


2017/08/05 03:24:12 编辑: 浏览次数:303 移动端


  4. According to the passage, the author believes that a. today’s fashion models are not as perfect looking as were the supermodels.

  b. people still respond to perfection in advertising.

  c. today’s fashion models are thinner than those in the past.

  d. to be a model, one must be taller than average.

  e. in the 1980s, models were paid more than they are today.

  5. The phrase in lines 13 and 14, “great-looking” was where their resumes began and ended, is

  a. a description of the models’ work experience.

  b. meant to be taken literally.

  c. meant to be taken figuratively.

  d. a truthful statement.

  e. an example of pathos.

  6. Waxing rhapsodic (line 28) most nearly means

  a. orchestrating a positive statement.

  b. becoming musical.

  c. burning a candle for.

  d. making overtures.

  e. becoming enthusiastic.


  4. a. Evidence may be found in lines 23–24, which state that today’s models are quirkier and less perfect than the supermodels.

  5. c. A resumé is literally the summary of one’s job experience, education, and skills. The author is saying that there is nothing one can say about these models except that they look great; their figurative resumé has only one item on it. Being great-looking isn’t work experience (choice a), one would not literally list “great-looking” alone on a resume (choices b and d), and pathos is a feeling of pity or sorrow (choice e).

  6. e. To wax means to become, and rhapsodic means excessively enthusiastic. Although rhapsodic can also mean like a musical composition of irregular form, this dinition does not fit with the rest of the sentence.









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