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  1.Sentence structure problem

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  1) Independent clauses (clauses that can be sentences themselves)

  Can be joined with comma + conjunction, or semicolon

  Comma splice problem: independent clauses joined with ONLY a comma are wrong

  Run-on sentence problem: independent clauses joined with nothing, wrong

  2) Subordinate/dependent clauses (clauses that needs to latch onto an independent clause, e.g. “Sam is very dirty and needs a bath” – independence clause = Sam is very dirty, dependent clause = needs a bath, conjunction = and)

  - often at the beginning/end of a sentence

  - test for independent clauses: remove dependent clause, still makes sense

  - Sentence fragment problem: several dependent clauses w/ no independent clause

  2.Verb problem

  1) all verbs should have the same form (to eat/to run, became/attended)

  - Nouns describing a group of people (audience, family, USA) are singular

  - Either, neither, none, each, anyone, no one, everyone are all singular

  - Subjects joined by and are plural (X and Y are)

  - Nouns joined by or can be either singular or plural, depending on the last noun given (Jane or John is, Jane or the girls are)

  2) proper tense

  - Verb tense does not change within a sentence (“In colonial times…did not…knew)

  3.Noun problem

  1) Subject-verb agreement

  4.Pronoun problem (pronoun = word used to rep. a noun, e.g. ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’)

  1) Agreement

  - Everyone must hand in their homework is wrong, since ‘everyone’ is singular

  2) Ambiguity

  - It should be very clear which noun the pronoun is replacing – “Mary agreed with Martha that her porch” is incorrect since it is not clear whether her is Mary or Martha

  3) Usage of right case (subjective/objective)

  - Subjective pronoun does something, objective pronoun has things done to it

  - I did it – ‘I’ is subjective (doing something), it happened to me – “me” is objective

  - Subject pronouns: I/we, you/you, he/they, she/they, it/they, who/who

  - Object pronouns: me/us, you/you, him/them, her/them, it/them, whom/whom

  - The book belongs to ME, Claire is more creative than I (am).

  5.Preposition problem (about, above, across, around, along – used to add info to a sentence)

  1) Using different prepositions can change the meaning of a sentence








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