

SAT独家写作例子之Augusta Ada King.

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  下面为大家整理的是关于Augusta Ada King的SAT写作例子,文中介绍的人奥古斯塔•爱达•金,是著名英国诗人拜伦之女,爱达对翻译《分析机概论》所留下的笔记,被认为对现代电脑与软件工程造成了重大影响。这份SAT写作例子可以应用的范围很广泛,内容出自澳际培训常志诚老师的《百分百SAT写作例子集》点击下载电子书


  Augusta Ada King

  Most people knew well about the English famous poet Byron, but few of us knew that his daughter, Augusta Ada King, was the first programmer in the world.

  Her translation of Analytical Engine brought great influence on modern software engineering.

  Ada King was born in London in 1815, her mother Anne Isabella Mibanke was an amateur mathematician while his father was a wellknown poet.

  Young Ada showed great talent on math, so her father called her nickname as “Parallelogram Princess” and her later partner called her “Figure Witch”.

  When Ada was only one month old, her mother lt her father. Though Ada lived with her mother, she and her father had a lot of talent in common.

  Math took up the majority time of her life even after her marriage. Ada was also very active in the London social Hub and she was a member of Blue Stockings Society.

  Her social life was quite rich and the famous novelist Charles Dickens and physicist Michael Faraday all knew her. Ada designed a program of Analytical Engine and proved that Analytical Engine of the Babbage could be used to solve many problems.

  By virtue of her creative work on program design, Ada was regarded as the first programmer in the world.

  At that time, she was a mother of three children, but she even set aside her children and devoted herself into the Analytical Engine research.

  Nowadays, the language with the name of Ada has become the language to develop sophisticated weapons of American military.

  The appearance of the Ada marked the software engineering successful entrance into national and international system. To some extent, Ada broke out the confinement of Von Newman Mind-set and formed a so-called Ada culture.



  爱达•洛夫雷斯1815年生于伦敦,母亲Anne Isabella Milbanke是一名业余数学家,她的父亲是一位著名诗人。Ada从小对数学有极高天赋,其父称她为“平行四边形公主”,后来的合作伙伴Charles Babbage称她为“数字女巫”。



  Ada的社交生活十分丰富,著名的小说家Charles Dickens和物理学家Michael Faraday都认识她。


  由于她在程序设计上的开创性工作,Ada Lovelace被称为世界上第一位程序员。当时的阿达甚至不顾自己已是三个孩子的母亲,坚定地投身于分析机研究。


  Ada的出现,标志着软件工程成功地进入了国家和国际的规模。在一定意义上说,Ada还刺破了“冯•偌依曼思维模式” 的桎梏,形成了新一派的所谓Ada文化。

  以上就是关于SAT写作例子中Augusta Ada King的相关介绍,大家在遇到创新类、了解自身类、成功类等话题的时候,可以适当的更加详细的了解详细内容并选择合适的角度切入使用。想要看到更多例子,点击下载电子书。大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候根据自己的实际情况进行适当的应用。

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