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1. Indeed, few women’s rights conventions were held during the 1850’s at which Douglass was not a featured speaker and whose proceeding were not fully reported in his paper.
[句子主干] few„were held during the 1850’s at which Douglass was not„.
[语法难点] few与not 构成的双重否定结构,两个定语从句:which引导的定语从句修饰1850’s,whose 引导的定语从句修饰women’s rights conventions.
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[句子翻译] 在19世纪50年代,很少有Douglass不做主要发言人的女权运动大会,这些集会的进展都在他的报纸里全篇报道。
2. Anyone who has read Edward Snow’s highly personal and poetic study of Vemeer is unlikely to be able to meet the gaze of the young woman in the Girl With The Pearl Earring without feeling something of the confusion and complicity he so eloquently describe.
[句子主干] Anyone„. is unlikely to meet the gaze„without feeling„.
[语法难点] 此句话首先涉及到双重否定结构:unlikely„..without...其次,又加入了几个定语成分,who has read Edward Snow’s highly personal and poetic study of Vemeer是Anyone的定语从句,he so eloquently describe是confusion and complicity的定语从句。
[句子翻译] 任何一个读过Edward Snow高度个人化高度诗意的《研究维米尔》的人,在看到维米尔的画“带耳环的少女”中那个女人的眼神时,都会感到一种迷茫与被牵扯到画中的感觉,这种感觉正是Snow所极力描写的。
3. The beli that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling fects.
[句子主干] The beli„..can have troubling fects
[语法难点] that引导的是beli的同位语,在同位语句子中, it做的是形式主语,真正的主语是to explore the humanity of our leaders。所以同位语部分可以改写为to explore the humanity of our leaders is harmful to the Black community.这样这句话就容易理解了。
[句子翻译] 认为作家探索领导人人性的行为会对黑人群体造成伤害的观点可能带来麻烦。
4.What becomes apparent from assessing scientific accomplishment is that only relatively recently has the necessary technology been developed for solving the mysteries of genetics.
[正常语序] What becomes apparent from assessing scientific accomplishment is that the necessary technology has been developed for solving the mysteries of genetics only relatively recently.
[句子翻译] 在评估科学成就时,变得显而易见的是,近来必要技术的发展是用来解决遗传中的奥秘。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲