

SAT经典写作例子之Albert Schweitzer.

2017/08/05 10:52:17 编辑: 浏览次数:66 移动端

  下面为大家整理的是关于SAT写作例子的总结,这篇SAT写作经典例子介绍了著名的神学家和医学传教士Albert Schweitzer的故事。大家可以在很多SAT写作话题中应用到这个例子。

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  Albert Schweitzer

  Albert Schweitzer is a prominent theologian, organist, philosopher, physician, and medical missionary in the 20th century. When he was awarded Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 78, he had already won worldknown reputation for his multiple contributions in philosophy, medical science, theology and music, especially his proposal about the ethics concept of “to awe life”, and his deeds of establishing clinics in Africa.

  Albert Einstein claimed him as the only one who could ideally combine goodness and desire for beauty.

  Throughout his life, Albert Schweitzer was driven by his eagerness for beauty, goodness and fairness. Even when he had already made big achievements in philosophy, theology and music, he decisively lt all of them behind and determined to study medical science after he read an article about how Africa needed medical assistance. Through nine years’ hard study, he got a doctorate degree in medical science, and immediately went to Africa. He set up hospitals and clinics, devoting all his time, energy, resources, wisdom and love to serving the African people who he did not know bore in poor and uncivilized areas.

  Till he died in the place where he contributed all of himself, he had served for the black for more than 50 years. And he fully deserved the name “Son of the Africa”.





以上就是这篇关于Albert Schweitzer的SAT写作经典例子的全部内容,非常详细。大家可以在练习自己的SAT写作考试的时候,根据自己的实际备考情况进行更加有针对性的借鉴。

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