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  SAT阅读考试中题型很多,但是说到大家相对比较陌生的也不多,其中双篇文章理解题 (Synthesis Questions)就是一个比较典型的。




  The author of Passage 2 would most likely view Julian’s statement in Passage 1 with……

  Unlike the author of Passage 2, the author of Passage 1 develops his or her argument by……

  Which best characterizes the overall relationship between the two passages?

  Both passages call attention to which aspect of……?

  The author of Passage 2 would most likely criticize the author of Passage 1 for……


  l 阅读的同时划出表示作者观点和主旨的语句,并在第二篇文章旁边做出注释说明。在做双篇阅读理解题目的时候,绝对不要掺入考生自己的观点,要对双篇文章的观点及其关联性持清醒态度。


  Passage 1

  A rorm movement in journalism is afoot in newsroom and boardrooms across the country. Industry organizations are launching initiatives, offering training and fostering new ways of thinking about news coverage and its fects. The goals are to reinstall journalism’s core values, regain credibility, and generally better the media’s performance. What really is wrong with journalism? Lack of accuracy and fairness, too much sensationalism and bias are all components of the problem, but the number one issue is that “people distrust our motives” said Tome Rosenstiel, founding director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism, who hopes to get more journalists thinking about standards.

  Passage 2

  Conditions for journalism have never been better: robust media profits, strong legal protections, and sophisticated technology. Yet there is an influential movement, representing the consensus of the profession’s elite, dedicated to convincing us that all is not well. Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel , arguably the two most prominent media critics in America, are the go-to people if you need a quotation lamenting the sensationalism of television newscasts or other media ills. Their recent book The Elements of Journalism suggests that unless a certain “theory of news” is adhered to , the United States might be annihilated. Such factually uncluttered hyper does not merely invite a certain awe but also quite plausibly violates their number one axiom: “journalism’s first obligation is to the truth.”

  Question: Which best describes the relationship between Passage 1 and Passage 2?

  (A) Passage 1 describes a particular campaign for change, whereas Passage 2 challenges the necessity of that change.

  (B) Passage 1 describes the causes of sensationalism in journalism, whereas Passage 2 explores its fects.

  (C) Passage 1 praises an individual’s influence on journalism, whereas Passage 2 questions that individual’s contributions.

  (D) Passage 1 suggests that journalism is evolving whereas Passage 2 argues that it is stagnating.

  (E) Passage 1 dines the purpose of journalism, whereas Passage 2 examines journalism’s impact on society.


  第一段的主旨句在从The goals are…开始,说明这次运动的目的是要重新树立新闻界的核心价值,重新建立新闻业的可信度,提高新闻价值。第二段开头就表明现在的新闻业

  气候很好,后面就开始批判第一段提到的运动的必要性,主题句为最后一句,关键词语为violate their number one axiom, 即二段作者认为第一段提倡的新闻革命或新闻运动违背了新闻业的首要核心原则:新闻的真实性。所以只有A 选项符合两段的主旨,第一段文章描述了一个运动,而第二段却质疑了这场运动的意义。

  l 阅读第二篇文章的时候,要考虑它和第一篇文章的关系,哪个部分肯定第一段,哪部分和第一段观点形成对立,或者两篇文章有什么关系。做相关题目的时候要学会准确分析定义两篇文章之间的关系。

  Passage 1

  Food has always been considered one of the most salient markers of cultural traditions. When I was a small child, food was the only thing that helped identify my family as Filipino American. We ate pansit lug-lug (a noodle fish) and my father put patis (salty fish sauce) on everything. However, even this connection lessened as I grew older. As my parents, became more acculturated, we ate less typically Filipino food. When I was twelve, my mother took cooking classes and learned to make French and Italian dishes. When I was in high school, we ate chicken marsala and shrimp fra Diablo more often than Filipino dishes like pansit lug-lug.

  Passage 2

  Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin-who in 1825 confidently announced. “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are” - would have no trouble describing cultural identities of the United States. Our food reveals us as tolerant adventurers who do not feel constrained by tradition. We “play with our food” far more readily than we preserve the culinary rules of our varied ancestors. Americans have no single national cuisine. What unites American eaters culturally is how we eat, not what we eat. As eaters, Americans mingles the culinary traditions of many regions and cultures. We are multiethnic eaters.

  Question: The author of Passage 2 would most likely regard the mother’s willingness to “make French and Italian dishes” (line 9-10, Passage 1) as

  (A) laughably pretentious

  (B) understandably conservative

  (C) typically American

  (D) a regrettable compromise

  (E) a surprising attitude









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