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李楠楠SAT语法:Improving Paragraph(一) 语法题 (1) 划线修改 (2) 二合一体 考点:a. 语法结构; b. 从平行并列的两个句子中,找出两个句子的重心; c. 从句意上,考两个句子的连接词。 难点:题目出得很长。 单句>从句>分词>平行句 (3) 代词的指代 (4) 不划线修改 有错改错,没错删整句。 例:In context, what is the best way to deal with sentence 4 reproduced below)?(P958.30) They had actually been in use for half of his lifetime. (A) Delete it. (B) Switch it with sentence 5. (C) Change "They" to "Such elevators". (D) Change "his" to "Otis". (E) Insert "supposedly" after "lifetime" 例:What is the best way to revise the underlined portion of sentences 5 and 6 (reproduced below)? (P958.31) What Otis managed to do in 1854 was to demonstrate an elevator with a built-in safety device. So that the elevator would not plunge to the bottom if the rope used to raise and lower it broke. (A) device, by which the elevator would not plunge (B) device, and the elevator would not plunge (C) device because an elevator plunges (D) device to prevent the elevator from plunging (E) device, it prevented elevators from plunging
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲