


2017/08/05 09:35:00 编辑: 浏览次数:218 移动端


  Know What They’re Looking For

  Two English teachers who have been trained by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) will read and score your essay from 1 (poor) to 6 (outstanding).

  They are trained to look for five things:

  Interesting, relevant, and consistent point of view.

  Do you take a thoughtful and interesting position on the issue?

  Do you answer the question as it is presented?

  Do you maintain a consistent point of view?

  Good reasoning.

  Do you dine any necessary terms to make your reasoning clear?

  Do you explain the reasons for and implications of your thesis?

  Do you acknowledge and address possible objections to your thesis without sacrificing its integrity?

  Solid support.

  Do you give relevant and specific examples to support your thesis?

  Do you explain how these examples support your thesis?

  Logical organization.

  Does every paragraph relate clearly to your thesis?

  Do you provide logical transitions between paragraphs?

  Do you have a clear introduction and conclusion?

  Does the conclusion provide thoughtful commentary rather than mere repetition of the thesis?

  Effective use of language.

  Do you use fective and appropriate vocabulary?

  Do you vary sentence length and structure fectively?

  Do you avoid needless repetition?

  Do you use parallelism, metaphor, personification, or other rhetorical devices to good fect?

  Do you use strong verbs?

  Do you avoid needlessly abstract language?

  Do you avoid cliché?

  The readers will not mark you down for minor spelling or grammar mistakes, and they won’t mark you up just for using big words. Focus on good reasoning. If you can take an interesting position, explore its implications, discuss relevant examples that support it, and maintain your focus, you will get a very good score.


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