


2017/08/05 17:02:22 编辑: 浏览次数:213 移动端




  The following sentence test you ability to recognize and usage errors. Each sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. No sentence contains more than one error. The error, if there is one, is underlined and lettered. If the sentence contains an error, select the one underlined part must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence is correct, select choice E. In choosing answers, following the requirements of standard written English.

  从Direction我们可以看出,IE题型题目出现的错误有两大类:1)语法错误;2)词的用法错误。但无论是哪一种错误都必须遵守标准书面语(standard written English)要求常见的错误如下:

  1、代词指代错误:代词的性、数、格;比较特别考点是one 和you 不能相互指代。

  例:Even with(A) a calculator, you must have a basic understanding(B)of mathematics if one expects(C) to solve complex problems correctly. No error(E)

  分析:本题第一个代词是you,所以C错,应改为you expect。因为one和you 不能互相指代


  例:The bright (A)fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B)critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D)New York.

  分析:本题显然主语sculptures是个复数而谓语动词has是个单数,所以主谓不一致,应该把B 改为have received


  例:Each time Caroline turns on her computers, she has(A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B)bore she can begin working(C). No error(D)

  分析:B enters a password 前面出现了可爱的and,这个词决定了前后必须是平行并列,要求形式对称、概念对等、功能相同。所以前面也应该有第三人称单数动词+名词的结构和enters a password并列,而前面出现的是her initials所以正确改法:去掉enters,这种考题在国内高考也经常考,这个考点因为出题频率特别的高。


  例:Although(A) the new device was the most clever (B) designed bird feeder that Ms.Rodriguez had ever owned (C), it could not keep squirrels from(D)stealing the birdseed. No error(E)

  分析:正确答案是B 修饰动词designed 的用adv.cleverly


  例: Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied(A) for years, but(B) only recently has(C) the harmful fects of noise pollution become (D)known. No error(E)

  分析:正确答案是C,本题考查的是倒装因为only +状语/状从要求引起倒装,而倒装后真的主语是 fects所以C应改为have


  Just how(A) critical an improved balance of trade is to(B) a healthy economy has never been (C)more clearer(D) than it is now. No error(E)

  分析:本题考点很简单C more clearer应改为clearer




  preoccupation with take advantage of=make use of contrast with be involved in think about use sth to do threaten to do take pride in result in/from prer to protest against inconsistent with manage to do listen to neither nor either or be more likely to do 等短语,这些短语都是在考试过程中高频出现的短语。



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