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  1. Lacking good instruction, my mistakes in creating a graph to illustrate historical trends were numerous.

  (A) my mistakes in creating a graph to illustrate historical trends were numerous

  (B) I made numerous mistakes in creating a graph to illustrate historical trends

  (C) there were numerous mistakes in the graph I created to illustrate historical trends

  (D) I created a graph to illustrate historical trends with numerous mistakes

  (E) The graph I made for illustrating historical trends had numerous mistakes

  在这道SAT语法改进句子练习题中,现在分词lacking的逻辑主语,即整个句子的主语应该是“I”,而实际上却是“my mistakes”。修改时只需要将句子的主语改为“I”就可以了。符合这个要求的有(B)与(D)两个选项,其中(D)选项将numerous mistakes放错了位置,使得整个句子意思荒谬。因此(B)为正确答案。这也告诉考生,正确答案只要改正原句的主要错误就可以了,而无须做太多额外的修改,因为与原句相比,这么做将使改后的句子变得面目全非。

  2. Carried by the strong, dry winds of the stratosphere, the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens caused dust that crossed the United States in three days and circled the globe in two weeks. (句子以过去分词carried开始)

  (A) the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens caused dust that

  (B) Mount Saint Helens’ eruption in 1980 caused dust that

  (C) dust from the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens

  (D) dust from the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens that

  (E) there was dust from the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens and it

  在这道SAT语法改进句子练习题中,过去分词carried的逻辑主语,即整个句子的主语应该是“dust”(dust 被winds吹走),而实际上却是“eruption”。修改时只需要将句子的主语改为“dust”就可以了。符合这个要求的有(C)与(D)两个选项,其中(D)选项保留了原句的that,使得that之后的crossed成了that引导的从句的谓语,也使得整个句子没有谓语,因此(D)为干扰选项, (C)为正确答案。




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