


2017/08/05 04:38:48 编辑: 浏览次数:305 移动端



  SAT写作开头部分需要具有这样作用:给出关于题目的背景介绍(Background Description)。

  这个介绍有一个关键的作用:从背景介绍中引出题目中的讨论(Issue),然后针对引出的Issue 给出作者自己的观点(Personal Statement 或者叫做Personal Point of View)。之后,需要给考官一个关于你将如何进行自我观点的论证的线索(Plan of Development)。结构如下:

  ·Opening Remarks (Background Description→Issue):

  ·Personal Point of View (Serve the issue given out by the previous step)

  ·Plan of Development(To indicate your readers how you will demonstrate your statement)


  大多数学生在进行SAT 写作组织的时候,往往都会采用Story-Based 的发展方式,也就是讲故事。既然我们在论证部分会介入例子,那么在开头部分我们也可以介入例子来达到一种“螺线本”式的链接方式。这种方式可以让文章更灵活,逻辑性更好(SAT ESSAY 考察的最为主要的内容就是学生的逻辑)。


  Assignment: Is learning history helps to avoid its repeating at present?


  When people woke up at morning of some one day in 2008, they would be in deep blue mood, especially those stock brokers, because their money had already evaporated within eight hours.

  The economic crisis arrived, as the deep recession that happened seventy-two years ago has spread once again to the whole world. During the past 72 years, people have been learning the rule of how the economic world went, and tried to avoid the happening of its crisis, however, historical lesson did not teach us to stop its repeating.

  Assignment: Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is?


  It seems that people do not have the custom to question where the food comes from and who makes it when they go into the supermarket to pick up their necessities for their daily life. It also seems that food, especially supplied by supermarket, is good, superficial at the least. However, people are cheated even since the beginning of supermarket because all of the foods are from a couple of food incorporation, where they produce food as workers produce products.

  例子型开头的写法可以将Plan of Development 更为具体地呈现给读者,而且可以和Body 的内容进行更加紧密地关联,显示出更强的逻辑性。例子型开头的写作主要有两种:一种是开头中的例子仅仅是为了服务于开头而存在的,其主要的功能就是帮助考生完成开头部分的内容;另外一种是开头中介入的例子正是Body 讨论中需要用到的例子,在开头中只给出一个部分,然后在结尾(Conclusion)的时候再给出另一个部分,这种开头方法叫做“例子切分发”——给开头一部分用于引入讨论;一部分给结尾用于点题强调。



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