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  The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to process them quickly into juice concentrate bore they rot when warmer weather returns.

  A. to process them quickly into juice concentrate bore they rot when warmer weather returns.

  B if they are quickly processed into juice concentrate bore warmer weather returns to rot them

  C for them to be processed quickly into juice concentrate bore the fruit rots when warmer weather returns

  D if the fruit is quickly processed into juice concentrate bore they rot when warmer weather returns.

  E to have it quickly processed into juice concentrate bore warmer weather returns and rots the fruit.

  此题考点有两个1) 代词指代错 物质名词为单数处理 citrus 2) the only way is to do 固定用法,所以答案为 E

  二,平行结构有无的判断.在SAT语法考试中平行结构是出错较高的语法点之一, 注意下列几点:

  1 形式对称

  1) 连接词的正确使用 and /or/ but yet / both and / not only but also/ either or/not but rather than ,not X but (rather) Y ,more X than Y, the same to X as to Y ,


  A)语法上对称,如to do is to do..;


  C) 宾语从句并列 overestimate that and underestimate that

  D)过去分词可以与现在分词并列 what 从句可以与名词并列

  2 概念对等

  A) 抽象名词不能对具体名词 slowing growth or damaging forest

  B)动作名词不能对纯名词 assignment or staff

  C).整体名词不能对个体概念 no money or staff members

  D).泛指不能对特指 less lending and the increased pressure


  定语从句不能与状语从句并列,WHAT 从句不能与HOW从句并列



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