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  1. as+形容词或副词原级+as-分句:平级

  如:This parcel is as heavy as that one (is).

  This car runs as fast as that one (does)

  Jack behaves as politely as Jones (does).

  由以上例句可以看出,在带有as…as…结构的句子中,通常是主句主语和as从句的主语不同,而比较项目相同,比如是Jack 和Jones就两人的举止是否有礼貌进行比较。这是as…as…结构最基本的用法。此外,带有as…as…结构的句子也可能主语相同,而比较项目不同。

  如:The girl was as brilliant as she was beautiful.

  This swimming pool is as wide as it is long.

  He is not wise as he is witty.


  如:This swimming pool is not twice as wide as that one is long.

  His uncle was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.


  2. more...than…(形容词或副词比较级+than-分句):比较级

  如:Jack is brighter than Jones.

  Jack behaves more politely than Jones.


  如:Jack is more daring than quick-witted.

  Jones is more intelligent than aggressive.


  如:The present crisis is much more a political than an economic crisis.


  如:Jack is the brighter of the two boys.

  Of the two boys Jack behaves (the) more politely.




  如:Of the three boys John behaves (the) most politely.

  Shakespeare was the greatest English dramatist ever known.

  由上述诸例可以看出,表示“最高级”的意义,通常都要有一个“比较范围”,表示比较范围可以用介词词组,如in the world, of the three boys,也可以用关系分句或非限定分句,如I have ever read, ever known。比较范围在一定上下文中可以不表示出来。

  4. like/unlike +名词短语.与as +句子

  Like/as 的差别在 like是一个介词,因此它后面只能跟名词,代词或者名词短语,而as后面的必须是完整的句子或者不引起歧义下的省略成分,但是不能是简单的名词性结构。当like和as 修饰的比较对象是名词,且没有歧义的情况下;like + n.是更加简洁的结构。

  ①Like + n. 比较结构

  Like + n.的比较通常放在句首,其比较对象是句子的主语。因此看到这类型的题目首先判断的就是对应的主语是否和like后面接的名词是对等的对象。

  如:Unlike a typical automobile loan, which requires a fifteen- to twenty-percent down payment, a lease-loan does not require the buyer to make an initial deposit on the new vehicle.

  ②As+ 句子比较结构


  如:Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society, as Rousseau once did.

  As virtually all the nation’s 50 busiest airports were, New York’s were built for an age of propellers, bore jet planes weighing 800,000 pounds needed over two miles of runway.


  如:According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was of earlier generations.

  5. 其他比较短语

  其他标志比较结构的短语包括:compare…to/with…, contrast…to…, liken…to…, different from…, differ from…, the same as…, be similar to…等等

  如:Contrasted to other medieval kings in the long history of feudal China, Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty might be the most versatile.

  6. 倍数表达


  ① … times +形容词 / 副词的比较级+ than …

  如:This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.

  ② … times +as + 形容词 / 副词的原级+ as …

  如:This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed from the library.

  ③ … times + the + 名词(如: size, height, weight, length, width 等)+ of …

  如:The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.

  ④ … times + what 从句

  如:The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago.

  ⑤ … times + that of + 被比较对象

  如:In this workshop the output of July was 3.5 times that of January.


  1. 比较对象对等(包括概念、性质、数量、结构以及在句子里成分)



  例句1:Some historians liken the reign of Russian’s Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a contemporary of England’s Queen Elizabeth I famous for his brutal repression, to Joseph Stalin.

  例句1中比较结构为liken…to…,按照该结构,比较对象应该为the reign of Russian’s Tsar Ivan the Terrible与Joseph Stalin,但前者是物,后者是人,二者的性质和概念并不相同,所以应该把Joseph Stalin改为that of Joseph Stalin,这类问题是SAT中比较对象的典型错误。


  例句2:It is far easier to ride a bicycle than explaining in words exactly how a bicycle is ridden.

  例句2中比较结构为easier…than…,根据比较结构要求,比较对象应该为to ride a bicycle和explaining in words exactly how a bicycle is ridden,前者为不定式短语,后者为动名词短语,二者的结构不能达到一致,所以后者应该改为to explain in words exactly how a bicycle is ridden。

  2. 比较结构中代词的使用

  在英语的比较结构中,为了避免重复使用上文中出现的词汇,经常会用代词来替代名词词组或它的中心词。可以这样用的代词有that/those/it/they。that和those总是伴随着限定性的后置修饰语,分别等于the one和 the ones。that可替代单数可数名词以及不可数名词,而those一般指代可数名词复数,它们表示的是同类异物。

  如:The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.



  如:Finding a McDonald’s in Beijing is easier than it is in my small hometown.

  此例句中比较对象为Finding a McDonald’s,前后比较的事件相同,所以使用代词it, 而不用that。


  1. In some species of birds, such as the peafowl, the plumage of the male is more colorful and more variegated than the female.

  (A) than the female

  (B) than are the females

  (C) than that of the female

  (D) compared to the female

  (E) compared with females


  2. The introduction of (A) paraffin wax in 1830 enabled (B) candle makers to produce candles that burned more clean (C) than those made with (D) tallow or beeswax. No error (E)


  3. Unlike other predators, which are being studies because their populations are declining, ecologists are studying coyotes because the coyote population is growing in suburban areas.

  (A) ecologists are studying coyotes

  (B) ecologists have been studying coyotes

  (C) ecologists, who are studying coyotes

  (D) coyotes are being studied by ecologists

  (E) coyotes, being studied by ecologists

  解析:比较结构unlike…放在句首,一般情况是与主语相比较, 保证比较对象概念、性质、数量、在句子里成分上的对等。

  4. A mixture of jazz and classical idioms, the music of Gershwin was more innovative than most of his contemporaries.

  (A) than most of his contemporaries

  (B) than most of his contemporaries were

  (C) than were most of his contemporaries

  (D) than that of most of his contemporaries

  (E) than most of his contemporaries, as far as music concerned

  解析:比较结构more…than…,保证比较对象概念、性质、数量、在句子里成分上的对等;比较对象应该为the music of Gershwin和most of his contemporaries,前者是物,后者是人,比较对象性质不同。

  5. Chinese watercolors have become more popular than American and European artists who are their contemporaries.

  (A) American and European artists who are their contemporaries

  (B) contemporary American and European artists

  (C) those by contemporary American and European artists of the period

  (D) those of American and European pictures of the same period

  (E) those by contemporary American and European artists

  解析:比较结构more…than…,保证比较对象概念、性质、数量、在句子里成分上的对等;比较对象应该为Chinese watercolors和American and European artists,前者是物,后者是人,比较对象性质不同。

  6. Eating food that has a high concentration of fat causes essentially the same reaction in the stomach than if you eat too fast.

  (A) than if you eat

  (B) than to eat

  (C) as if one eats

  (D) as eating

  (E) as it does when eating

  解析:比较结构more…than…,保证比较对象结构一致;比较对象应该为Eating food that has a high concentration of fat和if you eat too fast,前者是动名词短语,后者是从句,比较对象结构不一致。

  7. Because of its innovativeness and its (A) fective presentation, Mary’s science project received (B) more judges’ votes at the exhibit (C) than did Jim (D). No error (E)

  解析:比较结构more…than…,保证比较对象概念、性质、数量、在句子里成分上的对等;比较对象应该为Mary’s science project和Jim,前者是物,后者是人,比较对象性质不同。


  8. Experts who decipher (A) ancient written languages report (B) that the Indus civilization’s script is more difficult (C) to decode than other civilizations (D). No error (E

  解析:比较结构more…than…,保证比较对象概念、性质、数量、在句子里成分上的对等;比较对象应该为the Indus civilization’s script和other civilizations,前者是script,后者是civilization,比较对象概念不同。

  9. Because (A) sound waves travel faster (B) in liquids than they do (C) in gases, the speed of sound in water is greater than that of sound (D) in the air. No error (E)


  10. Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions systematically, like adults, they may notice and remember details that their elders ignore.

  A. like adults

  B. like adults do

  C. as adults

  D. as adults do

  E. as an adult

  解析: A选项和D选项都符合语法规则,也都和前面的children保持数的一致性,从语法规则上讲是都正确的。但是A存在歧义,因为like adults可以与前一个分句构成整体也可以与后一个分句构成整体。这里可以使用as结构,因为前后两个分句的助动词不一样,as结构的助动词和前一个分句一致的话,就应该和前一个分句构成整体;同样,和后一个分句的助动词一致的话,就应该和后一个分句构成整体。



  1. 平级比较、比较级、最高级的混用

  在英语中,平级比较(as adj./adv. as)、比较级(more/adj.+er than)、最高级(the most adj./adv. of/in)都有自己的固定表达结构,在SAT考题中会出现混用的情况。


  例句3:Of the five films that Phuong saw during the film festival, the last was unquestionably the more enjoyable.

  例句3中用的是比较级形式the more enjoyable,但在句子的开头为Of the five films,表示的是最高级的一个范围,所以二者冲突,应该把more改为most。

  2. 形容词比较级的修饰及拼写

  在英语中,形容词比较级只可用以下词或短语修饰:a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even,在SAT中常出现错误的是用比较级修饰比较级。


  例句4:The crowd of onlookers grew more larger as the veterans who were picketing the White House began shouting.



  1) 单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾加er或est:如bright brighter brightest; 以不发音的e字母结尾的加r,或st:如:large larger largest; 以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为I加er或est:如:easy easier easiest; 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词双写最后一个辅音字母再加er或est:如big bigger biggest;以-er/-ow结尾的双音节词加-er 或est:clever cleverer cleverest; slow slower slowest.

  2) 多音节词前加more或most, 副词最高级前省略the

  3) 有些形容词比较级是不规则变化:good, well; bad, badly, ill; much, many; little; far; old;

  注:只有少数形容词和副词有两种比较级和最高级形式:如clever, old, far


  1. Some experts say that of all (A) the musical forms that constituted African music in the second half of the (B) twentieth century, Congolese rumba and its rambunctious offspring, soukous, were (C) the more (D) influential. No error (E)


  2. Whiptails, the more speedier (A) of lizards, are remarkable creatures because (B) in thirteen of the known (C) species the females reproduce without (D) mating with males. No error (E)


  3. Twice as many bird species inhabit Ecuador as in North America.

  (A) as in

  (B) as inhabit

  (C) instead of in

  (D) when compared to

  (E) than

  解析:twice as many …as 倍数表达。

  4. Many environmentalists think that it is (A) just as important to use (B) existing energy sources ficiently than (C) it is to develop pollution-free means of generating (D) energy. No error (E)


  5. Though originally unpopular among (A) taxpayers, the housing fee increase was implemented in order to build (B) more safer playground (C) for (D) the community. No error (E)










  1. as+形容词或副词原级+as-分句:平级

  如:This parcel is as heavy as that one (is).

  This car runs as fast as that one (does)

  Jack behaves as politely as Jones (does).

  由以上例句可以看出,在带有as…as…结构的句子中,通常是主句主语和as从句的主语不同,而比较项目相同,比如是Jack 和Jones就两人的举止是否有礼貌进行比较。这是as…as…结构最基本的用法。此外,带有as…as…结构的句子也可能主语相同,而比较项目不同。

  如:The girl was as brilliant as she was beautiful.

  This swimming pool is as wide as it is long.

  He is not wise as he is witty.


  如:This swimming pool is not twice as wide as that one is long.

  His uncle was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.


  2. more...than…(形容词或副词比较级+than-分句):比较级

  如:Jack is brighter than Jones.

  Jack behaves more politely than Jones.


  如:Jack is more daring than quick-witted.

  Jones is more intelligent than aggressive.


  如:The present crisis is much more a political than an economic crisis.


  如:Jack is the brighter of the two boys.

  Of the two boys Jack behaves (the) more politely.




  如:Of the three boys John behaves (the) most politely.

  Shakespeare was the greatest English dramatist ever known.

  由上述诸例可以看出,表示“最高级”的意义,通常都要有一个“比较范围”,表示比较范围可以用介词词组,如in the world, of the three boys,也可以用关系分句或非限定分句,如I have ever read, ever known。比较范围在一定上下文中可以不表示出来。

  4. like/unlike +名词短语.与as +句子

  Like/as 的差别在 like是一个介词,因此它后面只能跟名词,代词或者名词短语,而as后面的必须是完整的句子或者不引起歧义下的省略成分,但是不能是简单的名词性结构。当like和as 修饰的比较对象是名词,且没有歧义的情况下;like + n.是更加简洁的结构。

  ①Like + n. 比较结构

  Like + n.的比较通常放在句首,其比较对象是句子的主语。因此看到这类型的题目首先判断的就是对应的主语是否和like后面接的名词是对等的对象。

  如:Unlike a typical automobile loan, which requires a fifteen- to twenty-percent down payment, a lease-loan does not require the buyer to make an initial deposit on the new vehicle.

  ②As+ 句子比较结构


  如:Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society, as Rousseau once did.

  As virtually all the nation’s 50 busiest airports were, New York’s were built for an age of propellers, bore jet planes weighing 800,000 pounds needed over two miles of runway.


  如:According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was of earlier generations. 上12345下




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