


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:350 移动端


  1. You cannot expect to treat your friends badly and no one notices.

  (A) and no one notices

  (B) and have no one notice

  (C) without notice by someone

  (D) without notice by no one

  (E) without the result of somebody noticing

  2. In Death of a Salesman Willy Loman mistakenly believes that his sons have no flaws, believing which leads to many problems for the entire family.

  (A) believing which leads

  (B) a beli that leads

  (C) and which is to lead

  (D) the beli of which leads

  (E) his believing this leads

  3. Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, he failed to keep either of them after the election.

  (A) Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, he

  (B) The candidate, having promised both to cut taxes and improve services,

  (C) Although the candidate made promises both to cut taxes and improve services, he

  (D) Having promised, first, to cut taxes and, second, to improve services, the candidate

  (E) The candidate’s promises were both to cut taxes and improve services, he

  4. Chinese watercolors have become more popular than American and European artists who are their contemporaries.

  (A) American and European artists who are their contemporaries

  (B) contemporary American and European artists

  (C) those by contemporary American and European artists of the period

  (D) those of American and European pictures of the same period

  (E) those by contemporary American and European Artists

  5. Chess players find that playing against a computer is helpful to improve(A) their(B) skills, even though (C)no chess-playing computer has yet won (D)a championship. No error(E)





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