


2017/08/05 01:40:25 编辑: 浏览次数:256 移动端


  主旨题提问句中经常出现以下单词,如mainly discuss, main idea, purpose, title, topic。


  The passage serves mainly to ____________________________

  The passage primarily focuses on _________________________

  The passage is primarily concerned with ____________________

  The main idea/ point/purpose of the passage is _______

  The passage as a whole is best described as ___________________

  The passage as a whole answers which of the following question?


  In 1843 Augusta Ada King published an influential set of notes describing Charles Babbage&aposs conception of an "analytical engine" --- the first design for an automatic computer. King&aposs notes, which included her program for computing a series of figures called Bernoulli numbers, established her importance in computer science. However, her fascinating life and lineage (she was the daughter of the flamboyant poet Lord Byron) --- and her role as a female pioneer in her field --- have turned her into an icon. She has inspired biographies, plays, novels, and even a feature film. And whereas many women have helped to advance computer science, only King has had a computer language named after her: Ada.

  The passage is primarily concerned with

  A. Explaining Augusta Ada King’s interest in computer science

  B. Providing a character analysis of Augusta Ada King

  C. Summarizing how and why Augusta Ada King is celebrated

  D. Tracing the developing of the modern-day computer

  E. Encouraging more women to pursue careers in computer science

  该题是典型的主旨题,如果用正向法,第一种是连接每句的重点词,合在一起就是文章主旨,重点词也就是每句主谓宾,文中用红色标出,句子中其他细节部分可以略读。“Ada发表注解,奠定地位。人生及血统也起到作用,她变得非常有名”,答案C. 总结Ada如何有名为何有名,跟我们的总结是一个意思。第二种称为3W1H法,代表的是WHO+WHAT+HOW/WHY,文章描写哪个对象,侧重它的哪个方面,该方面如何体现,文章当中分别对应的是:Ada, influential, note/lineage, 再次与C相同。

  那反向法该排除哪些答案呢:细节、未提、极端、相反。答案A. 解释Ada对电脑科技的兴趣,属于细节;B. 分析Ada性格,文章未提及;D. 追踪现代电脑的发展,文章未提及;E. 鼓励女性投身电脑科技领域,文章未提及。



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