

SAT巴朗3500单词表 O-R.

2017/08/05 23:00:47 编辑: 浏览次数:256 移动端

O placebo N. 安慰剂 harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill. fiasco N. 彻底失败 total failure. fresco N. 壁画 painting on plaster (usually fresh). bravado N. 虚张声势 swagger; assumed air of diance. innuendo N. 暗示,旁侧敲击;暗讽;讽刺,冷嘲热讽 hint; insinuation. cameo N. 贝壳上的浮雕;特写(演员) shell or jewel carved in reli; star&aposs special appearance in a minor role in a film. archipelago N. 群岛 group of closely located islands. vertigo N. 晕眩 severe dizziness. embargo N. 禁运 ban on commerce or other activity. forgo V. 放弃 give up; do without. scenario N. 情节;剧本大纲;(电影、歌剧)剧本 plot outline; screenplay; opera libretto. peccadillo N. 轻罪,轻微冒犯 slight offense. tempo N. 节奏,乐曲的速度 speed of music. tyro N. 新手 beginner; novice. virtuoso N. 艺术品鉴赏家 highly skilled artist. torso N. 未完成的;残缺的 trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk. cater to V. 迎合 supply something desired (whether good or bad). staccato ADJ. 断奏;断唱 played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound. canto N. (长诗的)分篇 division of a long poem. memento N. 有象征意义的物品;纪念品 token; reminder. manifesto N. 声明 declaration; statement of policy. gusto N. 爱好,嗜好;喜欢 enjoyment; enthusiasm. libretto N. 歌词,剧本(舞剧,歌剧的) text of an opera. salvo N. 解除武装;敬礼;保留条款 discharge of firearms; military salute. arroyo N. 干枯的河床 gully. P mishap N. 意外,灾难 accident. lap V. 舔食,泼溅 take in food or drink with one&aposs tongue; splash gently. sap V. 减少;破坏 diminish; undermine. seep V. 渗出;渗漏 ooze; trickle. steep V. 浸泡,弄湿;陡坡;悬崖 soak; saturate. apprenticeship N. 学徒身份 time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker. Clip N. 剪辑 section of filmed material. nip V. 夹,捏;剪断;阻止 stop something&aposs growth or development; snip off; bite; make numb with cold. outstrip V. 超过 surpass; outdo. quip N. 嘲弄;讽刺 taunt. whelp N. 幼兽 young wolf, dog, tiger, etc. scamp N. 流氓,无赖 rascal. ramp N. 斜面;斜坡 slope; inclined plane. skimp V. 节约的使用 provide scantily; live very economically. primp V. 打扮 groom oneself with care; adorn oneself. Clump N. 一块,一团;沉重的脚步声;草丛,灌木丛 cluster or close group (of bushes, trees); mass; sound of heavy treading. fop N. 花花公子;过分注意衣着的男人 dandy; man excessively concerned with his clothes. usurp V. 篡取 seize another&aposs power or rank. clasp N. 扣合;紧密合作 fastening device; firm grip. R shear V. 剪;修剪 cut or clip (hair, fleece); strip of something. forswear V. 放弃 renounce; abandon. stellar ADJ. 星体的;恒星的 pertaining to the stars. vernacular N. 母语;本国;本来的东西 living language; natural style. oracular ADJ. 神一样的;谜一样的;超自然的,无法理解的 prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority; mysterious or ambiguous. secular ADJ. 世俗的;现世的;永久的 worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal. avuncular ADJ. 像伯父(叔叔)一样的 like an uncle. jocular ADJ. 诙谐的 said or done in jest. angular ADJ. 有尖角的,瘦骨嶙峋的 sharp-cornered; stiff in manner. singular ADJ. 奇的;独一无二的 unique; extraordinary; odd. titular ADJ. 有名无实的 nominal holding of title without obligations. lunar ADJ. 月亮的 pertaining to the moon. jabber V. 快速的说,含混不清的说 chatter rapidly or unintelligibly. caliber N. 能力;品质 ability; quality. clamber V. 爬 climb by crawling. dismember V. 分解,肢解 cut into small parts. limber ADJ. 柔韧的;可塑的 flexible. somber ADJ. 阴森的;昏暗的;抑郁的 gloomy; depressing; dark; drab. encumber V. 拖累,负担 burden. lumber V. 笨重的往前走 move heavily or clumsily. fodder N. 粗饲料;饲养 coarse food for cattle, horses, etc. embroider V. 镶边,绣花;添油加醋 decorate with needlework; ornament with fancy or fictitious details. rider N. 附文;扶手 amendment or clause added to a legislative bill. smolder V. 闷烧;随时准备爆发 burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment. solder V. 焊接 repair or make whole by using a metal alloy. meander V. 弯曲;蜿蜒 wind or turn in its course. colander N. 过滤器 utensil with perforated bottom used for straining. slander N. 诽谤 damation; utterance of false and malicious statements. pander V. 低级趣味的;拉皮条 cater to the low desires of others. squander V. 浪费 waste. engender V. 产生,导致 cause; produce. render V. 呈递;开账单;给予;还以,报以;放弃,投降投降或交出;放弃;描写以文字形式表现,描绘;以图像或绘画表现;演奏,诠释;翻译;正式宣布;裁决;使成为;熔解,精炼;打底 deliver; provide; represent. tender V. 提供;扩充 offer; extend. rejoinder N. 反驳;回应 retort; comeback; reply. blunder N. 错误 error. founder V. 完全失败;沉默 fail completely; sink. founder N. 创办人 person who establishes (an organization, business). flounder V. 挣扎,辗转;困难地奋斗 struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter. sunder V. 分裂 separate; part. asunder ADV. 分裂,分开 into parts; apart. larder N. 食品室;储藏室 pantry; place where food is kept. commandeer V. 征用,招募 to draft for military purposes; to take for public use. sheer ADJ. 纯粹的,,绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;避开,躲避;偏航,避开 very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute. buccaneer N. 海盗 pirate. veneer N. 薄板;外表 thin layer; cover. domineer V. 暴力压制 rule over tyrannically. veer V. 转向 change in direction. der V. 推迟,延期 delay till later; exempt temporarily. der V. 听从 give in respectfully; submit. der 缓招 making plans until they hear from their draft boards. During the Vietnam War, many young men, hoping to be derred, requested student derments. infer V. 推导,总结 deduce; conclude. meager ADJ. 瘦的;贫乏的,不足的 scanty; inadequate. badger V. 激怒,纠缠 pester; annoy. swagger V. 大摇大摆;自大 behave arrogantly or pompously; strut or walk proudly. trigger V. 引起;触发;扳机 set off. harbinger N. 先驱 forerunner. linger V. 逗留;闲逛;流连 loiter or dawdle; continue or persist. merger N. 合并;吞并 combination (of two business corporations). lexicographer N. 字典编纂者 compiler of a dictionary. cartographer N. 制图者,制地图的人 map-maker. cipher N. 密码 secret code. cipher N. 不重要的人或物 nonentity; worthless person or thing. decipher V. 破译,解密 interpret secret code. encipher V. 编码 encode; convert a message into code. weather V. 侵蚀;风化 endure the fects of weather or other forces. tether V. 用绳子绑;范围 tie with a rope. slither V. 滑动 slip or slide. wither V. 凋谢;枯萎 shrivel; decay. cavalier ADJ. 随便;傲慢 offhand or casual; haughty. dossier N. 档案,资料 file of documents on a subject. bicker V. 争吵 quarrel. snicker N. 窃笑 half-stifled laugh. swindler N. 骗子 cheat. heckler N. 质问者 person who harasses others. tiller N. 舵柄;农夫 handle used to move boat&aposs rudder (to steer). shimmer V. 微光 glimmer intermittently. glimmer V. 闪烁 shine erratically; twinkle. misnomer N. 错误的名字;写错名字;用词不当 wrong name; incorrect designation. dormer N. 天窗 window projecting from roof. tanner N. 皮革工人;6便士 person who turns animal hides into leather. practitioner N. 从业者 someone engaged in a profession (law, medicine). garner V. 收集,储存 gather; store up. reaper N. 收割者;收割机 one who harvests grain.

sleeper N. 睡眠;卧铺;枕木;冬眠的动物 something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable. viper N. 蝰蛇 poisonous snake. hamper V. 阻挡,牵制,妨碍 obstruct. temper V. 中和;回火;调剂;锻炼 moderate; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel). simper V. 痴笑;傻笑 smirk; smile affectedly. interloper N. 闯入者;干涉者 intruder; unwanted meddler. dapper ADJ. 整齐的,优雅的 neat and trim. clapper N. 铃舌,钟舌 striker (tongue) of a bell. pauper N. 叫花子;非常可怜的人 very poor person. philanderer N. 调情;轻佻的人 faithless lover; flirt. malingerer N. 装病的人;假病号 one who feigns illness to escape duty. barterer N. 交易商 trader. amphitheater N. 椭圆形的剧院,斗兽场 oval building with tiers of seats. perimeter N. 周长 outer boundary. arbiter N. 仲裁者 a person with power to decide a dispute; judge. loiter V. 闲逛;徘徊 hang around; linger. falter V. 犹豫;踌躇 hesitate. welter N. 翻滚;挣扎;骚乱;搅乱 turmoil; bewildering jumble. swelter V. 闷热;中暑 be oppressed by heat. canter N. 慢跑 slow gallop. inter V. 埋 bury. disinter V. 挖出,出土 dig up; unearth. saunter V. 漫步;闲逛 stroll slowly. fester V. 使溃烂,化脓 rankle; produce irritation or resentment. sequester V. 隐退;隔离 isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude. sinister ADJ. 邪恶的 evil. cloister N. 修道院 monastery or convent. bolster V. 支持,增援 support; reinforce. holster N. 手枪套 pistol case. foster V. 养育,培养;鼓励 rear; encourage. roster N. 列表 list. filibuster V. (发表长篇演讲来)阻挠法案通过 to block legislation by making long speeches. luster N. 光泽;光彩 shine; gloss. bluster V. 咆哮;吓唬 blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully. fluster V. 使混乱,使迷惑 confuse. lackluster ADJ. 暗淡的,无光的;单调的 dull. muster V. 收集;集合 gather; assemble. shyster N. 讼棍;政界的奸诈之徒 lawyer using questionable methods. fetter V. 羁绊 shackle. unfetter V. 解放 liberate; free from chains. titter N. 神经质的笑 nervous laugh. totter V. 摇摆;摇摇欲坠 move unsteadily; sway, as if about to fall. beleaguer V. 攻击;使烦恼 besiege or attack; harassed. cadaver N. 尸体 corpse. sever V. 切断 cut; separate. quiver N. 射箭的 case for arrows. quiver V. 振动的;颤抖的;敏捷的 tremble; shake. gloss over V. 掩盖 explain away. hover V. 逗留;盘旋;等待 hang about; wait nearby. glower V. 瞪着,愤怒的看着 scowl. flair N. 才能 talent. debonair ADJ. 温文尔雅;友好;殷勤 friendly; aiming to please. impair V. 伤害 injure; hurt. nadir N. 谷底,最低点;天底 lowest point. elixir N. 包治百病,万能药 cure-all; something invigorating. belabor V. 嘴贫,过度的说;谩骂 explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; attack verbally. harbor V. 庇护;隐藏 provide a ruge for; hide. succor V. 救援;援助 aid; assist; comfort. rancor N. 苦难 bitterness; hatred. candor N. 开诚布公;坦率 frankness; open honesty. vendor N. 卖主 seller. rigor N. 严格,苛刻;精确 severity. vigor N. 活力 active strength. clangor N. 大声喧哗;持续的铿锵声 loud, resounding noise. abhor V. 憎恨 detest; hate. anchor V. 固定;锚 secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place. metaphor N. 隐喻 implied comparison. ulterior ADJ. 将来的;隐蔽的 situated beyond; unstated. squalor N. 肮脏;悲惨;贫穷 filth; degradation; dirty, neglected state. valor N. 英勇;勇猛 bravery. clamor N. 吵闹声;噪音 noise. tremor N. 振动的 trembling; slight quiver. demeanor N. 风度;行为 behavior; bearing. misdemeanor N. 轻罪 minor crime. torpor N. 迟钝;麻木;不活泼 lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy. stupor N. 冷漠;漠不关心 state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness. furor N. 非常激动 frenzy; great excitement. censor N. 审查 overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remarks. precursor N. 领跑者,先驱 forerunner. predecessor N. 前任;前辈 former occupant of a post. aggressor N. 攻击者 attacker. predator N. 捕食者 creature that seizes and devours another animal; person who robs or exploits others. liberator N. 解放者 one who sets free. orator N. 演讲者 public speaker. arbitrator N. 仲裁者 judge. curator N. 主管;经理 superintendent; manager. malactor N. 犯罪分子 evildoer; criminal. benactor N. 恩人,赞助人 gift giver; patron. progenitor N. 祖先 ancestor. inquisitor N. 调查者;盘问者 questioner (especially harsh); investigator. mentor N. 门特;顾问;导师 teacher. impostor N. 冒充者;冒名顶替的人 someone who assumes a false identity. languor N. 衰弱,萧条 lassitude; depression. savor V. 有滋有味儿的;享受这种滋味 enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality. fervor N. 热情;激情 glowing ardor; intensity of feeling. purveyor N. 承办商 furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer. incur V. 招致 bring upon oneself. grandeur N. 庄严,伟大,威严 impressiveness; stateliness; majesty. entrepreneur N. 商人,企业家,承包人 businessman; contractor. poseur N. 装模作样的人;邯郸学步 person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc. raconteur N. 善谈的人;满肚子故事的人 storyteller. saboteur N. 破坏分子;怠工者 one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property. voyeur N. 偷窥者 Peeping Tom. slur V. 模糊不清的说 speak indistinctly; mumble. slur N. 诽谤;侮辱 insult to one&aposs character or reputation; slander. demur V. 反对;犹豫 object (because of doubts, scruples); hesitate. zephyr N. 和风;徐风 gentle breeze; west wind. martyr N. 殉道者;殉教者;烈士 one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her religion or cause; great sufferer. SAT巴朗3500单词表 O-RSAT巴朗3500单词表 O-R

O placebo N. 安慰剂 harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill. fiasco N. 彻底失败 total failure. fresco N. 壁画 painting on plaster (usually fresh). bravado N. 虚张声势 swagger; assumed air of diance. innuendo N. 暗示,旁侧敲击;暗讽;讽刺,冷嘲热讽 hint; insinuation. cameo N. 贝壳上的浮雕;特写(演员) shell or jewel carved in reli; star&aposs special appearance in a minor role in a film. archipelago N. 群岛 group of closely located islands. vertigo N. 晕眩 severe dizziness. embargo N. 禁运 ban on commerce or other activity. forgo V. 放弃 give up; do without. scenario N. 情节;剧本大纲;(电影、歌剧)剧本 plot outline; screenplay; opera libretto. peccadillo N. 轻罪,轻微冒犯 slight offense. tempo N. 节奏,乐曲的速度 speed of music. tyro N. 新手 beginner; novice. virtuoso N. 艺术品鉴赏家 highly skilled artist. torso N. 未完成的;残缺的 trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk. cater to V. 迎合 supply something desired (whether good or bad). staccato ADJ. 断奏;断唱 played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound. canto N. (长诗的)分篇 division of a long poem. memento N. 有象征意义的物品;纪念品 token; reminder. manifesto N. 声明 declaration; statement of policy. gusto N. 爱好,嗜好;喜欢 enjoyment; enthusiasm. libretto N. 歌词,剧本(舞剧,歌剧的) text of an opera. salvo N. 解除武装;敬礼;保留条款 discharge of firearms; military salute. arroyo N. 干枯的河床 gully. P mishap N. 意外,灾难 accident. lap V. 舔食,泼溅 take in food or drink with one&aposs tongue; splash gently. sap V. 减少;破坏 diminish; undermine. seep V. 渗出;渗漏 ooze; trickle. steep V. 浸泡,弄湿;陡坡;悬崖 soak; saturate. apprenticeship N. 学徒身份 time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker. Clip N. 剪辑 section of filmed material. nip V. 夹,捏;剪断;阻止 stop something&aposs growth or development; snip off; bite; make numb with cold. outstrip V. 超过 surpass; outdo. quip N. 嘲弄;讽刺 taunt. whelp N. 幼兽 young wolf, dog, tiger, etc. scamp N. 流氓,无赖 rascal. ramp N. 斜面;斜坡 slope; inclined plane. skimp V. 节约的使用 provide scantily; live very economically. primp V. 打扮 groom oneself with care; adorn oneself. Clump N. 一块,一团;沉重的脚步声;草丛,灌木丛 cluster or close group (of bushes, trees); mass; sound of heavy treading. fop N. 花花公子;过分注意衣着的男人 dandy; man excessively concerned with his clothes. usurp V. 篡取 seize another&aposs power or rank. clasp N. 扣合;紧密合作 fastening device; firm grip. R shear V. 剪;修剪 cut or clip (hair, fleece); strip of something. forswear V. 放弃 renounce; abandon. stellar ADJ. 星体的;恒星的 pertaining to the stars. vernacular N. 母语;本国;本来的东西 living language; natural style. oracular ADJ. 神一样的;谜一样的;超自然的,无法理解的 prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority; mysterious or ambiguous. secular ADJ. 世俗的;现世的;永久的 worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal. avuncular ADJ. 像伯父(叔叔)一样的 like an uncle. jocular ADJ. 诙谐的 said or done in jest. angular ADJ. 有尖角的,瘦骨嶙峋的 sharp-cornered; stiff in manner. singular ADJ. 奇的;独一无二的 unique; extraordinary; odd. titular ADJ. 有名无实的 nominal holding of title without obligations. lunar ADJ. 月亮的 pertaining to the moon. jabber V. 快速的说,含混不清的说 chatter rapidly or unintelligibly. caliber N. 能力;品质 ability; quality. clamber V. 爬 climb by crawling. dismember V. 分解,肢解 cut into small parts. limber ADJ. 柔韧的;可塑的 flexible. somber ADJ. 阴森的;昏暗的;抑郁的 gloomy; depressing; dark; drab. encumber V. 拖累,负担 burden. lumber V. 笨重的往前走 move heavily or clumsily. fodder N. 粗饲料;饲养 coarse food for cattle, horses, etc. embroider V. 镶边,绣花;添油加醋 decorate with needlework; ornament with fancy or fictitious details. rider N. 附文;扶手 amendment or clause added to a legislative bill. smolder V. 闷烧;随时准备爆发 burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment. solder V. 焊接 repair or make whole by using a metal alloy. meander V. 弯曲;蜿蜒 wind or turn in its course. colander N. 过滤器 utensil with perforated bottom used for straining. slander N. 诽谤 damation; utterance of false and malicious statements. pander V. 低级趣味的;拉皮条 cater to the low desires of others. squander V. 浪费 waste. engender V. 产生,导致 cause; produce. render V. 呈递;开账单;给予;还以,报以;放弃,投降投降或交出;放弃;描写以文字形式表现,描绘;以图像或绘画表现;演奏,诠释;翻译;正式宣布;裁决;使成为;熔解,精炼;打底 deliver; provide; represent. tender V. 提供;扩充 offer; extend. rejoinder N. 反驳;回应 retort; comeback; reply. blunder N. 错误 error. founder V. 完全失败;沉默 fail completely; sink. founder N. 创办人 person who establishes (an organization, business). flounder V. 挣扎,辗转;困难地奋斗 struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter. sunder V. 分裂 separate; part. asunder ADV. 分裂,分开 into parts; apart. larder N. 食品室;储藏室 pantry; place where food is kept. commandeer V. 征用,招募 to draft for military purposes; to take for public use. sheer ADJ. 纯粹的,,绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;避开,躲避;偏航,避开 very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute. buccaneer N. 海盗 pirate. veneer N. 薄板;外表 thin layer; cover. domineer V. 暴力压制 rule over tyrannically. veer V. 转向 change in direction. der V. 推迟,延期 delay till later; exempt temporarily. der V. 听从 give in respectfully; submit. der 缓招 making plans until they hear from their draft boards. During the Vietnam War, many young men, hoping to be derred, requested student derments. infer V. 推导,总结 deduce; conclude. meager ADJ. 瘦的;贫乏的,不足的 scanty; inadequate. badger V. 激怒,纠缠 pester; annoy. swagger V. 大摇大摆;自大 behave arrogantly or pompously; strut or walk proudly. trigger V. 引起;触发;扳机 set off. harbinger N. 先驱 forerunner. linger V. 逗留;闲逛;流连 loiter or dawdle; continue or persist. merger N. 合并;吞并 combination (of two business corporations). lexicographer N. 字典编纂者 compiler of a dictionary. cartographer N. 制图者,制地图的人 map-maker. cipher N. 密码 secret code. cipher N. 不重要的人或物 nonentity; worthless person or thing. decipher V. 破译,解密 interpret secret code. encipher V. 编码 encode; convert a message into code. weather V. 侵蚀;风化 endure the fects of weather or other forces. tether V. 用绳子绑;范围 tie with a rope. slither V. 滑动 slip or slide. wither V. 凋谢;枯萎 shrivel; decay. cavalier ADJ. 随便;傲慢 offhand or casual; haughty. dossier N. 档案,资料 file of documents on a subject. bicker V. 争吵 quarrel. snicker N. 窃笑 half-stifled laugh. swindler N. 骗子 cheat. heckler N. 质问者 person who harasses others. tiller N. 舵柄;农夫 handle used to move boat&aposs rudder (to steer). shimmer V. 微光 glimmer intermittently. glimmer V. 闪烁 shine erratically; twinkle. misnomer N. 错误的名字;写错名字;用词不当 wrong name; incorrect designation. dormer N. 天窗 window projecting from roof. tanner N. 皮革工人;6便士 person who turns animal hides into leather. practitioner N. 从业者 someone engaged in a profession (law, medicine). garner V. 收集,储存 gather; store up. reaper N. 收割者;收割机 one who harvests grain. 上12下




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