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  In a world where economic prosperity and “getting ahead” in work and technology are highlyvalued, creativity and the arts are often shunted infavor of more “practical” pursuits. Studentsabandon dreams of acting or painting in order tomajor in medicine, computer technology, orengineering: highly profitable and scientific fields. Even with the advances in these fields, however, there is still a need for creativity in our world, because seeing things in a new way can make allthe difference.

  Today, more and more public schools are forced to abandon their arts programs to maketime for subjects like science and math: subjects in which all students must have a basicknowledge in order to succeed in higher education. However, by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide, and are taught to viewthe world in “black and white” terms: one right answer to every problem. With a view such asthis, how will children perform in the future? It may be assumed that all people will seethings the same way, and propose only one solution to a problem, failing to see the biggerpicture.

  Creativity has obviously influenced earlier generations in a positive way, so there is no needto eliminate creativity from our world. What would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt hadnever proposed his New Deal? The Great Depression might have persisted for some time, robbing even more families of their chance at prosperity and happiness. However, byproposing a new, creative solution for the problem of the U.S.’s depression, FDR pulled thenation out of its slump. Another example of how creativity has positively influenced the worldhappened just recently, with the introduction of hybrid cars. These new cars do not rely on asmuch oil as other cars do in order to operate, using alternative energy sources instead. Without the creative minds behind the invention of these cars, the world would rely so muchon its limited oil reserves that fuel would eventually run out. Because of creativity, the worldhas a chance to find other energy sources.

  Though these practical applications for creativity are conducive to everyone, the commonman benits even more from the stimulation that the arts provide. In a world dominated bypolitical powers and torn apart by war, entertainers in the arts can inspire hope and change ineveryone. A child watching a Charlie Chaplin film might decide to join the gymnastics team, ora woman observing a Monet painting in a museum might become an elementary school artteacher: who knows? The arts can transport people to other places, into different ways ofthinking.

  The importance of creativity in the world today is enormous, for it has both pragmaticand “important” applications. Creativity is both a source for inspiration and a problem-solvingmethod, and without it, our world would greatly suffer.








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