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  Georges Méliès一生拍过800多部电影,被誉为“戏剧电影之父”。 他善用创造力去制作梦境一般的电影,他凭借各种舞台的技术和手段,用电影胶片展现了他超凡想象力。有一次,在拍摄巴黎街景的公共汽车的时候,胶片卡住了,一辆灵车刚好经过开始那辆公共汽车的地方,于是当影片在银幕上放映的时候,公共汽车就变成了灵车。这给了乔治.梅里埃很大的启发。他充分地发挥想象力空间,把人们的各种美梦都变成了电影,带领观众进入奇幻的世界。

  Méliès’, an early film director, is a man who created dreams. In addition to combining traditional theatrical elements with motion pictures, he discovered ways of manipulating and distorting time and space to achieve complex special fects. His brilliant ideas were inspired from a mistake which changed the way he looked at filmmaking. In the autumn of 1896, a camera jammed while filming a simple street scene and it took Méliès a few seconds to rectify the problem. Later, he was struck by the fect caused by the mistake - objects suddenly appeared, disappeared or were transformed into other objects. This amazing discovery led Méliès to devise the first double exposure, the first split screen with performers acting opposite themselves, and the first dissolve. Also it helped Méliès to expand his imagination with which he produced magical and fantastic movies that were considered to be the most important early science fiction films.


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