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SAT作文素材是用来支持正反方观点的,所以说在SAT作文中最关键的就是选择什么样的作文素材更能够说明问题,也就是说你应该用什么例子来证明自己的论点会更加言之有物。这就是你的构思。下面澳际小编为大家整理了关于The Roaring Twenties的SAT作文素材,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。
Thesis:A seemingly success cause bad consequence.
Subject:The Roaring Twenties
The Roaring Twenties wew a decade charaterized by a seemingly strong economy.”The nation was nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever bore in the history of any land.”as President Hoover stated,However,overproduction and underconsumption contributed to the desperate condition of farmers and unsound stock practice meant that the price of securities had risen far beyond the value benhind them which together lauched America into the Great Depression,a time of high unemployment and prevalent pessimism dominated the country.The fragile economy that masked with a widespread optimism turened the country into a purgatory.
以上就是关于The Roaring Twenties的SAT作文素材的详细内容,考生可针对文中介绍的方法进行有针对性的备考。无论选择什么样的SAT作文素材,都应该做到言之有物,毕竟这是用来论证你的观点的,而最能够说明问题的还应该是关于历史或文学作方面的SAT作文素材,因此大家要在平时多积累。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲