犯;惯犯 habitual return to crime. microcosm N. 微观世界 small world; the world in miniature. cataclysm N. 巨变;剧变;灾难 upheaval; deluge. paroxysm N. 突然一阵的,突发的(痛苦,笑,愤怒) fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage. modicum N. 少量 limited quantity. addendum N. 附加,补充 an addition or supplement. odium N. 讨厌;憎恶 detestation; hatulness; disrepute. podium N. 指挥台;检阅台 pedestal; raised platform. encomium N. 赞美之词 high praise; eulogy. pandemonium N. 喧嚣;混乱 wild tumult. equilibrium N. 平衡 balance. delirium N. 精神错乱 mental disorder marked by confusion. moratorium N. 延期偿还 legal delay of payment. phylum N. 门;语群 major class of plants; primary branch of animal kingdom; division. asylum N. 庇护所 place of ruge or shelter; protection. optimum ADJ. 最优的 most favorable. fulcrum N. (杠杆的)支点 support on which a lever rests. humdrum ADJ. 单调的 dull; monotonous. conundrum N. 谜语 riddle. decorum N. 礼貌;温文尔雅 propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners. forum N. 论坛 place of assembly to discuss public concerns; meeting for discussion. quorum N. 法定人数 number of members necessary to conduct a meeting. spectrum N. 光谱 colored band produced when beam of light passes through a prism. tantrum N. 发脾气;暴怒 fit of petulance; caprice. rostrum N. 演讲台;讲道坛 platform for speech-making; pulpit. stratum N. 地层;社会阶层 layer of earth&aposs surface; layer of society. arboretum N. 植物园 place where different tree varieties are exhibited. momentum N. 动量;动力 quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus. pseudonym N. 假名;笔名 pen name.

N paean N. 欢乐歌;赞美歌 song of praise or joy. demean V. 降级;贬低 degrade; humiliate. protean ADJ. 变化多端的 versatile; able to take on many shapes. wean V. 断奶;丢弃 accustom a baby to not nurse; give up a cherished activity. amphibian ADJ. 两栖的 able to live both on land and in water. pediatrician N. 儿科专家 expert in children&aposs diseases. patrician ADJ. 贵族的 noble; aristocratic. obstetrician N. 妇产科医师 physician specializing in delivery of babies. optician N. 眼镜商 maker and seller of eyeglasses. mortician N. 殡仪业者 undertaker. ruffian N. 流氓;恶棍;痞子 bully; scoundrel. bacchanalian ADJ. 喝醉的,耍酒疯 drunken. bohemian ADJ. 不合习俗;放荡不羁 unconventional (in an artistic way). simian ADJ. 像猴的 monkeylike. draconian ADJ. 极其严重 extremely severe. thespian ADJ. 戏剧的 pertaining to drama. agrarian ADJ. 耕地的,耕种的 pertaining to land or its cultivation. sectarian ADJ. 宗派主义的;地区主义的;宗派主义者;狭窄的 relating to a religious faction or subgroup; narrow-minded; limited. proletarian N. 无产阶级的;蓝领的 member of the working class; blue collar person. authoritarian ADJ. 独裁 subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another&aposs will. pedestrian ADJ. 没有想象力的,普通的 ordinary; unimaginative. equestrian N. 骑师 rider on horseback. lilliputian ADJ. 极小的 extremely small. antediluvian ADJ. 远古,上古,及其久远 antiquated; extremely ancient. talisman N. 护身符;避邪物 charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune. bemoan V. 哀叹,悲伤 lament; express disapproval of. pan V. 剧烈批评;猛烈抨击 criticize harshly. deadpan ADJ. 没有表情的;呆板的 wooden; impersonal. artisan N. 工匠 manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist. partisan ADJ. 一边倒的 one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party. charlatan N. 吹牛 quack; pretender to knowledge. cosmopolitan ADJ. 世界主义 sophisticated. spartan ADJ. 刚毅的;朴素的;纪律严格的;斯巴达的 avoiding luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined. gargantuan ADJ. 巨大的 huge; enormous. wan ADJ. 苍白的 having a pale or sickly color; pallid. sodden ADJ. 湿透的 soaked; dull, as if from drink. careen V. 倾斜 lurch; sway from side to side. preen V. 把自己打扮漂亮;自我满足;鸟类用嘴梳理羽毛 make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction. ashen ADJ. 灰色 ash-colored. slacken V. 放松;放慢 slow up; loosen. outspoken ADJ. 坦率直言的 candid; blunt. betoken V. 预示;表示 signify; indicate. regimen N. 摄生法 prescribed diet and habits. acumen N. 思想敏锐 mental keenness. barren ADJ. 荒芜的,贫瘠的 desolate; fruitless and unproductive; lacking. molten ADJ. 融化了的 melted. dishearten V. 挫败 discourage; cause to lose courage or hope. chasten V. 磨练 discipline; punish in order to correct. leaven V. 发酵 cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven. yen N. 渴望;瘾 longing; urge. brazen ADJ. 厚颜无耻;傲慢 insolent. bedizen V. 俗丽,俗气 dress with vulgar finery. denizen N. 居民;常客 inhabitant or resident; regular visitor. arraign V. 传讯;责问 charge in court; indict. deign V. 屈服,屈尊 condescend; stoop. feign V. 假装;捏造 pretend. sovereign ADJ. 君主的;至高无上的 ficacious; supreme or paramount; selfgoverning. malign V. 毒辣的言语;诽谤 speak evil of; bad-mouth; dame. benign ADJ. 良性的,好的;和蔼可亲的 kindly; favorable; not malignant. impugn V. 打击;挑战 dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); challenge; gainsay. ordain V. 指定;规定;任命;命令 decree or command; grant holy orders; predestine. disdain V. 蔑视 view with scorn or contempt. legerdemain N. 戏法;花招 sleight of hand. rrain V. 抵制;抵抗;远离,节制 abstain from; resist. retain V. 保持;使用 keep; employ. ascertain V. 确认,确证 find out for certain. abstain V. 控制,限制(自己) rrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice. sustain V. 支撑;延续 experience; support; nourish. attain V. 获得;完成 achieve or accomplish; gain. maudlin ADJ. 多愁善感 fusively sentimental. coin V. 铸币;发明;杜撰 make coins; invent or fabricate. linchpin N. 关键 something that holds or links various parts together. chagrin N. 伤自尊;委屈 vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride); disappointment. icon N. 偶像,象征;图标 religious image; idol. lexicon N. 字典 dictionary. don V. 穿上 put on. cordon N. 警戒线 extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress. eon N. 时代 long period of time; an age. bludgeon N. 大头狼牙棒 club; heavy-headed weapon. curmudgeon N. 脾气坏;吝啬 churlish, miserly individual. burgeon V. 发芽,成长 grow forth; send out buds. chameleon N. 变色龙 lizard that changes color in different situations. galleon N. 大帆船 large sailing ship. paragon N. 模范 model of perfection. jargon N. 黑话,行话,胡话 language used by a special group; technical terminology; gibberish. coercion N. 威逼,强迫 use of force to get someone to obey. bullion N. 金条,银条 gold and silver in the form of bars. champion V. 拥护 support militantly. centurion N. 百夫长 Roman army officer. cohesion N. 内聚力;黏度 tendency to keep together. repulsion N. 排斥;反驳 distaste; act of driving back. revulsion N. 剧变(情感的);抽回;收手 sudden violent change of feeling; reaction. apprehension N. 害怕 fear. misapprehension N. 错误;误解 error; misunderstanding. aversion N. 厌恶,抵制 firm dislike. diversion N. 转移;解闷 act of turning aside; pastime. incursion N. 袭击 temporary invasion. cession N. 给与;割让 yielding to another; ceding. recession N. 撤退 withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity. secession N. 撤退;脱离 withdrawal. concession N. 让步 an act of yielding. transgression N. 犯罪 violation of a law; sin. remission N. 减轻,缓解;宽恕 temporary moderation of disease symptoms; cancellation of a debt; forgiveness or pardon. percussion ADJ. 打击 striking one object against another sharply. repercussion N. 反弹;弹回 rebound; reverberation; reaction. fusion N. 熔合;熔接 union; coalition. infusion N. 灌输;浸泡;注入 act of introducing or instilling a quality; liquid solution. profusion N. 过量;过剩 overabundance; lavish expenditure; excess. seclusion N. 隔离 isolation; solitude. delusion N. 错觉 false beli; hallucination. allusion N. 暗指,暗示 indirect rerence. illusion N. 幻觉 misleading vision. collusion N. 勾结 Conspiring in a fraudulent scheme. contusion N. 擦伤;撞伤 bruise. approbation N. 同意,批准 approval. ramification N. 分支;分叉 branching out; subdivision. justification N. 有理,正当;辩护;释罪 good or just reason; dense; excuse. implication N. 含义;暗示 something hinted at or suggested. application N. 勤奋的付出 diligent attention. avocation N. 副业,业余爱好 secondary or minor occupation. invocation N. 祈祷 prayer for help; calling upon as a rerence or support. altercation N. 大声争吵,激烈争论 noisy quarrel; heated dispute. degradation N. 降级;降格;退化 humiliation; debasement; degeneration. depredation N. 掠夺 plundering.

trepidation N. 惧怕 fear; nervous apprehension. emendation N. 改进;修订 correction of errors; improvement. abnegation N. 批判,自我牺牲 repudiation; self-sacrifice. litigation N. 诉讼 lawsuit. retaliation N. 报仇 repayment in kind (usually for bad treatment). affiliation N. 联合,加入 joining; associating with. correlation N. 相互的关系 mutual relationship. jubilation N. 庆祝 rejoicing. appellation N. 名字,标题 name; title. extrapolation N. 推测,推断 projection; conjecture. ejaculation N. 迸出;惊叹 exclamation. gesticulation N. 动作;手势 motion; gesture. adulation N. 奉承,恭维 flattery; admiration. summation N. 结算;累计;总结 act of finding the total; summary. affirmation N. 正面肯定,确认 positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who ruses to take an oath. indignation N. 义愤;愤慨 anger at an injustice. ratiocination N. 推理;推论 reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises. hallucination N. 幻觉,幻想 delusion. ordination N. 圣职授任;委任 ceremony making someone a minister. insubordination N. 反抗,不屈 disobedience; rebelliousness. disinclination N. 不情愿,厌恶 unwillingness. recrimination N. 反责;反击 countercharges. termination N. 结束 end. determination N. 决定;测量,计算;解决 resolve; measurement or calculation; decision. peregrination N. 旅程;旅行 journey. coronation N. 加冕 ceremony of crowning a queen or king. detonation N. 引爆,爆炸 explosion. incarnation N. 化身;具人形 act of assuming a human body and human nature. reparation N. 修订;弥补;补偿 amends; compensation. cerebration N. 思考 thought. laceration N. 破口 torn, ragged wound. proliferation N. 迅速增长,倍增;扩散 rapid growth; spread; multiplication. agglomeration N. 聚集,累积 collection; heap. alliteration N. 头韵 repetition of beginning sound in poetry. respiration N. 呼吸;呼吸作用;呼气 breathing; exhalation. elaboration N. 细节;复杂 addition of details; intricacy. duration N. 持续时间 length of time something lasts. cessation N. 停止 stoppage. meditation N. 沉思冥想 rlection; thought. incantation N. 咒语 singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula. indentation N. 槽;小开口 notch; deep recess. orientation N. 定位(在社会上) act of finding oneself in society. denotation N. 指示;根据名字区别 meaning; distinguishing by name. dissertation N. 论文(博士生) formal essay. incrustation N. 驻扎 hard coating or crust. privation N. 困难,困苦;短缺,缺少 hardship; want. ovation N. 热情洋溢的喝彩 enthusiastic applause. innovation N. 发明;变革 change; introduction of something new. faction N. 派别;内讧;纠纷 party; clique; dissension. rraction N. (光线的)折射,弯曲 bending of a ray of light. infraction N. 打破(常规) violation (of a rule or regulation); breach. detraction N. 诽谤 slandering; aspersion. dection N. 缺点;逃跑,叛逃 desertion. predilection N. 偏爱;偏好 partiality; prerence. insurrection N. 谋反的,造反的 rebellion; uprising. dissection N. 分析;解剖 analysis; cutting apart in order to examine. addiction N. 瘾,依赖 compulsive, habitual need. malediction N. 诅咒 curse. benediction N. 祝福 blessing. affliction N. 痛苦 state of distress; cause of suffering. friction N. 摩擦 clash in opinion; rubbing against. conviction N. 定罪;深信 judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held beli. sanction V. 批准,许可 approve; ratify. distinction N. 出名;出格 honor; contrast; discrimination. compunction N. 后悔 remorse. abduction N. 绑架 kidnapping. accretion N. 增长 growth; increase. discretion N. 判断力;审慎的 prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances. indiscretion N. 轻率;莽撞 lack of tactfulness or sound judgment. extradition N. 引渡 surrender of prisoner by one state to another. sedition N. 抵抗当局;反抗;暴动 resistance to authority; insubordination. rendition N. 表演,诠释;翻译 translation; artistic interpretation of a song, etc. perdition N. 毁灭 damnation; complete ruin. coalition N. 伙伴;同盟,集合 partnership; league; union. demolition N. 拆除 destruction. volition N. 意志 act of making a conscious choice. admonition N. 警告 warning. premonition N. 前兆 forewarning. apparition N. 鬼,幽灵 ghost; phantom. attrition N. 裁员;磨损 gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment. transition N. 过渡;转换;跃迁 going from one state of action to another. deposition N. 宣言,誓言 testimony under oath. decomposition N. 瓦解;腐烂 decay. supposition N. 假定;假想 hypothesis; the act of supposing. partition V. 分裂开来 divide into parts. fruition N. 享用;成就;实现 bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization. intuition N. 直觉 immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning. convention N. 习俗,惯例 social or moral custom; established practice. potion N. 剂量 dose (of liquid). caption N. 标题 title; chapter heading; text under illustration. inception N. 开始,开端 start; beginning. conception N. 开始,构思 beginning; forming of an idea. misconception N. 误解 mistaken idea. resumption N. 恢复;重新开始 taking up again; recommencement. assumption N. 假定,设想;采取 something taken for granted; taking over or taking possession of. exertion N. 努力,尽力 fort; expenditure of much physical work. bastion N. 堡垒;工事 fortress; dense. retribution N. 复仇;补偿;惩罚 vengeance; compensation; punishment for offenses. circumlocution N. 婉转曲折的表达 indirect or roundabout expression. ablution N. 洗 washing. resolution N. 坚定;决心;决定 determination; resolve. dissolution N. 解散;终止;解体 breaking of a union; decay; termination. restitution N. 归还;补偿 reparation; indemnification. oblivion N. 遗忘;赦免 obscurity; forgetfulness. talon N. 鸟爪 claw of bird. felon N. 重罪犯 person convicted of a grave crime. boon N. 恩惠,福利 blessing; benit. tycoon N. 大亨 wealthy leader. typhoon N. 台风 tropical hurricane or cyclone. lampoon V. 讽刺的 ridicule. caldron N. 大锅 large kettle. liaison N. 联络;连音 contact keeping parts of an organization in communication; go-between; secret love affair. jettison V. 投弃货物 throw overboard. automaton N. 机器人 mechanism that imitates actions of humans. wanton ADJ. 荒唐的;挥霍的;放荡的;不受限制的 unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste. glutton N. 暴饮暴食者,饭桶 someone who eats too much. cistern N. 水塔;水库 reservoir or water tank. suborn V. 教唆 persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury). adorn V. 装饰 decorate. forlorn ADJ. 孤苦的,凄凉的 sad and lonely; wretched. sojourn N. 逗留 temporary stay. spurn V. 放弃;拒绝 reject; scorn. taciturn ADJ. 沉默寡言的 habitually silent; talking little. shun V. 避免 keep away from. spawn V. 孵化;下蛋 lay eggs. brawn N. 强壮的肌肉 muscular strength; sturdiness. withdrawn ADJ. 内向的;孤僻的 introverted; remote. renown N. 名望 fame. 查看巴朗3500全部单词:

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SAT巴朗3500词汇表 M-NSAT巴朗3500词汇表 M-NSAT巴朗3500词汇表 M-N

M beam N. 光束;铁梁,木梁;一束电波 ray of light; long piece of metal or wood; course of a radio signal. sham V. 佯装;假的;赝品 pretend. epigram N. 警句;讽刺民谣 witty thought or saying, usually short. esteem V. 尊重;估价 respect; value. stratagem N. 计谋;战略 deceptive scheme. anthem N. 圣歌,赞美诗 song of praise or patriotism. requiem N. 安灵弥撒;安灵歌,挽歌 mass for the dead; dirge. stem V. 制止流出 check the flow. paradigm N. 典范;模式 model; example; pattern. acclaim V. 赞扬,表扬 applaud; announce with great approval. exclaim V. 呼喊,大叫 cry out suddenly. maim V. 伤害 mutilate; injure. interim N. 临时的;间歇的 meantime. prim ADJ. 整洁的;精准的,精确的 very precise and formal; exceedingly proper. verbatim ADV. 逐字的 word for word. maxim N. 至理名言;格言 proverb; a truth pithily stated. balm N. (止痛的)安慰物 something that relieves pain. realm N. 领域 kingdom; field or sphere. random ADJ. 随机的 without dinite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard. fathom V. 领会;调查,测量 comprehend; investigate. idiom N. 习语;成语 expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive style. axiom N. 公理,自明的道理 self-evident truth requiring no proof. venom N. 毒液;恶毒 poison; hatred. loom V. 织布机 appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged or distorted form). mushroom V. 膨胀,迅速生长 expand or grow rapidly. stem from V. 起因于 arise from. maelstrom N. 漩涡 whirlpool. buxom ADJ. 丰满;充满活力;欢快 plump; vigorous; jolly. swarm N. 一大群;挤满,占满,蜂拥 dense moving crowd; large group of honeybees. pachyderm N. 皮厚的动物(如大象) thick-skinned animal. multiform ADJ. 多态的 having many forms. sarcasm N. 挖苦;讽刺 scornful remarks; stinging rebuke. chasm N. 深渊 abyss. solecism N. 语法错误;谬误 construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically. fanaticism N. 狂热的,盲目的 excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a beli or cause. witticism N. 俏皮话 witty saying; wisecrack. neologism N. 新生词 new or newly coined word or phrase. catechism N. 教义问答手册;FAQ,Q&A book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer. schism N. 分离 division; split. materialism N. 唯物主义 preoccupation with physical comforts and things. fatalism N. 宿命论 beli that events are determined by forces beyond one&aposs control. parallelism N. 平行状态;相似的 state of being parallel; similarity. euphemism N. 委婉的表达 mild expression in place of an unpleasant one. pessimism N. 悲观主义者 beli that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess. antagonism N. 反抗,敌对 hostility; active resistance. egoism N. 自我中心,利己主义 excessive interest in one&aposs self; beli that one should be interested in one&aposs self rather than in others. escapism N. 逃避现实,纸醉金迷 avoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements. malapropism N. 可笑的用词错误 comic misuse of a word. plagiarism N. 剽窃 tht of another&aposs ideas or writings passed off as original. aphorism N. 格言,警句,谚语 pithy maxim. astigmatism N. 散光 eye dect that prevents proper focus. nepotism N. 偏袒的人(亲戚) favoritism (to a relative). truism N. 真实性 self-evident truth. atavism N. 反祖;隔代遗传 resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; dormity returning after passage of two or more generations. recidivism N. 累犯;惯犯 habitual return to crime. microcosm N. 微观世界 small world; the world in miniature. cataclysm N. 巨变;剧变;灾难 upheaval; deluge. paroxysm N. 突然一阵的,突发的(痛苦,笑,愤怒) fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage. modicum N. 少量 limited quantity. addendum N. 附加,补充 an addition or supplement. odium N. 讨厌;憎恶 detestation; hatulness; disrepute. podium N. 指挥台;检阅台 pedestal; raised platform. encomium N. 赞美之词 high praise; eulogy. pandemonium N. 喧嚣;混乱 wild tumult. equilibrium N. 平衡 balance. delirium N. 精神错乱 mental disorder marked by confusion. moratorium N. 延期偿还 legal delay of payment. phylum N. 门;语群 major class of plants; primary branch of animal kingdom; division. asylum N. 庇护所 place of ruge or shelter; protection. optimum ADJ. 最优的 most favorable. fulcrum N. (杠杆的)支点 support on which a lever rests. humdrum ADJ. 单调的 dull; monotonous. conundrum N. 谜语 riddle. decorum N. 礼貌;温文尔雅 propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners. forum N. 论坛 place of assembly to discuss public concerns; meeting for discussion. quorum N. 法定人数 number of members necessary to conduct a meeting. spectrum N. 光谱 colored band produced when beam of light passes through a prism. tantrum N. 发脾气;暴怒 fit of petulance; caprice. rostrum N. 演讲台;讲道坛 platform for speech-making; pulpit. stratum N. 地层;社会阶层 layer of earth&aposs surface; layer of society. arboretum N. 植物园 place where different tree varieties are exhibited. momentum N. 动量;动力 quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus. pseudonym N. 假名;笔名 pen name.





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