


2017/08/05 20:54:39 编辑: 浏览次数:238 移动端


  31. Preemptive: designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence (预先做好了一切防止事情的发生)

  情景: Iraq war is W. Bush’s diplomatic strategy, which is attacking a potential enemy bore the United States is attacked 美国发动伊拉克战争就是出于这样的目的.

  32. Pretentious:making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction。做作的,相当自命不凡的;

  情景:被称为八十后领军人物的郭敬明,他在散文和小说里动不动就仰望天空、泪流满面,成篇的煽情和虚无主义,整个黔驴伎穷的“抄级男生”。而且他老 大不小了还自称是“少年”,拍半裸照自以为是性感男,实在是藻饰多于实料,整个自我标榜的自恋男。所以他是the most pretentious writer in China。所以当你一看到pretentious的时候你马上就想到他人了。

  33. Presumptuous:指那种自以为是的那种高傲(presume――只凭假设就给人家下结论,自以为是的)

  34. Provocative:serving or likely to arouse a strong reaction,esp. stimulating discussion or exciting controversy 引起很强烈的反应,特别是能刺激起讨论或者争端

  从词根构成上来看这个单词的意思:pro(forward向前)+voc(话)+tive(adj词尾表多)向前引起很多话,即引起争论的那种刺激 性

  例题:An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled political waters, she intended to wait for a more____ occasion bore she announced her plans.

  (A) propitious (B) provocative (C) unseemly (D)questionable (E)theoretical

  35. Resignation:acceptance of despair,resigned指逆来顺受,认命的意思


  Since many disadvantaged inpiduals view their situations as ___ as well as intolerable, their attitudes best described as ____.

  (A) squalid---obscure

  (B) unpleasant---bellicose

  (C) acute---sanguine

  (D) immutable---resigned

  (E) political---perplexed

  36. Somber: sullen指性格上比较阴郁,如某些更年期的女人,又阴郁,又动辄发脾气

  37. Speculative:not based on fact or investigation 推测性的,即结果总不是那么令人相信的


  1)Since none of the original doors or windows of Mayan Indian homes has survived, restoration work on these portions of these buildings has been largely___.

  (A) exquisite (B) impertinent (C) speculative (D) appeased (E)abstract

  38. Spontaneity: coming from natural feelings without constraint之后情景就非常简单了,所以这也出现了spontaneous的一个情景:象小孩子那样的思想大多都是spontaneous的(形 容人物性格方面)

  The author constructed a scenario in which playful, creative children are rewarded for their___ and strict, dour adults are punished for their___.

  A. spontaneity, rigidity

  B. digressions, mirth

  C. solemnity, malice

  D. inflexibility, rigor

  E. improvisations, buoyancy

  39. Unfounded: without a basis in reason or fact. 没有根据的, unfounded rumor 无稽之谈

  情景: Talented children "burn themselves out" in the early years, and, therore, are subjected to failure and at worst, mental illness. 对这句话判断的话,显然是unfounded,要不然小马过河的老师要么都是疯子,要么都是骗子,而显然我们是相当正常的人类.

  40. Volatile temperament 反复无常的个性

  41. Wrenching 悲痛 比如说你离开你的祖国的那一时间,你的感觉就是wrenching

  42. zealotry: excessive intolerance of opposing views狂热

  和狂热有关的单词fanatic frantic frenetic lunatic(以后我们会在分类单词中再仔细讲的)


  41. exclusively:without any others being included or involved 专门的,所以其反义词就是comprehensively了

  例如:This room is exclusively for women. 这个房间是专门给女人用的。Exclusively的 语气相当重。

  Dr. Schwartz’s lecture on art, while detailed and scholarly, focused___ on the premodern; some students may have appreciated his specialized knowledge, but those with more____ interests may have been disappointed.

  (A) literally--- medieval

  (B) completely--- pedantic

  (C) expansively--- technical

  (D) voluminously---- creative

  (E)exclusively--- comprehensive


  42. unfortunately表示前后语气的转折,而且用的时候会单独把它摘出来,然后在其后加上逗号,这时英 语中常用的方法,即语气(表达一种遗憾的态度,而不是转折)。


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