


2017/08/05 20:54:42 编辑: 浏览次数:279 移动端


  21. Generosity:慷慨的,情景很简单,generosity,generous(来自于gen),我们复习一下表示慷 慨的一些单词magnanimous(mag大+anim生命),还有benevolent,charitable等

  22. Humorous?humorous, comical, ironic(sardonic, sarcastic) 之间的区别是什么?


  Ironic (sardonic,sarcastic),讽刺,是指通过比喻,夸张的手法对不良或愚蠢的行为进行批判;幽默则是通过比喻,双关,影射等修辞手法,在善 意的微笑中,揭露不通情理之处。

  所以微笑是幽默的外在表现,方式有相声,小品,笑话,无厘头,恶搞等。通过说politician 是ready listeners, 用psychological equipment, 表现了一种humorous精神在里面,但这些人认为人民大众是idiot,显然是contempt。

  21. Insightful: 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的able to understand or showing that you understand what a situation or person is really like. 在阅读态度题中insightful是个非常常见的单词,那么什么样的叙述才算得上是insightful呢?

  比如说,乌龟和兔子赛跑的故事,小马过河的故事,这些故事都是insightful story,因为他会让你思考!中国作家理insightful的作者是鲁迅,而现在的很多作家越来越pretentious.

  Latoya’s___ is shown by her ability to be__: she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can.

  (A) perceptiveness, self-centered

  (B) objectivity, restrictive

  (C) cynicism, self-destructive

  (D) open-mindedness, complacent

  (E) insightfulness, self-critical

  22. Intrusive是个贬义程度比较低的单词,指“侵扰的”,多用于指那些“不速之客”,比如你平时正在用电脑,突然冒出一 个网页,或者你的电脑被病毒感染,这些行为都是intrusive

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  Put up with是忍受的意思

  23. Melancholy: thoughtful sadness这个词语是一个只有文人雅士才会用的词语,我们凡人痛苦了,就直接写在脸上,而非凡人则要先感叹一番,或忧国忧民,或悲叹世道,然后两眼深 邃后,这才算作melancholy。因为这里是说的一些社会批评人士对电视作用的评价,而且这些人直接就说了Television makes you stupid,所以这里用了melancholy。

  agreeable melancholy:令人愉悦的忧伤,这是一个非常经典组合,而且这个组合只有在我身在日本的同学把他拍的在 东京赏樱花的照片的时候,我才体会出来,所以人间少有。这里melancholy引起了大家什么思绪呢?

  24. Nonchalant:blithe unconcern冷淡的,漠不关心 non+chalant(care的变体)


  Nostalgia: longing for something past 怀旧之情 我们看一下下面几道题所给出的情景。

  (1)Finding her old dolls and toys in the attic evoked__ in the old woman as she fondly remembered her childhood.

  (A) gratitude

  (B) determination

  (C) regret

  (D) melancholy

  (E) nostalgia

  (2)As she consigned the yellow-painted wooden pencil to the wastebasket of history, I felt a rush of nostalgia for the perfumed sharpener shavings of my youth.

  Question:The author mentions “sharpener shavings” in order to portray a mood of

  (A) unrestrained joy

  (B) sentimental reminiscence

  (C) bitter disappointment

  (D) cautious optimism

  (E) dark foreboding

  25. Obdurate: stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing

  Alex is so ----- that it is nearly impossible to offer him constructive criticism without him taking it personally and acting densive.

  (A) cerebral

  (B) obdurate

  (C) sensitive

  (D) pretentious

  (E) enervated

  26. Objective:很多同学会误选objective,看来还是不了解客观的定义,客观就是要求叙述中不夹杂作者的任何感 情,该是什么就是什么,而这篇文章中,我们可以看到有providential,因为就作者说是providential,而在我看来也许 unprovidential呢?这就不客观了,而对石头的大小重量外形描述时就是objective了,因为让我描述这些东西我也只能那么描述。

  27. Paradoxical 也是一个经常考到的作者态度词,从词根来记意思,para(旁边)+dox(doc变体表示写),在一旁写,虽然不是写在正好的地方,但至少是写出来了, 所以即引出来这个单词的意思了,paradoxical:seemingly contradictionary but nonetheless possibly true

  情景:people are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered, love them anyway; If you do good, people will discuss you of selfish ulterior motives, do good anyway…..

  Paradoxical commander 似非而是的戒律

  提一下,关于para表示旁边:parallel :para+llel(level变体):平行的



  28. (1) paranoia,往往为了表示自己异常的热心而出现反常的行为,是妄想狂的意思,态度题里出现这种单词肯定是错误 的,因为作者不可能是精神病患者。

  Possessive:desirous of owning 占有欲的

  (2) cynical, 第一讲的时候已经重点讲过,复习一下,它也是只要出现了它大多数情况下不可能成为正确选项的一个单词.

  29. Predictable是个非常重要的单词,当用来修饰音乐,绘画时,都表示“毫无创意”的意思above reproach无可指责的意思。


  To avoid being___, composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of surprise in his songs.

  (A) erratic

  (B) informal

  (C) elaborate

  (D) predictable

  (E) idiosyncratic

  30. Pedestrian: lacking wit or imagination 缺乏想象的,它的反义词 enthralling: capturing interest as if by a spell 迷人的.


  We were amazed that a man who had been heretofore the most__ of public speakers could, in a single speech, electrify an audience and bring them cheering to their feet.

  (A) enthralling

  (B) accomplished

  (C) pedestrian

  (D) auspicious

  (E) masterful



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