


2017/08/05 22:59:02 编辑: 浏览次数:212 移动端


61.solicitous (45)eager to help; asking if one can help; sympathetic(solicit, solicitude) 62.daunting (45)discouraging; intimidating; scary (undaunted) 63.skepticism (44)doubt (skeptical, skeptic) 64.coherent (44)sticking together in a unified whole; orderly;logically understandable; lucid (incoherent) 65.autonomy (44)independence; self-government (autonomous) 66.comprehensive (44)all-inclusive; thorough; complete; encompassing a great deal 67.ambiguous (44)unclear; capable of being interpreted in more than one way; uncertain; doubtful; dubious; notdinitive (ambiguity, unambiguous) 68.pretentious (43)believing oneself to better than others; boastful; affected; not modest or reserved (pretense, pretension) 69.rhetoric (43)impressive sounding, though sometimes empty, words; a formal speech (rhetorical) 70.ephemeral (43)short-lived; present so fleetingly as barely to exist;transient; evanescent 71.spurious (43)not genuine; fake; false; inauthentic 72.valid (43)well-grounded; sound; logical; fective; legal;legitimate (validity, invalid) 73.contempt (43)looking down on others or feeling superior to them;to feel that someone or something deserves great disrespect; condescension (contemptuous) 74.restrained (43)calm and collected; controlled; not impulsive;reserved (self-restraint) 75.mundane (43)relating to everyday life; uninspired; banal; prosaic 76.impetuous (43)rash; impulsive; capricious; not retrained(impetuosity) 77.repudiate (42)to reject a person or an idea completely; to have nothing to do with any longer (repudiation) 78.dinitive (42)settling a disputed matter finally; no longer tentative; conclusive; authoritative; decisive(dining, indinite) 79.debunk (42)to prove wrong or false; to invalidate 80.divergent (41)to separate; to split away from; to move apart; to travel in different directions (diverge, converge) 81.digress (41)to wander away from a topic; to change the subjectof a discussion momentarily (digression, digressive) 82.sustain (41)to hold up; to support; to keep something going(sustenance) 83.incongruous (41)not fitting or matching; seeming out of place(incongruity, congruent) 84.diffident (40)lacking confidence; shy; reserved; apprehensive;wary (diffidence) 85.subtle (40)so slight as to be hard to notice; hard to distinguish or discern (subtlety) 86.transient (40)passing through a place quickly; not lasting; short- lived; transitory; ephemeral; evanescent(transience) 87.serene (40)not disturbed; peacul; quiet; tranquil (serenity) 88.inconsequential (40) not worth noticing; unimportant; so insignificantas to have no consequences; negligible; trivial; trite(consequence) 89.scrutinize (40)to examine something closely and completely, especially with an aim to finding faults (scrutiny, inscrutable) 90.assert (40)to state a beli positively; to claim, often without proof (assertion, assertive) 91.foster (40)to promote; to encourage; to contribute to something’s growth 92.perplex (40)to confuse; to mystify (perplexing, perplexity) 93.narrative (40)an account, story, or history about something(narrate, narrator, narration) 94.prosaic (39)ordinary; matter-of-fact; lacking imagination;uninspired; hackneyed; mundane; banal (prose) 95.substantiate (39)to offer supporting evidence; to help prove; to corroborate (unsubstantiated, substantive, substantial; insubstantial) 96.optimistic (39)hopul; looking on the bright side; expecting the best; sanguine (optimism, optimist) 97.tranquil (39)calm; peacul; quiet; relaxing; serene (tranquility) 98.denounce (39)to put someone down, often publicly; to blame someone; to accuse (denunciation) 99.condescend (38)to talk down to; to act superior to; to dismiss; to treat with contempt (condescending, condescension) 100. partisan (38)supporting one side in a dispute, especially over political matters; biased; not detached or objective(bipartisan, nonpartisan) 101. prosperity (38)success, especially financial (prosper, prosperous) 102. lucid (38)clear; easily understood; transparent; coherent(elucidate, pellucid) 103. advocate (38)someone who supports a cause; a supporter; a champion; a proponent (advocacy) 104. distinguish (38)to notice; to pick something out, as a person in a crowd; to see something as different; to discriminate; to discern (distinguished, indistinguishable) 105. superficial (37)only on the surface; shallow; unimportant 106. illusory (37)seemingly real but not; deceptive; false; inauthentic(disillusion, illusive) 107. apprehensive (36)having great doubts; nervous; fearful; diffident(apprehension, apprehend) 108. nostalgia (36)fondness for and missing the past, especially one’s own; missing the good old days (nostalgic) 109. benevolent (36)kind; generous; tending to help others; solicitous(benevolence) 110. sympathy (36)sharing feelings; showing concern for another; harmonious; solicitude (sympathetic, sympathies, unsympathetic) 111. corrupt (36)to ruin something, especially a person’s morals; to make impure; to decay (corruption, incorruptible) 112. polemical (35)arguing a position, especially a radical one(polemics, polemicist) 113. belie (35)to contradict; to fail to confirm (belied, belying) 114. mock (35)to ridicule; to make fun of, often as something fake;to satirize (mockery) 115. compromised (35)to make insecure or to place in danger; to come to an agreement by settling differences; agreeing to something partially (uncompromising) 116. disdain (34)considering someone or something beneath oneself;to have contempt for; to despise; condescension 117. presumption (34)a bold assumption; being overly bold with someoneto the point of disrespect (presume, presuming, presumptuous) 118. caustic (34)burning; sarcastic 119. derential (34)respectful; reverent; venerating (der, derred, derral) 120. subjective (34)open to interpretation; rlecting someone’s perspective; biased; not objective


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