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1. Since the island soil has been barren for so many years, the natives must now_________ much of their food.
(A) deliver (B) import (C) produce (D) develop (E) utilize
2. Because Jenkins neither _________ nor dends either management or the striking workers, both sides admire his journalistic_________.
(A) criticizes. .acumen
(B) attacks..neutrality
(C) confronts. .aptitude
(D) dismisses. .flair
(E) promotes..integrity
3. Some anthropologists claim that a few apes have been taught a rudimentary sign language, but skeptics argue that the apes are only_________ their trainers.
(A) imitating (B) condoning (C) instructing (D) acknowledging (E) belaboring
4. It is ironic that the_________ insights of the great thinkers are voiced so often that they have become mere_________.
(A) original. .clichés
(B) banal. .belis
(C) dubious. .habits
(D) philosophical. .questions
(E) abstract. .ideas
5. The most frustrating periods of any diet are the inevitable_________, when weight loss_________ if not stops.
(A) moods. .accelerates
(B) feasts. .halts
(C) holidays. .contracts
(D) plateaus. .slows
(E) meals. ceases
6. Since the author‘s unflattering rerences to her friends were so_________, she was surprised that her_________were recognized.
(A) laudatory. .styles
(B) obvious. .anecdotes
(C) oblique. .allusions
(D) critical..eulogies
(E) apparent. .motives
7. Mark was intent on maintaining his status as first in his class; because even the smallest mistakes infuriated him, he reviewed all his papers_________ bore submitting them to his teacher.
(A) explicitly (B) perfunctorily (C) honestly (D) mechanically (E) assiduously
8. Since many disadvantaged individuals view their situations as_________ as well as intolerable, their attitudes are best desccribed as_________.
(A) squalid. .obscure
(B) unpleasant. .bellicose
(C) acute. . sanguine
(D) immutable. .resigned
(E) political. .perplexed
9. The subtleties of this novel are evident not so much in the character_________ as they are in its profoundly_________ plot structure.
(A) assessment, .eclectic
(B) development. .trite
(C) portrayal. .aesthetic
(D) delineation. .intricate
(E) illustration. .superficial
1. If it is true that morality cannot exist without religion, then does not the erosion of religion herald the_________ of morality?
(A) regulation (B) basis (C) beli (D) collapse (E) value
2. Certain animal behaviors, such as mating rituals, seem to be_________, and therore _________external factors such as climate changes, food supply, or the presence of other animals of
the same species.
(A) learned..immune to
(B) innate. .unaffected by
(C) intricate. .belong to
(D) specific. .confused with
(E) memorized. .controlled by
3. Shaken by two decades of virtual anarchy, the majority of people were ready to buy_________ at any price.
(A)order (B)emancipation (C)hope (D)liberty (E)enfranchisement
4. As a person who combines care with_________, Marisa completed her duties with_________as well as zeal.
(A) levity. .resignation
(B) geniality. .ardor
(C) vitality. .willingness
(D) empathy. .rigor
(E) enthusiasm. .meticulousness
5. Her shrewd campaign managers were responsible for the fact that her political slogans were actually forgotten clichés revived and_________with new meaning.
(A) fathomed (B) instilled (C) foreclosed (D) instigated (E) foreshadowed
6. The stoic former general led his civilian life as he had his military life, with simplicity and_________ dignity.
(A) benevolent (B) informal (C) austere (D) aggressive (E) succinct
7. Although bound to impose the law, a judge is free to use his discretion to_________ the anachronistic barbarity of some criminal penalties.
(A) mitigate (B) understand (C) condone (D) provoke (E) enforce
8. Henry viewed Melissa as_________; she seemed to be against any position regardless of its merits.
(A) heretical (B) disobedient (C) contrary (D) inattentive (E) harried
9. Dr. Schwartz’s lecture on art, while detailed and scholarly, focused_________ on the premodern; some students may have appreciated his specialized knowledge, but those with more_________interests may have been disappointed.
(A) literally..medieval
(B) completely..pedantic
(C) expansively..technical
(D) luminously..creative
(E) exclusively, .comprehensive
10. Only when one actually visits the ancient ruins of marvelous bygone civilizations does one truly, appreciate the sad_________ of human greatness.
(A) perspicacity (B) magnitude (C) artistry (D) transience (E) quiescence
Section One
1. B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.E 8.D 9.D
Section Two
1. D 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.E 10.D
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