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SAT巴朗单词3500 S

S fracas N. 争吵;混战 brawl, melee. alias N. 别名 an assumed name. atlas N. 地图集 a bound volume of maps, charts, or tables. acoustics N. 声学的 science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in. indices n. PL. amenities N. 令人愉快的,礼貌的 convenient features; courtesies. shambles N. 混乱的地方;肉铺 wreck; mess. throes N. 剧痛 violent anguish. mores N. 风俗习惯 conventions; moral standards; customs. archives N. 档案;档案馆 public records; place where public records are kept. dregs N. 沉淀物;残渣 sediment; worthless residue. trappings N. 服饰;装饰 outward decorations; ornaments. misgivings N. 担忧,疑虑 doubts. dais N. 讲台 raised platform for guests of honor. precis N. 大纲;摘要 concise summing up of main points. metropolis N. 大都会 large city. bourgeois ADJ. 中产阶级;平庸的 middle class; selfishly materialistic; dully conventional. debris N. 碎片;残骸 rubble. exegesis N. 解释,注解,通译 explanation; interpretation, especially of a biblical text. antithesis N. 对立面 contrast; direct opposite of or to. synthesis N. 合成 combining parts into a whole. nemesis N. 复仇的人;寻衅者 someone seeking revenge. genesis N. 发源,源头 beginning; origin. apotheosis N. 神化,典范 elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something. metamorphosis N. 变形 change of form; major transformation. symbiosis N. 共生现象 interdependent relationship (between groups, species), often mutually benicial. diagnosis N. 诊断 art of identifying a disease; analysis of a condition. prognosis N. 预言;疾病警告 forecasted course of a disease; prediction. ellipsis N. 省略 omission of words from a text. catharsis N. 导泻,通便;疏泄 purging or cleansing of any passage of the body. chassis N. 底盘 framework and working parts of an automobile. gratis ADJ. 免费的 free. annals N. 记录,历史 records; history. qualms N. 担心,害怕;担惊受怕;愧对良心 misgivings; uneasy fears, especially about matters of conscience. doldrums N. 忧郁,悲伤 blues; listlessness; slack period. machinations N. 阴谋,诡计 evil schemes or plots. kudos N. 名望,声誉 honor; glory; praise. pathos N. 痛苦,悲怆,哀婉 tender sorrow; pity; quality in art or literature that produces these feelings. ethos N. 社会精神特质,思潮,风气;气质 underlying character of a culture, group, etc. apropos PREP. 关于 with rerence to; regarding. forebears N. 前人;祖先 ancestors. arrears N. 欠债 being in debt. amass V. 收集 collect. encompass V. 包围 surround. surpass V. 超越 exceed. trespass V. 过失;侵入 unlawfully enter the boundaries of some else&aposs property. harass V. 烦恼 to annoy by repeated attacks. canvass V. 调查;投票 determine votes, etc. largess N. 赠送;赠礼 generous gift. heedless ADJ. 轻蔑的;不理睬的 not noticing; disregarding. boundless ADJ. 无限的 unlimited; vast. guileless ADJ. 诚实的 without deceit. ruthless ADJ. 无情的 pitiless; cruel. peerless ADJ. 不可比较的,不相衡的,无可匹敌的 having no equal; incomparable. witless ADJ. 无知的;轻率的 foolish; idiotic. dauntless ADJ. 胆大的 bold. artless ADJ. 坦诚;直率 without guile; open and honest. listless ADJ. 倦怠的,冷漠的 lacking in spirit or energy. responsiveness N. 响应的 state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc. moodiness N. 闷闷不乐 fits of depression or gloom. haughtiness N. 傲慢;不逊 pride; arrogance. address V. 发表(演讲),处理,讨论 direct a speech to; deal with or discuss. redress N. 补偿;赔偿 remedy; compensation. egress N. 出口 exit. repress V. 压迫;压制;压 restrain; crush; oppress. compress V. 压缩 close; squeeze; contract. suppress V. 镇压;抑制;查禁 stifle; overwhelm; subdue; inhibit. buttress V. 支持 support; prop up. duress N. (非法的)限制,关押 forcible restraint, especially unlawfully. prowess N. 非常勇猛 extraordinary ability; military bravery. amiss ADJ. 错误 wrong; faulty. remiss ADJ. 玩忽职守的,粗心大意的 negligent. dismiss V. 拒绝;排除 put away from consideration; reject. dross N. 渣滓,废物 waste matter; worthless impurities. engross V. 独占 occupy fully. abyss N. 深渊,深坑,无底洞 enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit. propellants N. 推进剂 substances that propel or drive forward. antecedents N. 历史环境;历史背景 preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background. outskirts N. 边界;郊区;外围 fringes; outer borders. caucus N. 核心小组会议(秘密) private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy. exodus N. 离开,启程 departure. bogus ADJ. 赝品 counterfeit; not authentic. nonplus V. 使迷惑;使为难;混淆 bring to halt by confusion; perplex. animus N. 敌意 hostile feeling or intent. onus N. 负担;责任 burden; responsibility. viscous ADJ. 粘的 sticky; gluey. raucous ADJ. 沙哑的 harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous. hazardous ADJ. d 危险 angerous. extraneous ADJ. 肤浅的,不重要的 not essential; superfluous. homogeneous ADJ. 同类的 of the same kind. heterogeneous ADJ. 异类,异种;不纯 dissimilar; mixed. erroneous ADJ. 错误 mistaken; wrong. analogous ADJ. 类似的 comparable. amorphous ADJ. 无形的,不成形的 formless; lacking shape or dinition. dubious ADJ. 可疑的 questionable; filled with doubt. inficacious ADJ. 无能的,无效的 not fective; unable to produce a desired result. perspicacious ADJ. 洞察一切的,渗透的;机敏的 having insight; penetrating; astute. mendacious ADJ. 撒谎成性的;撒谎的,假的 lying; habitually dishonest. audacious ADJ. 大胆的;鲁莽的 daring; bold. Sagacious ADJ. 有洞察力的 perceptive; shrewd; having insight. salacious ADJ. 好色的;淫荡的 lascivious; lustful. fallacious ADJ. 假的;误导的 false; misleading. tenacious ADJ. 顽强的 holding fast. pertinacious ADJ. 拒不屈服;反抗 stubborn; persistent. capacious ADJ. 宽敞的 spacious. rapacious ADJ. 极度贪婪的;捕食的;掠夺的 excessively greedy; predatory. voracious ADJ. 贪婪的;狼吞虎咽的 ravenous. vivacious ADJ. 生动的 animated; lively. specious ADJ. 似是而非的 seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally). judicious ADJ. 公平的 sound in judgment; wise. officious ADJ. 多管闲事的 meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one&aposs services. malicious ADJ. 恶毒的 hatul; spitul. pernicious ADJ. 及具毁灭性的 very destructive. auspicious ADJ. 幸运的,吉祥的 favoring success. capricious ADJ. 反复无常的 unpredictable; fickle. precocious ADJ. 早熟的 advanced in development. luscious ADJ. 美味的,甜美的 pleasing to taste or smell. tedious ADJ. 令人厌倦的 boring; tiring. perfidious ADJ. 背信弃义的;不忠的 treacherous; disloyal. insidious ADJ. 阴险的,奸诈的,狡猾的;鬼鬼祟祟的 treacherous; stealthy; sly. fastidious ADJ. 挑剔的;难伺候的 difficult to please; squeamish. invidious ADJ. 易招嫉妒的;不公平的 designed to create ill will or envy. odious ADJ. 可恨的;可耻的 hatul; vile. commodious ADJ. 宽敞,舒适 spacious and comfortable. sacrilegious ADJ. 亵渎的,天谴的 desecrating; profane. egregious ADJ. 及其令人痛恨的,声名狼藉;令人吃惊的 notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking. prodigious ADJ. 巨大的 marvelous; enormous. bilious ADJ. 消化不良,易怒 suffering from indigestion; irritable. supercilious ADJ. 自大的;傲慢的 arrogant; condescending; patronizing. punctilious ADJ. 谨小慎微的;一丝不苟的 laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; minutely attentive to fine points (perhaps too much so). abstemious ADJ. 节制(饮食),调节 sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. ingenious ADJ. 聪明的 clever; resourcul. euphonious ADJ. 悦耳的 pleasing in sound. ceremonious ADJ. 隆重的 marked by formality. acrimonious ADJ. 挖苦的,尖酸的(语言,行为) bitter in words or manner. sanctimonious ADJ. 假正经的;假装神圣的 displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness. impecunious ADJ. 身无分文的 without money. pious ADJ. 尽职的;虔诚的 devout; religious. impious ADJ. 不敬的;不礼貌的 irreverent. Copious ADJ. 丰富的,大量的 plentiful. precarious ADJ. 不确定的;冒风险 uncertain; risky. vicarious ADJ. 代理的;代理人的 acting as a substitute; done by a deputy. narious ADJ. 十恶不赦的 very wicked. multifarious ADJ. 多样的;各式各样的 varied; greatly diversified. gregarious ADJ. 社交的;群居 sociable. lugubrious ADJ. 悲哀的 mournful. salubrious ADJ. 对健康有益的,利于养生的 healthful. insalubrious ADJ. 有害的 unwholesome; not healthful. imperious ADJ. 专横的 domineering; haughty. deleterious ADJ. 有害的 harmful. laborious ADJ. 艰苦的,勤劳的 demanding much work or care; tedious. censorious ADJ. 批判的 critical. industrious ADJ. 勤奋的,努力的 diligent; hard-working. injurious ADJ. 有害的 harmful. spurious ADJ. 伪造的,欺骗的 false; counterfeit; forged; illogical. ostentatious ADJ. 卖弄的;企图惹人注意的;哗众取宠的 showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention. disputatious ADJ. 好辩的 argumentative; fond of arguing. fractious ADJ. 蛮横倔强的 unruly; disobedient; irritable. facetious ADJ. 不合时宜的玩笑;幽默 joking (often inappropriately); humorous. propitious ADJ. 吉利的;有利的 favorable; fortunate; advantageous. fictitious ADJ. 想象的 imaginary. adventitious ADJ. 偶然 accidental; casual. surreptitious ADJ. 暗中的;秘密的 secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden. licentious ADJ. 不道德的;下流的;放纵的 amoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained. tendentious ADJ. 偏见的;有目标的;预计好的 having an aim; biased; designed to further a cause. pretentious ADJ. 自命不凡;华而不实;自大 ostentatious; pompous; making unjustified claims; overly ambitious. sententious ADJ. 简洁的;警句式的,格言式的 terse; concise; aphoristic. bumptious ADJ. 盲目自大 self-assertive. obsequious ADJ. 谄媚的;拍马屁的;奴性的 slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic. devious ADJ. 拐弯抹角的;偏僻的 roundabout; erratic; not straightforward. oblivious ADJ. 遗忘的;出神的 inattentive or unmindful; wholly absorbed. Impervious ADJ. 不会被损的;不能渗透的 impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed. noxious ADJ. 有害的 harmful. obnoxious ADJ. 讨厌的;冒犯的 offensive. anomalous ADJ. 不正常的,变态的 abnormal; irregular. callous ADJ. 硬心肠的,无情的 hardened; unfeeling. frivolous ADJ. 轻佻的;嬉皮笑脸的 lacking in seriousness; self-indulgently carefree; relatively unimportant. nebulous ADJ. 暧昧的,混浊不清的 vague; hazy; cloudy. meticulous ADJ. 小心翼翼的 excessively carul; painstaking; scrupulous. incredulous ADJ. 怀疑的 withholding beli; skeptical. sedulous ADJ. 勤奋的;勤勤恳恳的 diligent; hardworking. acidulous ADJ. 酸的;尖锐,刻薄 slightly sour; sharp, caustic. tremulous ADJ. 震荡的 trembling; wavering. scrupulous ADJ. 小心翼翼的;谨慎的 conscientious; extremely thorough. querulous ADJ. 鸣不平的;易发牢骚的 fretful; whining. garrulous ADJ. 贫嘴 loquacious; wordy; talkative. infamous ADJ. 臭名昭著的,恶名远扬的 notoriously bad. pusillanimous ADJ. 懦弱的;优柔寡断的 cowardly; fainthearted. magnanimous ADJ. 宽宏大量的 generous; great-hearted. autonomous ADJ. 自治 self-governing. posthumous ADJ. 身后的;遗腹的(书出版于作者死后,孩子生于父亲死后) after death (as of child born after father&aposs death or book published after author&aposs death). anonymous ADJ. 匿名的 having no name. indigenous ADJ. native. ravenous ADJ. 饥饿的 extremely hungry. heinous ADJ. 可恶的,令人深恶痛绝 atrocious; hatully bad. ominous ADJ. 有威胁的;恶兆的 threatening. luminous ADJ. 发光的,闪耀的 shining; issuing light. voluminous ADJ. 庞大的 bulky; large. mutinous ADJ. 反抗的;暴动的 unruly; rebellious. cacophonous ADJ. 不和谐 discordant; inharmonious. ludicrous ADJ. 可笑的,滑稽的;不重要的 laughable; trifling. ponderous ADJ. 沉重的;笨重的;呆板的;冗长的 weighty; unwieldy. vociferous ADJ. 喊叫的;吵闹的 clamorous; noisy. cantankerous ADJ. 脾气坏;易发怒 ill humored; irritable. onerous ADJ. 范忠德 burdensome. obstreperous ADJ. 喧闹的,喧嚣的;任性的 boisterous; noisy. boisterous ADJ. 狂暴;喧嚣 violent; rough; noisy. preposterous ADJ. 荒唐的 absurd; ridiculous. dexterous ADJ. 灵巧的;右撇子 skillful. cadaverous ADJ. 尸体似的,苍白的 like a corpse; pale. Chivalrous ADJ. 勇敢;诚实 courteous; faithful; brave. odorous ADJ. 有气味的 having an odor. malodorous ADJ. 恶臭的 foul-smelling. rigorous ADJ. 严峻的;严格的;严厉的 severe; harsh; demanding; exact. amorous ADJ. 爱情的 moved by sexual love; loving. timorous ADJ. 害怕的 fearful; demonstrating fear. sonorous ADJ. 醒目的 resonant. porous ADJ. 筛子似的 full of pores; like a sieve. herbivorous ADJ. 吃粮食的(动物) grain-eating. omnivorous ADJ. 无所不吃的;杂食的 eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything. carnivorous ADJ. 食肉的 meat-eating. lustrous ADJ. 闪耀的 shining. ambidextrous ADJ. 双手都灵巧 capable of using either hand with equal ease. felicitous ADJ. 措辞巧妙的;精巧的 apt; suitably expressed; well chosen. solicitous ADJ. 担心的;关切的;期望的 worried; concerned. precipitous ADJ. 陡峭的;急躁的 steep; overhasty. circuitous ADJ. 迂回的 roundabout. ubiquitous ADJ. 无所不在的 being everywhere; omnipresent. iniquitous ADJ. 邪恶的 wicked; immoral; unrighteous. gratuitous ADJ. 无条件的;无理由的;免费的 given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for. fortuitous ADJ. 偶然的 accidental; by chance. momentous ADJ. 非常重要的 very important. vacuous ADJ. 空虚的;空的 empty; inane. innocuous ADJ. 无害的,无辜的 harmless. promiscuous ADJ. 随意混合的;打乱的;随便的 mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular, particularly sexually. deciduous ADJ. 落叶的 falling off as of leaves. assiduous ADJ. 勤奋 diligent. arduous ADJ. 努力;奋发 hard; strenuous. ambiguous ADJ. 模棱两可 unclear or doubtful in meaning. mellifluous ADJ. 优美的;流畅的;蜜一样的 sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious. superfluous ADJ. 不必要的;多余的 unnecessary; excessive; overabundant. ingenuous ADJ. 心无城府的;天真的;幼稚的;可信的 naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated. disingenuous ADJ. 不诚恳的 lacking genuine candor; insincere. tenuous ADJ. 纤细的 thin; rare; slim. sinuous ADJ. 蜿蜒的;弯曲复杂的;不老实的 winding; bending in and out; not morally honest. incongruous ADJ. 不调和的;荒谬的 not fitting; absurd. fatuous ADJ. 愚蠢的;不可理喻的;不理智的 foolish; inane. Unctuous ADJ. 油的;油质的;松软肥沃的 oily; bland; insincerely suave. impetuous ADJ. 冲动的,鲁莽的 violent; hasty; rash. sumptuous ADJ. 奢侈的;华丽的 lavish; rich. presumptuous ADJ. 自大;轻狂;专横 overconfident; impertinently bold; taking liberties. voluptuous ADJ. 令人满足的 gratifying the senses. tortuous ADJ. 曲折的,蜿蜒的 winding; full of curves. tempestuous ADJ. 有暴风雨的;暴乱的 stormy; impassioned; violent. opus N. 作品 work. virus N. 病毒 disease communicator. papyrus N. 纸草;草纸(古代的) ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant. hiatus N. 缝隙;短暂的空白 gap; interruption in duration or continuity; pause. apparatus N. 器械,设备 equipment. impetus N. 动力;动机 incentive; stimulus; moving force.


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