


2017/08/05 01:00:29 编辑: 浏览次数:342 移动端


  SAT OG Sentence Completion Practice

  1. 一旦校长__________ 火警是意外弄响的,她对嫌疑学生道歉和公布他们被___________。

  Once the principal __________ that the fire alarm had been set off by accident, she apologized to the suspected students and announced that they had been ___________.

  (A) realized v. 认识到...exonerated v. 免罪

  (B) denied v. 否认...reprimanded v. 训斥

  (C) perceived v. 察觉...enlightened v. 有见识的

  (D) understood v. 明白...apprehended v. 逮捕

  (E) confirmed v. 确认...obligated v. 有义务的

  2. 虽然新任的最高法院法官塞古马歇尔__________ 他的文件只提供给学者,国会图书馆 _________ 他的意愿把文件向大众展出。

  Although the late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall had _________ that his papers be available only to scholars, the Library of Congress _________ his wishes had exhibited them to the general public.

  (A) implied v. 暗示...publicized v. 公布

  (B) denied v. 拒绝...repealed v. 废除

  (C) stipulated v. 规定...disregarded v. 不顾

  (D) revealed v. 透露...executed v. 执行

  (E) insisted v. 坚决要求...honored v. 荣幸

  3. 在古老埃及墓穴里发现的皇家服装没有任何被修补过的痕迹;这个发现暗示埃及统治者宁愿_________ 也不__________。

  Royal garments found in the tombs of ancient Egyptians reveal no evidence of having been mended; this discovery suggests that the rulers of Egypt opted for _________ rather than _________.

  (A) disposal n. 扔掉...repair n. 修补

  (B) sacrifice n. 牺牲...opulence n. 富裕

  (C) wastulness n. 浪费...comfort n. 安慰

  (D) spirituality n. 灵性...worldliness n. 俗气

  (E) humiliation n. 耻辱...charity n. 仁慈

  4. 作家用反问句来_________ 文章,如同一个终点修饰。

  The author used a rhetorical question as a terminal flourish to _________ the section of text.

  (A) disclose v. 表明

  (B) rearrange v. 重新安排

  (C) simplify v. 简化

  (D) conclude v. 结束

  (E) ascertain v. 弄清

  5. “泡沫的”病毒让在实验室里培养的细胞膨胀但是不能在活着的生物的细胞里产生_________。

  "Foamy" viruses cause cells cultured in laboratories to swell but produce no such ________ in cells of living organism.

  (A) compression n. 挤压

  (B) disintegration n. 瓦解

  (C) distension n. 膨胀

  (D) dlation n. 通货紧缩

  (E) dehydration n. 脱水

  6. 两姐妹无私的把一生奉献给了护士;她们的_________让她们成为__________,是值得效仿的对象。

  The two sisters selflessly dedicated their lives to the nursing profession; their _________ make them _________ , ones whose ways are worthy of imitation.

  (A) aptitude n. 才能...eccentrics n . 古怪的

  (B) morality n. 道德...emancipators n. 解放者

  (C) erudition n. 博学...enigmas n. 奥秘

  (D) devotion n. 奉献...egotists n. 自我主义者

  (E) altruism n. 利他主义...exemplars n. 模范

  7. 被新员工过多的_________态度所恼怒;监督者劝告他这样的奉承没有必要。

  Annoyed by the new employee&aposs excessively _________ manner, the supervisor advised him that such fawning was inappropriate.

  (A) obsequious adj. 奉承的

  (B) mysterious adj. 神秘的

  (C) lackadaisical adj. 无精打采的

  (D) argumentative adj. 辩论的

  (E) aggressive adj. 好斗的

  8. 生态环境保护者辩论不受限制的__________自然资源,这样有可能永远的耗尽资源, 应该改用_________政策。

  Conservationists argue that unconstrained _________ of natural resources, which might deplete them forever, should be replaced with a policy of _________.

  (A) dismissal n. 解雇...preparation n. 准备

  (B) consumption n. 消费...dispersion n. 分散

  (C) harvesting n. 收割...gathering n. 聚集

  (D) exploitation n. 开发,利用...husbandry n. 节俭,管理

  (E) stockpiling n. 大量贮备...extirpation n. 切除



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