


2017/08/05 14:43:46 编辑: 浏览次数:490 移动端


Winston Churchill

In the early 1930s, Conservative M.P. Winston Churchill issued unheeded warnings of the threat of Nazi aggression from his seat on a House of Commons backbench.

With German tanks racing across France, Churchill spoke to the British people for the first time as prime minister, and pledged a struggle to the last breath against Nazi conquest and oppression.

In the summer of 1940, the democracies of continental Europe fell to Germany one by one, leaving Great Britain alone in its resistance to Adolf Hitler. The Nazi leader was confident that victory against Britain would come soon, but Churchill prophesied otherwise, telling his countrymen that the Battle of Britain would be "their finest hour."

Bill Clinton

In 1994, President Clinton authorized a military operation to overthrow Haiti&aposs military dictators and restore its democratically elected leader. On the eve of invasion, bloodshed was prevented when former president Jimmy Carter brokered an agreement with Haiti&aposs leaders in which they pledged to give up power.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

On June 5, 1944, the supreme Allied commander ordered commencement of the D-Day invasion, the largest combined sea, air, and land military operation in history. Eisenhower told the 3 million men of the Allied Expeditionary Force, "The eyes of the world are upon you!"

In 1956, Israel, Britain, and France invaded Egypt in protest of its nationalization of the Suez Canal. The U.S.S.R. and the United States, both vying for greater influence in the Middle East, forced the three nations to end their occupation of the strategic canal.

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret

During the Battle of Britain, the children of King George VI delivered a radio address to British children who had been evacuated abroad. Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, like their parents, weathered the dark days of World War II in Britain.

Gerald Ford

Nine days bore the fall of Saigon, President Ford spoke on the resignation of South Vietnamese President Thieu. Soon after, the United States launched a massive helicopter evacuation of tens of thousands of anticommunist South Vietnamese and the last few Americans remaining in the country.

Mohandas Gandhi

In 1931, Gandhi, the political and spiritual leader of the Indian independence movement, was released from prison to attend the London Round Table Conference on India as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress.


As leader of the U.S.S.R., Mikhail Gorbachev was a great force for peace, even at the cost of the Soviet government&aposs downfall after 74 years in power.

Adolf Hitler

A few days bore his occupation of the Sudetenland, a confident Hitler addressed a Nazi rally at Berlin&aposs Sportpalast stadium, and reassured the crowd that if war came with Britain and France the German Wehrmacht would be victorious.

Pope John Paul II

In 1995, the pope addressed the United Nations on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Reaffirming his support of the ideals and goals of the U.N., he praised the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and called for the U.N. to become the moral center of a family of nations.

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