


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:303 移动端


  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  2.The new law requires that all bicycle riders A(have been wearing) helmets B(while) on C(their bicycles), D(even) when they are not moving. E(No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  3.The results of the study A(indicate) that the new drug is B(both safer and) more fective than C(was)previously D(assumed). E(No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  4.a(By) the time Mitzie and b(myself) got to the box office, c(all) of the tickets for the show had already d(been sold). e(No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E


  1.The correct answer is C

  The error in this sentence occurs at (C), where there is improper modification. It does not make sense to say that “Finland’s borders” are “One of the northernmost countries of Europe.” The proper noun “Finland” should be used instead.

  2.The correct answer is A

  The error in this sentence occurs at (A), where there is an improper verb form. The use of “requires that” dictates that the subjunctive form of “to wear” is needed. The phrase “have been wearing” should simply be “wear.”

  3.The correct answer is E

  There is no error in this sentence. The plural present tense verb “indicate” agrees with the plural subject “the results.” The phrase “both safer and” appropriately introduces the compound subject complement “both safer and more fective.” And the verb phrase “was…assumed” appropriately indicates an action that occurred in the past: i.e. what scientists thought bore the new studies.

  4.The correct answer is B

  The error in this sentence occurs at (B), where there is improper pronoun use. The rlexive pronoun “myself” is used incorrectly. The first-person singular pronoun “I” is needed instead so that the sentence communicates clearly that two people “got to the box office.” (“Mitzie...got to the box office” and “I got to the box office”)







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  1.A(One of the) northernmost countries B(of Europe), C(Finland&aposs borders are) Russia on the east, Sweden on the west, D(and) the tip of Norway on the north. E(No error)


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