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  1. Irony can, after a fashion, become a mode of escape: to laugh at the terrors of life is in some sense to ______ them.

  A. overstate B. revitalize C. corroborate D. evade E. license

  2. Latoya’s ______ is shown by her ability to be ______: she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can.

  A. perceptiveness…self-centered B. objectivity…restrictive C. cynicism…self-destructive

  D. open-mindedness…complacent E. insightfulness…self-critical

  3. Paradoxically, the senator was both a ______ and ______: she publicly dended the rights and wisdom of the people, but she often spoke with a disdainful air of superiority.

  A. demagogue…a maverick B. conservative…an anarchist C. populist…an elitist

  D. moderate…a reactionary E. partisan…a snob

  4. Scientists require observable data, not ______, to support a hypothesis; sound science is grounded in ______ results rather than speculation.

  A. induction…diminutive B. experimentation…pragmatic C. intuition…fiscal

  D. bombast…theoretical E. conjecture…empirical

  5. Sadly, the author never ______ the rewards of literary success during her lifetime; public recognition and appreciation of her talent were completely ______.

  A. predicted…conclusive B. reaped…posthumous C. acknowledged…fulsome

  D. appreciated…gratuitous E. pursued…discredited

  6. The mountain road was distinctly ______: it twisted back and forth along the contours of the hillside.

  A. panoramic B. precipitous C. serpentine D. circumscribed E. retrograde



  7. Since the island soil has been barren for so many years, the natives must now ______ much of their food.

  A. deliver B. import C. produce D. develop E. utilize

  8. Since the author’s unflattering rerences to her friends were so ______, she was surprised that her ______ were recognized.

  A. laudatory...styles B. obvious...anecdotes C. oblique...allusions

  D. critical...eulogies E. apparent...motives

  9. Although the minuet appeared simple, its ______ steps had to be studied very carully bore they could be gracully ______ in public.

  A. progressive…revealed B. intricate…executed C. rudimentary…allowed

  D. minute…discussed E. entertaining…stylized



  10. Given the ______ state of the published evidence, we do not argue here that exposure to low-level microwave energy is either hazardous or safe.

  A. inconclusive B. satisfactory C. dinitive D. immaculate E. exemplary

  11. Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on the ramifications of the economic policy have been ______ by his wholehearted acceptance of that policy’s underlying assumptions.

  A. supplemented B. undermined C. wasted D. diverted E. redeemed

  12. Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to ______ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.

  A. extrapolate B. transcribe C. complicate D. amplify E. manage

  13. No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to ______ and electronically ______ the disks on which data are stored.

  A. prepare…improve B. restore…disable C. infect…damage

  D. preserve…secure E. invade…repair

  14. This final essay, its prevailing kindliness ______ by occasional flashes of savage irony, bespeaks the ______ character of the author.

  A. illuminated…imperturbable B. marred…dichotomous C. untainted…vindictive

  D. exemplified…chivalrous E. diluted…ruthless

  15. The success of Notes of a Native Son ______ author James Baldwin as one of the most ______ essayists of his time.

  A. buoyed…irrelevant B. established…prominent C. surrendered…prolific

  D. decried…cynical E. categorized…mundane








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