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  找错题VS 改错题


  拿下这种题,需要扎实的语法基本功,并且要掌握这类题的两个出题原则,一个是“宽容原则”,当考生觉得四个划线部分,也就是A,B,C,D都没有明显错误时,要果断的选择E(No error),当考生认为某个选项可改可不改时,就不要改,也就是不能用对的改对的。


  In many parts of the world where (A) grasses cover vast expanses of land, periodic, controlled burning is practiced (B) in order to keep woody brush from gaining (C) a foothold and it stimulates (D) continuing grass growth. No error (E)本题句意比较难理解,有些考生在没有完全理解透句意的时候也会觉得D选项的it可能指代controlled burning,但是按照刚才第二个原则,代词划线了,就不要放过这个嫌疑犯,所以答案应该选择D,按照句意,正确表达应改为from stimulating


  “不做大手术”,意思就是不在万不得已的情况下,不要对原句进行翻天覆地的改变;很多题目特别是考并列平行知识点的题目,答案往往不是选最短的,所以大家不要看到最短就选;“见光生”指的是同位语,只要选项出现同位语,这个选项必然是正确的;如下是几个见光死的例子: one’s doing, the doing, because of doing, considering that, in that, being that, …is because, …is why,改错题出现这些表达,此选项一定错误。下面结合这几个原则看一个难题:

  Lois has learned more about Arna Bontemps’ writings than the rest of us because of being her favorite author.

  (A) us because of being her favorite author

  (B) us; this is the result of Bontemps’ being her favorite author

  (C) us because Bontemps is her favorite author

  (D) us as a result of Bontemps’ being her favorite author

  (E) us since Bontemps is her favorite as an author

  本题划线部分出现见光死because of doing,直接排除,同理B、D选项的Bontemps’ doing也是见光死,C和E中选择简洁的C选项。



  1. Winston Churchill, unlike (A) many English prime ministers bore him (B), had deep insight into (C) the workings of (D) the human mind. No error (E)

  本题很多考生会选择C或者D,但是按照刚才讲过的原则,不要随便找短语搭配的错误以及复数名词一般没有错,这两个选项都排除了,应该选E。做完这个题后,考生应当总结固定搭配insight into,以及workings是运行原理的意思。

  2. Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, he failed to keep either of them after the election.

  A. Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, he

  B. The candidate, having promised both to cut taxes and improve services,

  C. Although the candidate made promises both to cut taxes and improve services, he

  D. Having promised, first, to cut taxes and, second, to improve services, the candidate

  E. The candidate’s promises were both to cut taxes and improve services, he

  本题考点非常隐蔽,导致考生选择A(No error).但是读完这个题干以后,就会发现句末有一个keep either of them的表达,代词them没有划线,但是仍然摆脱不了最大嫌疑犯的罪名,其实这个them应该指代promises, 但是上文没有名词promises,所以应选择C。

  3. Although he played a leading role in planning spacecraft expeditions, Dr. Carl Sagan rused to accept praise for the plans he designed nor otherwise profiting from later advancements in space exploration.

  A. designed nor otherwise profiting

  B. had designed nor otherwise did he profit

  C. has designed nor otherwise to have profited

  D. designed or otherwise profited

  E. had designed or otherwise to profit

  对于本题,首先应该掌握or otherwise这个搭配,另外结合课上讲的虚拟语气大三标志之一的otherwise识别出此题考察虚拟语气,而且是和过去事实不符,所以动词应该用had done,答案应该选择E。

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