

SAT单词巴朗3500 Y部分.

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exemplary ADJ. 出色的;典范的;(杀鸡儆猴的)例子 serving as a model; outstanding. mercenary ADJ. 唯利是图 interested in money or gain. seminary N. 神学院;学院;发祥地 school for training future ministers; academy for young women. luminary N. 名气,尊严 celebrity; dignitary. visionary ADJ. 幻想的 produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical. reactionary ADJ. 反作用的 recoiling from progress; politically ultraconservative. hoary ADJ. 灰白的 white with age. itinerary N. 旅行计划;路线 plan of a trip. arbitrary ADJ. 反复无常;残暴;随机的 capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical. adversary N. 对手 opponent. emissary N. 代理;信使,使者 agent; messenger. glossary N. 词汇表 bri explanation of words used in the text. monetary ADJ. 金融的 pertaining to money. sedentary ADJ. 久坐的;坐惯的 requiring sitting. complementary ADJ. 补足的,完善的 serving to complete something. rudimentary ADJ. 原始的;最初的;原来的 not developed; elementary; crude. alimentary ADJ. 营养的 supplying nourishment. salutary ADJ. 有用的;有益的 tending to improve; benicial; wholesome. sanctuary N. 避难所 ruge; shelter; shrine; holy place. obituary ADJ. 讣告 death notice. wary ADJ. 机警的;小心的 very cautious. decry V. 强烈反对 express strong disapproval of; disparage. mimicry N. 模仿 imitation. descry V. 看到 catch sight of. wizardry N. 巫术,魔术 sorcery; magic. tawdry ADJ. 俗丽的;便宜且华而不实 cheap and gaudy. leery ADJ. 机敏的;狡猾的 suspicious; cautious. drudgery N. 苦差事,苦工 menial work. lechery N. 好色;动机不纯 lustfulness; impurity in thought and deed. periphery N. (圆形的)边缘 edge, especially of a round surface. chicanery N. 强辩,狡辩;欺骗 trickery; deception. buffoonery N. 滑稽的 clowning. frontery N. 厚颜无耻 shameless boldness. query N. 问询;质问 inquiry; question. revelry N. 狂欢 boisterous merrymaking. gory ADJ. 血腥的 bloody. allegory N. 寓言 story in which characters are used as symbols; fable. cursory ADJ. 草率;匆忙 casual; hastily done. accessory N. 附件 additional object; usul but not essential thing. illusory ADJ. 虚幻的,不真实的 deceptive; not real. mandatory ADJ. 强制的,命令的;义不容辞的 obligatory. obligatory ADJ. 必须的 binding; required. derogatory ADJ. 贬低的,贬损的 expressing a low opinion. conciliatory ADJ. 抚慰,调和 reconciling; soothing. ambulatory ADJ. 可移动的,不固定 able to walk; not bedridden. migratory ADJ. 迁徙的;流浪的 wandering. compensatory ADJ. 补偿 making up for; repaying. gustatory ADJ. 味觉的 affecting the sense of taste. olfactory ADJ. 嗅觉的 concerning the sense of smell. rractory ADJ. 按不住的;不服气的;倔强的 stubborn; unmanageable. trajectory N. 弹道;轨迹;抛物线 path taken by a projectile. valedictory ADJ. 告别的 pertaining to farewell. perfunctory ADJ. 肤浅的,不投入的;漠不关心的 superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm. auditory ADJ. 听觉的 pertaining to the sense of hearing. transitory ADJ. 短时间的 impermanent; fleeting. repository N. 仓库;知识库;智囊团 storehouse. expository ADJ. 解释性的 explanatory; serving to explain. desultory ADJ. 慢无目的的;断断续续的 aimless; haphazard; digressing at random. promontory N. 岬;海角 headland. peremptory ADJ. 专制的;强硬的,专横的 demanding and leaving no choice. savory ADJ. 有味道的;吸引人的 tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable. spry ADJ. 充满生气的;活泼的;敏捷的 vigorously active; nimble. parry V. 躲避 ward off a blow; dlect. tarry V. 等候;逗留;混日子 delay; dawdle. quarry N. 猎物;受害者 Victim; object of a hunt. quarry V. 挖掘出,寻找出 dig into. scurry V. 轻快的;活泼的移动 move briskly. idolatry N. 过度崇拜 worship of idols; excessive admiration. symmetry N. 对称;匀称 arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity. paltry ADJ. 不显著的;微小的 insignificant; petty; trifling. sultry ADJ. 闷热的,酷热的;放荡的;粗暴的 sweltering. gentry N. 贵族 people of standing; class of people just below nobility. bigotry N. 固执 stubborn intolerance. ancestry N. 祖先 family descent. sophistry N. 似真实假的 seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning. augury N. 占卜;预言 omen; prophecy. perjury N. 伪誓;伪证 false testimony while under oath. penury N. 一贫如洗;穷困潦倒 severe poverty; stinginess. wry ADJ. 歪曲的;扭曲的 twisted; with a humorous twist. awry ADV. 扭曲的;歪曲的 distorted; crooked. queasy ADJ. 神经质的,洁癖的;易呕吐的 easily nauseated; squeamish. idiosyncrasy N. 特性,特质;古怪的,离心的 individual trait, usually odd in nature; eccentricity. ecstasy N. 全神贯注,入迷,高兴 rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion. heresy N. 少数意见,异端 opinion contrary to popular beli; opinion contrary to accepted religion. autopsy N. 验尸 examination of a dead body; post-mortem. glossy ADJ. 光滑有光泽的 smooth and shining. nicety N. 准确,精密 precision; minute distinction. piety N. 虔诚;孝行 religious devotion; godliness. impiety N. 不敬(对神);不虔诚 irreverence; lack of respect for God. notoriety N. 臭名昭著的 disrepute; ill fame. propriety N. 适当 fitness; correct conduct. impropriety N. 不合适,不恰当 improperness; unsuitableness. subtlety N. 精明;稀薄;微妙 perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy. thrifty ADJ. 节省的;抠包的 carul about money; economical. lofty ADJ. 高高在上的 very high. acerbity N. 尖酸的(语气,脾气) bitterness of speech and temper. tenacity N. 坚韧 firmness; persistence. pugnacity N. 好斗的 combativeness; disposition to fight. Capacity N. 能力;角色 mental or physical ability; role; ability to accommodate. veracity N. 真实;准确性 truthfulness. felicity N. 欢乐;适当 happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc. multiplicity N. 多样性 state of being numerous. complicity N. 共犯,共同 participation; involvement. duplicity N. 奸诈,狡猾;伪善;两面三刀,两面派 double-dealing; hypocrisy. eccentricity N. 怪僻,古怪;特性 oddity; idiosyncrasy. plasticity N. 塑性 ability to be molded. velocity N. 速度 speed. atrocity N. 暴行 brutal deed. paucity N. 少量;缺乏 scarcity. timidity N. 胆怯 lack of self-confidence or courage. cupidity N. 贪婪 greed. fecundity N. 丰饶 fertility; fruitfulness. rotundity N. 圆形,球状;洪亮的演讲 roundness; sonorousness of speech.

spontaneity N. 自发的;自然的;无预谋的 lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint. frugality N. 俭省节约 thrift; economy. geniality N. 亲切;同情 cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy. partiality N. 倾向;偏见 inclination; bias. formality N. 仪式;礼节 ceremonious quality; something done just for form&aposs sake. generality N. 一般性 vague statement. fidelity N. 忠诚 loyalty. liability N. 责任;缺点;债 drawback; debts. mutability N. 变化能力 ability to change in form; fickleness. immobility N. 无法移动,不可移动的 state of being immovable. agility N. 敏捷 nimbleness. humility N. 谦逊 humbleness of spirit. gentility N. 有教养,文雅 those of gentle birth; rinement. hostility N. 不友好,敌意 unfriendliness; hatred. tranquillity N. 平静;冷静 calmness; peace. jollity N. 高兴的;欢乐的 gaiety; cheerfulness. amity N. 友谊 friendship. calamity N. 灾难,不幸 disaster; misery. unanimity N. 全体同意;全体一致 complete agreement. equanimity N. 镇定 calmness of temperament; composure. proximity N. 接近;亲近 nearness. enmity N. 憎恨;仇恨 ill will; hatred. infirmity N. 弱点 weakness. uniformity N. 一致性;同样 sameness; monotony. enormity N. 巨大的,严重的,极恶劣 hugeness (in a bad sense). anonymity N. 匿名 state of being nameless; anonymousness. serenity N. 平静 calmness; placidity. indignity N. 侮辱 offensive or insulting treatment. affinity N. 亲缘关系 kinship. solemnity N. 严肃的;一本正经的 seriousness; gravity. impunity N. 免受惩罚 freedom from punishment or harm. serendipity N. 有发现意外之财的运气 gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck. hilarity N. 狂欢,欢闹 boisterous mirth. insularity N. 与外界隔绝;僵化;思想狭窄 narrow-mindedness; isolation. parity N. 相等;势均力敌;奇偶 equality in status or amount; close resemblance. disparity N. 不同;差距 difference; condition of inequality. alacrity N. 欢快的情绪 cheerful promptness. celerity N. 速度 speed; rapidity. temerity N. 鲁莽的 boldness; rashness. asperity N. 严酷,粗暴 sharpness (of temper). prosperity N. 繁荣;好运 good fortune; financial success; physical well-being. posterity N. 子孙;后裔 descendants; future generations. verity N. 真实;真理;真实的陈述 quality of being true; lasting truth or principle. severity N. 严肃;严格;激烈 harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity. integrity N. 完整性 uprightness; wholeness. propensity N. 自然倾向 natural inclination. animosity N. 仇恨 active enmity. pomposity N. 夸大,华丽;浮夸;自大 self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt. adversity N. 贫困,不幸 poverty; misfortune. diversity N. 多样性 variety; dissimilitude. entity N. 实体 real being. nonentity N. 不存在 person of no importance; nonexistence. acuity N. 尖锐 sharpness. annuity N. 年金,养老金 yearly allowance. equity N. 公平,公正 fairness; justice. inequity N. 不公平 unfairness. propinquity N. 亲近;血缘 nearness; kinship. gravity N. 重力;严重,庄严,严肃 seriousness. depravity N. 堕落,腐坏 extreme corruption; wickedness. suavity N. 柔和;愉快;温和 banity; polish. longevity N. 长命不老 long life. levity N. 轻佻,轻浮 lack of seriousness; lightness. brevity N. 简短,短暂 conciseness. acclivity N. 上山的陡坡 sharp upslope of a hill. declivity N. 下坡 downward slope. proclivity N. 倾向;自然倾向 inclination; natural tendency. prolixity N. 冗长的;啰嗦的 tedious wordiness; verbosity. casualty N. 严重的事故;伤亡 serious or fatal accident. novelty N. 新奇 something new; newness. faculty N. 才能,教职员工 mental or bodily powers; teaching staff. scanty ADJ. 缺乏的;稀疏的 meager; insufficient. warranty N. 担保;保证 guarantee; assurance by seller. jaunty ADJ. 无忧无虑的,快乐的,轻松的 lighthearted; animated; easy and carree. amnesty N. 原谅 pardon. testy ADJ. 易怒的 irritable; short-tempered. travesty N. 滑稽化;滑稽模仿 comical parody; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous. gusty ADJ. 多风的 windy. musty ADJ. 陈腐的,变质的;时间长损失品质的 stale; spoiled by age. natty ADJ. 穿着整齐干净的 neatly or smartly dressed. petty ADJ. 微小的,不重要的 trivial; unimportant; very small. knotty ADJ. 复杂的,错综的;精细的 intricate; difficult; tangled. soliloquy N. 自言自语;独白 talking to oneself. bevy N. 一群(少女,小鸟) large group. levy V. 征收 impose (a fine); collect (a payment). scurvy ADJ. 下流的;卑鄙的,无理的;坏血病 despicable; contemptible. sinewy ADJ. 结实;硬朗的 tough; strong and firm. galaxy N. 星系;一群显赫的人;一系列重要的人或物 large, isolated system of stars, such as the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities. proxy N. 代理 authorized agent. hazy ADJ. 朦胧的;模糊的 slightly obscure. SAT单词巴朗3500 Y部分SAT单词巴朗3500 Y部分

exemplary ADJ. 出色的;典范的;(杀鸡儆猴的)例子 serving as a model; outstanding. mercenary ADJ. 唯利是图 interested in money or gain. seminary N. 神学院;学院;发祥地 school for training future ministers; academy for young women. luminary N. 名气,尊严 celebrity; dignitary. visionary ADJ. 幻想的 produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical. reactionary ADJ. 反作用的 recoiling from progress; politically ultraconservative. hoary ADJ. 灰白的 white with age. itinerary N. 旅行计划;路线 plan of a trip. arbitrary ADJ. 反复无常;残暴;随机的 capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical. adversary N. 对手 opponent. emissary N. 代理;信使,使者 agent; messenger. glossary N. 词汇表 bri explanation of words used in the text. monetary ADJ. 金融的 pertaining to money. sedentary ADJ. 久坐的;坐惯的 requiring sitting. complementary ADJ. 补足的,完善的 serving to complete something. rudimentary ADJ. 原始的;最初的;原来的 not developed; elementary; crude. alimentary ADJ. 营养的 supplying nourishment. salutary ADJ. 有用的;有益的 tending to improve; benicial; wholesome. sanctuary N. 避难所 ruge; shelter; shrine; holy place. obituary ADJ. 讣告 death notice. wary ADJ. 机警的;小心的 very cautious. decry V. 强烈反对 express strong disapproval of; disparage. mimicry N. 模仿 imitation. descry V. 看到 catch sight of. wizardry N. 巫术,魔术 sorcery; magic. tawdry ADJ. 俗丽的;便宜且华而不实 cheap and gaudy. leery ADJ. 机敏的;狡猾的 suspicious; cautious. drudgery N. 苦差事,苦工 menial work. lechery N. 好色;动机不纯 lustfulness; impurity in thought and deed. periphery N. (圆形的)边缘 edge, especially of a round surface. chicanery N. 强辩,狡辩;欺骗 trickery; deception. buffoonery N. 滑稽的 clowning. frontery N. 厚颜无耻 shameless boldness. query N. 问询;质问 inquiry; question. revelry N. 狂欢 boisterous merrymaking. gory ADJ. 血腥的 bloody. allegory N. 寓言 story in which characters are used as symbols; fable. cursory ADJ. 草率;匆忙 casual; hastily done. accessory N. 附件 additional object; usul but not essential thing. illusory ADJ. 虚幻的,不真实的 deceptive; not real. mandatory ADJ. 强制的,命令的;义不容辞的 obligatory. obligatory ADJ. 必须的 binding; required. derogatory ADJ. 贬低的,贬损的 expressing a low opinion. conciliatory ADJ. 抚慰,调和 reconciling; soothing. ambulatory ADJ. 可移动的,不固定 able to walk; not bedridden. migratory ADJ. 迁徙的;流浪的 wandering. compensatory ADJ. 补偿 making up for; repaying. gustatory ADJ. 味觉的 affecting the sense of taste. olfactory ADJ. 嗅觉的 concerning the sense of smell. rractory ADJ. 按不住的;不服气的;倔强的 stubborn; unmanageable. trajectory N. 弹道;轨迹;抛物线 path taken by a projectile. valedictory ADJ. 告别的 pertaining to farewell. perfunctory ADJ. 肤浅的,不投入的;漠不关心的 superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm. auditory ADJ. 听觉的 pertaining to the sense of hearing. transitory ADJ. 短时间的 impermanent; fleeting. repository N. 仓库;知识库;智囊团 storehouse. expository ADJ. 解释性的 explanatory; serving to explain. desultory ADJ. 慢无目的的;断断续续的 aimless; haphazard; digressing at random. promontory N. 岬;海角 headland. peremptory ADJ. 专制的;强硬的,专横的 demanding and leaving no choice. savory ADJ. 有味道的;吸引人的 tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable. spry ADJ. 充满生气的;活泼的;敏捷的 vigorously active; nimble. parry V. 躲避 ward off a blow; dlect. tarry V. 等候;逗留;混日子 delay; dawdle. quarry N. 猎物;受害者 Victim; object of a hunt. quarry V. 挖掘出,寻找出 dig into. scurry V. 轻快的;活泼的移动 move briskly. idolatry N. 过度崇拜 worship of idols; excessive admiration. symmetry N. 对称;匀称 arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity. paltry ADJ. 不显著的;微小的 insignificant; petty; trifling. sultry ADJ. 闷热的,酷热的;放荡的;粗暴的 sweltering. gentry N. 贵族 people of standing; class of people just below nobility. bigotry N. 固执 stubborn intolerance. ancestry N. 祖先 family descent. sophistry N. 似真实假的 seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning. augury N. 占卜;预言 omen; prophecy. perjury N. 伪誓;伪证 false testimony while under oath. penury N. 一贫如洗;穷困潦倒 severe poverty; stinginess. wry ADJ. 歪曲的;扭曲的 twisted; with a humorous twist. awry ADV. 扭曲的;歪曲的 distorted; crooked. queasy ADJ. 神经质的,洁癖的;易呕吐的 easily nauseated; squeamish. idiosyncrasy N. 特性,特质;古怪的,离心的 individual trait, usually odd in nature; eccentricity. ecstasy N. 全神贯注,入迷,高兴 rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion. heresy N. 少数意见,异端 opinion contrary to popular beli; opinion contrary to accepted religion. autopsy N. 验尸 examination of a dead body; post-mortem. glossy ADJ. 光滑有光泽的 smooth and shining. nicety N. 准确,精密 precision; minute distinction. piety N. 虔诚;孝行 religious devotion; godliness. impiety N. 不敬(对神);不虔诚 irreverence; lack of respect for God. notoriety N. 臭名昭著的 disrepute; ill fame. propriety N. 适当 fitness; correct conduct. impropriety N. 不合适,不恰当 improperness; unsuitableness. subtlety N. 精明;稀薄;微妙 perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy. thrifty ADJ. 节省的;抠包的 carul about money; economical. lofty ADJ. 高高在上的 very high. acerbity N. 尖酸的(语气,脾气) bitterness of speech and temper. tenacity N. 坚韧 firmness; persistence. pugnacity N. 好斗的 combativeness; disposition to fight. Capacity N. 能力;角色 mental or physical ability; role; ability to accommodate. veracity N. 真实;准确性 truthfulness. felicity N. 欢乐;适当 happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc. multiplicity N. 多样性 state of being numerous. complicity N. 共犯,共同 participation; involvement. duplicity N. 奸诈,狡猾;伪善;两面三刀,两面派 double-dealing; hypocrisy. eccentricity N. 怪僻,古怪;特性 oddity; idiosyncrasy. plasticity N. 塑性 ability to be molded. velocity N. 速度 speed. atrocity N. 暴行 brutal deed. paucity N. 少量;缺乏 scarcity. timidity N. 胆怯 lack of self-confidence or courage. cupidity N. 贪婪 greed. fecundity N. 丰饶 fertility; fruitfulness. rotundity N. 圆形,球状;洪亮的演讲 roundness; sonorousness of speech.





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