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  1.A true rebel, Leslie often did what was ------- simply to demonstrate her inclination to dy taboos.

  (A) intrepid

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  (B) monotonous

  (C) customary

  (D) arduous

  (E) forbidden

  2.The CEO of the computer company, who had quit school at the age of 15, was a noted -------, having taught himself everything he needed to know about computers and business, in addition to working to gain proficiency in such subjects as international copyright law.

  Answer Choices

  (A) pedant

  (B) autodidact

  (C) demagogue

  (D) ambassador

  (E) disputant

  3.To Judith, traveling was ------- ; her sister, however, looked upon each trip as an -------experience.

  (A) confusing . . unnerving

  (B) joyous . . exciting

  (C) exhilarating . . interminable

  (D) stupying . . unhappy

  (E) tiring . . exhausting

  4.True to her altruistic belis, Natalie ------- the ------- attitude of her colleague that a client represented nothing more than a source of income and an opportunity for advancing one’s professional reputation.

  Answer Choices

  (A) applauded . . conscientious

  (B) condoned . . aggressive

  (C) lamented . . mercenary

  (D) adopted . . egotistical

  (E) belittled . . magnanimous

  5.When he was five years old, the boy scribbled on the bedroom wall with a permanent marker, leaving an ------- mark that would still be there even after he grew up and moved away.

  (A) interchangeable

  (B) indelible

  (C) ostensible

  (D) eradicable

  (E) untenable

  6.The scientist ascribed the ------- of the park’s remaining trees to the ------- of the same termite species that had damaged homes throughout the city.

  Answer Choices

  (A) decimation . . prevalence

  (B) survival . . presence

  (C) growth . . mutation

  (D) reduction . . disappearance

  (E) study . . hatching


  1.The correct answer is E

  Only the term “forbidden” describes the types of activities that would appeal to a “rebel” who likes to “dy taboos,” or go against social customs.

  2.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. An “autodidact” is a person who is self-taught, as the CEO clearly is.

  3.The correct answer is C

  The word “however” in the sentence indicates a difference between the two sisters’ views on traveling. Only “exhilarating” and “interminable” are clearly contrasting words.

  4.The correct answer is C

  Natalie, an “altruistic” person, would lament the attitude of a greedy and ambitious colleague whom she would describe as “mercenary.”

  5.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. It makes sense to describe a mark made by a permanent marker as “indelible,” or unable to be erased or removed.

  6.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. It is logical to connect the “decimation,” or harm done to, a park’s trees to the “prevalence,” or dominance, of a harmful species of termites


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