您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 专家教你SAT写作应该怎么写.
1、在文章中把一个主要的名词换成动词例;Verb to be: the use of leaf blowers bore 8 am is a violation of local noise abatement laws.
Action verb: the use of leaf blowers bore 8 am violates local noise abatement laws.
2、用一个动词来替代句子中的其中一个重要的名词或形容词例;Verb to be: The quarterback’s wretched performance was a disgrace to his team
Action verb: The quarterback’s wretched performance humiliated his team
3、如果你不知道该如何更改动词,可以重新整理语句形式例;Verb to be: Jamie was happy to be part of the all-star soccer team.
Action verb: Being a part of the all-star soccer team thrilled Jamie.
4、主动语态 Passive Voice: 例;the main idea for my essay was stated as the first sentence in the first paragraph.
Active Voice: I stated the main idea of my essay in the first sentence in the first paragraph.
Passive voice: money for the new recreation building was raised quickly Active voice: the recreation committee quickly raised money for the new building.
在文章的写作中,少运用一些general words,反而多增加specific images. 什么是general words和specific images那,例如说; car 就是general words,因为车的种类有很多。 而Benz SUV 就是specific images。 在考试的时候,多使用specific words可以帮助把物体解释的更清楚。读者也会获得更多的信息,使他们对你的文章更方便了解。小编还是要提醒大家注意总结SAT写作范文,根据自己的实际情况选择一些SAT写作培训班。
下面,让我们通过几个sat写作例子来证明;例1;General: Tom got into his car and drove off.
Specific: Tom leaped into his SUV and roared off.
例2;General: The writer wrote a three-page critique of the painting in which he said he did not like it.
Specific: In his three-page critique, the art critic squeezed every drop of meaning- and enjoyment- out of the 3-inch by 3-inch pastel.
General words 对人物,地点,和事物的介绍都无法给读者准备的信息,所以为了更清楚的说明,把这些名词都应该换成specific words. 例3;General: An old dog came up the street.
Specific: An ancient, gray-muzzled golden retriever wandered up Bluebird Canyon Road.
例4;General: My coach illustrates the point about playing fairly.
Specific: My basketball coach, Ms Berry, illustrates the essay- ist’s point about playing fairly.
例5;General: At the end of the day, the workmen walked up the snow-covered road.
Specific: At the end of the day, the tired workmen trudged wearily up the snow-covered road.
大家在写作的时候,有的同学习惯使用一些例如 ugly as sin, pretty as a picture之类的词汇。在这里,建议大家不要使用这类词汇。因为在使用这些词汇的时候,会给读者一种陈词滥调,平淡无味的感觉,更有可能使读者误会你本身的意思。尤其是在SAT写作考试当中使用。
以下列出的词汇,请大家尽量不要在写作中使用; 例1;I was shaking in my boots bore the interview, but I was happy as a lark when the personnel manager offered me the job.
Improved: I was terrified bore the interview, but I was ecstatic when the personnel manager offered me the job.
例2;Whether the author really believed what he wrote was the sixty-four dollar question.
Improved: whether the author really believed what he wrote was difficult to determine from the answers he gave the interviewer.
例;To facilitate input by the maximum number of potential purchasers, questionnaires were designed and posted well in advance of the launch of the promotional marketing campaign.
Improved: Bore we began advertising, we designed and mailed a marketing survey to find out what customers were looking for.
澳际六步曲第三步文书创作与学校申请根据申请者个人特点和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作。我们追求用地道的英语精彩展现申请人的特点,将Be Yourself 和Admission Officers' Thinking在每一份文书中完美结合。这不仅极大增加了成功机会,也让文书的写作变成了与我们的用户进行心灵交流的一种仪式。这个过程,不断感动着参与到其中的我们并为此骄傲。文书创作与学校申请具体服务项目如下:
1. 根据各项考试成绩和背景提升情况最终确定学校和专业
2. 根据所选学校的要求和特点制定有针对性的申请方案
3. 根据所选学校的要求和特点创作有针对性的申请文书
4. 指导申请人完成Writing Sample/Research Proposal 和Portfolio 的制作
5. 指导申请人办理成绩单、在读证明、毕业证明,存款证明等相关申请材料
6. 指导申请人完成网上申请和邮寄申请材料
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲