

SAT语法讲义 IS部分(二).

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5. 时态tense

6. 单复数singular & plural


7. 平行结构parallel structure

① doing, doing, and doing / 名词,名词,and名词

② 两者之间的平行

例:Most drivers know not only that excessive speeding on highways wastes gasoline, but also that it is dangerous. (P678.13)

(A) know not only that excessive speeding on highways wastes

(B) know that excessive speeding on highways could be wastul of

(C) are knowledgeable that excessive speeding on highways not only wastes

(D) have known that excessive speeding on highways wastes not only

(E) know that excessive speeding on highways not only by itself can waste

③ 同类相比较

8. 固定用法

so that, just as… so, had hardly…when,no sooner…than,…not… any more…

例:The new regulations have so complicated the process of formulating a school budget to where no one on the Board of Education is eager to undertake the task.(P430.6)

(A) budget to where

(B) budget, therore

(C) budget, even

(D) budget as

(E) budget that

例:Just as Ireland has produced many famous writers and the Netherlands on abundance of famous painters, so Finland has provided a large number of famous architects. (P775.10)

(A) so Finland has provided a large number of famous architects

(B) Finland provides famous architects, and by large numbers

(C) Finland’s contribution is to provided famous architects in a large number

(D) and so then, for Finland, a large number of famous architects is provided

(E) and like them Finland has provided a large number of famous architects

例:No sooner had Andrea del Sarto traveled to France to work for the French king but his wife persuaded him to return to Italy.(P676.4)

(A) but his wife persuaded him to return

(B) but his wife had him persuaded into returning

(C) than he was persuaded by his wife that he will return

(D) but he was persuaded by his wife into returning

(E) than his wife persuaded him to return

例:Chaplin will not be remembered for espousing radical causes any more than they will remember Wayne for endorsing conservative political candidates.(P677.6)

(A) any more than they will remember Wayne

(B) as will Wayne not be remembered

(C) any more than Wayne will been remember

(D) just as they will not remember Wayne

(E) no more than Wayne will be remembered

9. 双主语

N SVO / N, SVO / N, S, VO。

例:The Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, whose origins are hotly debated.(P863.10)

(A) The Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, whose origins are hotly debated.

(B) The Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, its origins are hotly debated.

(C) Possibly one of Europe’s oldest languages, the origins of Basque are hotly debated.

(D) The origins of the Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, are hotly debated.

(E) Basque is hotly debated as a language whose origins are possibly Europe’s oldest.


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