


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:496 移动端


  Of China&aposs Olympic medalists, gymnast Li Xiaopeng is the hero I admire the.most. I wish f could meet him and express my admiration for his fantastic skills,incomparable performance and particularly his determination.

  Above all, what conquered millions of fans is Li&aposs perseverance in overcoming big obstacles hindering his coming back after the setbacks in Athens. We still remember his tears when he concluded his performance with only a bronze in Athens, where China&aposs gymnasts met their Waterloo. During the four years since then, he suffered several injuries. All the fans were worrying about him when

  suddenly to our great delight he appeared in the Bird&aposs Nest. Nobody knows the details of his painstaking forts and the frustration he had to get rid of, but the fact is that he won two gold medals and became the fifth athlete in China&aposs history that has won four golds,As to his unparalleled skills and performance, all the spectators in the world have witnessed. In a word. he is unique.

  To sum up. Li is my hero encouraging me to overcome any difficulty in my life.



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