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  1、新SAT 考试的语法部分将会在短文中进行,侧重于考察词在语境中的运用,即要求学生深入学习单词的基本词义,延伸词义或者在某个特定语境中的特殊用法,因此,在语法学习中,新SAT 要求学生能够掌握单词词性的变化,从而能够更好的在阅读中掌握词性和句子结构的变化,但在一定程度上会减弱偏难词的考察,更有利于学生复习、把握和巩固SAT的单词;

  [新SAT 样题]

  [. . .] As Kingman developed as a painter, his works were often compared to paintings by Chinese landscape artists dating back to CE 960, a time when a strong tradition of landscape painting emerged in Chinese art. Kingman, however, vacated from that tradition in a number of ways, most notably in that he chose to focus not on natural landscapes, such as mountains and rivers, but on cities. [. . .]


  B) evacuated

  C) departed

  D) retired

  本题选择C, 考查单词,在旧SAT 中也有此知识点,例如:

  [作为对比的旧SAT 语法题目]

  For (A) any mayor of a vast metropolitan area, an understanding of (B) current issues in all districts is (C) not only desirous (D) but also vital. No error (E)

  2、错误的句子结构转变:主要针对句子结构中时态,人称,数的一致,语气,代词等进行考察。新SAT 语法更注重上下文的逻辑性和一致性,从而要求学生增强对句子结构和逻辑的理解,形成以句读文章,以文章反应句子结构逻辑的考察,类似于旧SAT 考试中的IP 题。

  [新SAT 样题]

  [. . .] The transportation planner’s job might involve conducting a traffic count to determine the daily number of vehicles traveling on the road to the new factory. If analysis of the traffic count indicates that there is more traffic than the current road as it is designed at this time can ficiently accommodate, the transportation planner might recommend widening the road to add another lane. [. . .]


  B) current design of the road right now

  C) road as it is now currently designed

  D) current design of the road

  本题选择D,主要考查句子简洁性,要求考生选择简明语言,这一点符合美国政府的官方语言需要简明的原则。这是旧SAT 常考的知识点。

  3、用词习惯:主要针对代词,代词的指代清晰,代词的格以及副词等修辞,语法一致性,主谓一致,形近词,如allusion/illusion 进行考察。(与旧SAT 一致)

  4、标点使用习惯:新SAT 考试会加强标点符号的考察,例如怎么断句,句中逻辑停顿,插入的使用,代词名词指代的一致,以及更正不必要使用的标点符号使用,以达到段落语义之中或语境之中的一致性和紧凑,也会加强连词的逻辑考察,这样会不断要求学生加强对上下文逻辑的把握。(难度较现行SAT 稍高。)

  新SAT 语法新增内容:

  1、改革后的语法部分加入了图表信息的解读,即要求考生能够看懂跟所考文章内容相关的图表,并选择正确描述图表信息的选项,这也反映了改革后的SAT 考试更注重对实际生活中应用知识的考察。

  例如:[. . .] Transportation planners perform critical work within the broader field of urban and regional planning. As of 2010, there were approximately 40,300 urban and regional planners employed in the United States. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts steady job growth in this field, projecting that 16 percent of new jobs in all occupations will be related to urban and regional planning. Population growth and concerns about environmental sustainability are expected to spur the need for transportation planning professionals.Which choice completes the sentence with accurate data based on the above graph?


  B) warning, however, that job growth in urban and regional ?planning will slow to 14 percent by2020.

  C)predicting that employment of urban and regional planners will ?increase 16 percent between 2010 and 2020.

  D) indicating that 14 to 18 percent of urban and regional planning positions will remain unfilled.

  本题选择C, 本题是全新的题型,图表分析题,本题不仅考查考生的语法能力,还考查考生的理科分析能力,根据图表分析数据。考生一定要对此题多加练习。


  [新SAT 样题]

  [. . . ] His fine brushwork conveys detailed street-level activity: a peanut vendor pushing his cart on the sidewalk, a pigeon pecking for crumbs around a fire hydrant, an old man tending to a baby outside a doorway. His broader brushstrokes and sponge-painted shapes create majestic city skylines, with skyscrapers towering in the background, bridges connecting neighborhoods on either side of a river, and enormous ships maneuvering out of a busy harbor.

  To art critics and fans alike, these city scenes represent the innovative spirit of twentiethcentury urban Modernism. [. . .]

  Which choice most fectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph?

  A) Kingman is considered a pioneer of the California Style school of painting.

  B) Although cities were his main subject, Kingman did occasionally paint natural landscapes.

  C) In his urban landscapes, Kingman captures the vibrancy of crowded cities.

  D) In 1929 Kingman moved to Oakland, California, where he attended the Fox Art School.

  本题选择C, 考查文章主旨,要求考生在阅读文章是迅速掌握文章主要内容,此题属于新题,旧SAT 对于文章主旨的考查主要是在IP 中考查,为文章选择结论句,尽管相似但是还有不同,因此要求学生以后在学习SAT 语法时要注重文章主要信息提取的能力。

  [作为对比的老SAT 语法题目]

  Which would make the best concluding sentence for the passage?

  A) Nevertheless, supermarkets are devoting increasingly more space to the display of organic foodstuffs.

  B) Ultimately, whether organic food's lower environmental impact continues to justify its higher cost will be decided by the consumer.

  C) And, as the cost of energy derived from conventional fuels rises, alternative sources will become economically viable.

  D) As an added benit, when one sort of pollution is reduced, support for sound environmental practices grows.

  E) Still, the issue will not be resolved until the government clearly indicates what is "organic"and what is not.

  本题是老SAT 2010 年10 月IP 的最后一题,它要求考生读完文章后选择结论句,和新SAT 样题类似,但是略有不同。

  因此从整个语法的改革细则来看,除了新加的解读图表信息题之外,还增加了目前IP 题当中少见的词汇题和文章主旨题,其他考点都是旧SAT 语法考试中的重要考点。同时从样题所选文章的词汇和语言来看,总体难度并未增加,所以计划参加改革后的SAT 考试的考生可以针对新SAT 考试的特点进行准备。总而言之,万变的是考试,不变的是学习,以不变应万变,提升自身实力方为上策。

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