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  Writing Strateges

  Okay, so this is the biggie. The section everyone screamed about when it was added to the new SAT. Mostly because of the essay, in fact, so let&aposs tackle that first.

  The Formula

  The secret to getting a 12 on your essay? BE PERSUASIVE! When you get a prompt, immediately take a stance that you can support. Don&apost try to be fancy, don&apost even try to put in "SAT words". Write one intro paragraph that states your view and gives the reader an idea of what points you&aposre going to make. Then write two/three paragraphs, each dedicated to supporting your point WITH CONCRETE EXAMPLES (that you can make up if you want). Then write a conclusion that restates and rlects on your thoughts. Nothing too fancy...got me a 12.

  The Multiple Choice

  Just learn the errors. In the blue book, on pages 101-102, there&aposs a list of errors. Every error on the SAT falls into one of those categories. When you&aposre looking at either an Error ID or Improving sentences, just look for these errors. If there&aposs one present, it&aposs wrong, if there&aposs not one present, it&aposs right. Sounds simple, but you&aposve got to put in the time to learn the errors cold and be able to systematically identify them on the exam. I guarantee you&aposll see some major points if you do this.

  Closing Thoughts

  The SAT isn&apost so bad to prepare for, but you&aposve got to be dedicated. Follow this guide, practice, learn from your mistakes, and have a good attitude to mastering the test, and you&aposll improve your score. No $1000 PR class, no expensive tutoring, nada. Just follow these guidelines and combine it with your ingenuity, and you&aposll score the highest that you can -- which may be higher than you think


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