


2017/08/05 03:01:10 编辑: 浏览次数:260 移动端



  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  1.Harold, far from being a ------- , was not ------- to take a person holding opposing political views into his household.

  Answer Choices

  (A) convert . . accustomed

  (B) bigot . . loath

  (C) fanatic . . susceptible

  (D) recluse . . sympathetic

  (E) persecutor . . inclined

  2.Because King Philip&aposs desire to make Spain the dominant power in sixteenth-century Europe ran counter to Queen Elizabeth&aposs insistence on autonomy for England, ------- was -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A) reconciliation . . assured

  (B) warfare . . avoidable

  (C) ruination . . impossible

  (D) conflict . . inevitable

  (E) diplomacy . . simple

  3.A ------- person, he found the training almost unbearably monotonous, but he resolved to check his ------- and perform the basic tasks required.

  Answer Choices

  (A) bitter . . submissiveness

  (B) reclusive . . reserve

  (C) dynamic . . restlessness

  (D) mercurial . . constancy

  (E) vivacious . . ambition

  4.There is no doubt that Larry is a genuine ------- : he excels at telling stories that fascinate his listeners.

  Answer Choices

  (A) braggart

  (B) dilettante

  (C) pilferer

  (D) prevaricator

  (E) raconteur

  5.The rumor was of the ------- variety, spreading slowly and almost imperceptibly until, finally, everyone seemed to have heard the story.

  Answer Choices

  (A) manifest

  (B) dilatory

  (C) insidious

  (D) aggressive

  (E) expeditious

  6.A discerning publishing agent can ------- promising material from a mass of submissions, separating the good from the bad.

  Answer Choices

  (A) supplant

  (B) dramatize

  (C) finagle

  (D) winnow

  (E) overhaul

  7.Cecily is worried that, with all the recent innovations in computing, her five-year-old laptop and its software will soon be -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A) redundant

  (B) obsolete

  (C) unnecessary

  (D) renewable

  (E) valuable


  1.The correct answer is B

  Only “bigot . . . loath” logically completes the sentence. Someone who is not bigoted, or prejudiced, would not be “loath,” or unwilling, to accept someone with different opinions.

  2.The correct answer is D

  The word "because" indicates that the information in the first part of the sentence (the part bore the comma) explains the reason for the situation described in the second part. The first part states that what King Philip wanted (domination for Spain) "ran counter to" what Queen Elizabeth wanted (independence for England). Choice (D) logically completes the sentence: Given that there was such a fundamental disagreement between the two monarchs, "conflict" would likely be "inevitable," or unavoidable.

  3.The correct answer is C

  It is logically consistent to say that someone who is “dynamic,” or energetic, would feel restless, or agitated, when faced with a boring task.

  4.The correct answer is E

  The structure of this sentence indicates that the words after the colon dine or directly clarify what came bore. The phrase "he excels at telling stories that fascinate his listeners" serves to dine the missing word. Choice (E), "raconteur," is the only word that describes someone who excels at storytelling.

  5.The correct answer is C

  Choice (C) is correct. A rumor that spreads slowly and subtly can be described as “insidious.”

  6.The correct answer is D

  To "winnow" is to sort through and select the desirable part of something or to get rid of the unwanted or undesirable part. If the publishing agent goes through the submissions, "separating the good from the bad," then he or she can be said to be winnowing "promising material from a mass of submissions."

  7.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. It is logical that the owner of a five-year-old computer would be concerned that her machine would soon be “obsolete,” or no longer usul, given the recent changes in computing.








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