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六.逆境,挫折,失败。 1.Is conflict helpful? (2005.11) 2.Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people? (2006.1) 3.Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? (2006.1) 4.Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties? (2006.10) 5.Do people truly benit from hardship and misfortune? (2007.6) 6.Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 7.Do people learn more from losing than winning?(2008.5) 这类题目例子很丰富,论证也相对比较容易。无非是讲挫折和失败对人的影响(无论是正面还是负面的),以及失败与成功的辨证关系。我相信许多人在准备SAT的过程中,也经历过不少坎坷,如果你懂得如何把坎坷转换成动力和坚韧的意志,那这篇作文应该只是小菜一碟。 七.英雄,名人,领导。 1.Are leaders necessarily people who are most capable of leadership? (2005.12) 2.Is society’s admiration for famous people benicial or harmful? (2005.10) 3.Is there a value in celebrating certain individuals as heroes? (2007.6) 4.Should we admire heroes but not celebrities? (2007.10) 5.Should heroes be dined who say what they think when we lack the courage to say so? 讲到个人崇拜,英雄名人对社会的作用,大家可以结合历史与当今社会的一些现象谈谈,不管怎么说,在你的例子里面准备几个有名的政治家是相当必要的,它不仅能体现领导能力,还能阐述伟人对社会历史的推动作用。 八.改变。 1.Do the benits of scientific and technological developments come at the cost of undesirable changes to people&aposs lives? (2005.12) 2.Is it best not to change our ideas, opinions, or behaviors? (2006.4) 3.Is our ability to change ourselves unlimited, or are there limits on our ability to make important changes in our lives? (2006.4) 4.Does the truth change depending on how people look at things? (2006.5) 5.Is it better to change one&aposs attitude than to change one&aposs circumstances? (2007.1) 6.What motivates people to change? 7.Do changes make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 8.Is the world changing for better? 马克思说过,物质是运动的,万事万物无时无刻不在变化。我们从变化中得到什么,失去什么,变革与发展又对社会产生什么样的影响,都是我们应该思考。虽然在作文里面我们要一边倒地去支持一个观点,但是在平时的思考中辨证看待问题无疑对逻辑思维有很大的提高和帮助。 九.其他(这里都是一些小的类别,就不一一阐述) 工作:Do people depend on work to determine what their daily activities and interactions with others should be? 物质与现实主义:Do people put too much emphasis on learning practical skills? Is it better for people to be realistic or optimistic? Should modern society be criticized for being materialistic? 科技:How modern achievements improve the quality of people’s lives? Is the most important purpose of technology today different form what it was in the past? Does a strong commitment to technology progress cause a society to neglect other values, such as education and the protection of environment? Are there any benit to be gained from avoided the use of technology, even when using it would make life easier? 教育知识:Should school help students understand moral choices and social issues? Is education primarily the result of influences other than school? Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benit?

艺术:Is the main value of arts to teach us about the world around us? Do images and impressions have too much of an fect on people? Can books and stories about characters and events that are not real teach us anything usul? 诚实忠诚:Should people always be loyal? Should people make more of an fort to keep things private?(保护隐私就不能绝对诚实) Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? Can deception sometimes have good results? 冒险:Is it important to take risks than to follow a more reasonable course of action? 专注:Are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject? 思考:Do we live in a time when people do not engage in serious thinking? 言论自由:Is it necessary to limit or put restrictions on freedom of thought and expression? 幸福快乐:Is happiness something over which people have no control, or people can choose to be happy? Are people more likely be happy if they focus on goals rather than their own happiness? 经验:Do we really benit from every event or experience in some way? 历史:Do memories hinder or help people to learn form the past and succeed in the present? Is knowledge of past no longer usul for us today? Do incidents from the past continue to influence the present? 其他:Do people learn who they are when they are forced into action? Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is? Is identity something people are born with or given, or it is something people create for themselves? 以上信息来源于cuus和essay prompt bank,由于鄙人才疏学浅,难免有遗漏和错误的地方,请多指出我的错误和辨证地参考这些信息。在考前的模考,大家就应掐准时间开始练作文,不妨到图书馆那些人多的地方去找感觉。有些作文实在没时间写也应该事先写好提纲和例子,以防不备。平时多看看名家写的散文和SAT的范文(OG答案给出的),里面会让你有很大的启发。


六.逆境,挫折,失败。 1.Is conflict helpful? (2005.11) 2.Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people? (2006.1) 3.Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? (2006.1) 4.Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties? (2006.10) 5.Do people truly benit from hardship and misfortune? (2007.6) 6.Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 7.Do people learn more from losing than winning?(2008.5) 这类题目例子很丰富,论证也相对比较容易。无非是讲挫折和失败对人的影响(无论是正面还是负面的),以及失败与成功的辨证关系。我相信许多人在准备SAT的过程中,也经历过不少坎坷,如果你懂得如何把坎坷转换成动力和坚韧的意志,那这篇作文应该只是小菜一碟。 七.英雄,名人,领导。 1.Are leaders necessarily people who are most capable of leadership? (2005.12) 2.Is society’s admiration for famous people benicial or harmful? (2005.10) 3.Is there a value in celebrating certain individuals as heroes? (2007.6) 4.Should we admire heroes but not celebrities? (2007.10) 5.Should heroes be dined who say what they think when we lack the courage to say so? 讲到个人崇拜,英雄名人对社会的作用,大家可以结合历史与当今社会的一些现象谈谈,不管怎么说,在你的例子里面准备几个有名的政治家是相当必要的,它不仅能体现领导能力,还能阐述伟人对社会历史的推动作用。 八.改变。 1.Do the benits of scientific and technological developments come at the cost of undesirable changes to people&aposs lives? (2005.12) 2.Is it best not to change our ideas, opinions, or behaviors? (2006.4) 3.Is our ability to change ourselves unlimited, or are there limits on our ability to make important changes in our lives? (2006.4) 4.Does the truth change depending on how people look at things? (2006.5) 5.Is it better to change one&aposs attitude than to change one&aposs circumstances? (2007.1) 6.What motivates people to change? 7.Do changes make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 8.Is the world changing for better? 马克思说过,物质是运动的,万事万物无时无刻不在变化。我们从变化中得到什么,失去什么,变革与发展又对社会产生什么样的影响,都是我们应该思考。虽然在作文里面我们要一边倒地去支持一个观点,但是在平时的思考中辨证看待问题无疑对逻辑思维有很大的提高和帮助。 九.其他(这里都是一些小的类别,就不一一阐述) 工作:Do people depend on work to determine what their daily activities and interactions with others should be? 物质与现实主义:Do people put too much emphasis on learning practical skills? Is it better for people to be realistic or optimistic? Should modern society be criticized for being materialistic? 科技:How modern achievements improve the quality of people’s lives? Is the most important purpose of technology today different form what it was in the past? Does a strong commitment to technology progress cause a society to neglect other values, such as education and the protection of environment? Are there any benit to be gained from avoided the use of technology, even when using it would make life easier? 教育知识:Should school help students understand moral choices and social issues? Is education primarily the result of influences other than school? Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benit?



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