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比如2011.5的真题,section 3,15题:
Lines 20-21 (“the whole… text”) suggest which of the following about Delia’s reaction to the city?
A. She feels clanstrophobic in the city
B. She is put off by the city’s many monuments
C. She sees an idealized version of the city
D. She enjoys the city’s many educational opportunities
E. She is amazed by the sheer size of the city
原文20-21行,内容是:The whole city is a postcard panorama. Like being inside a grade-school civics text.
读完之后,不难得出原文定位区域所侧重的内容是city的环境描写。那么,可以排除A clanstrophobic幽闭恐惧症,D educational opportunities; 再回看原文,提到postcard,这是解题的关键点,此刻整个城市的全貌是明信片上的情景,大家联系一下实际,明信片中城市的景象,应该是什么样的呢? 是对城市最佳面貌的特写吧,再看选项,最直观的dealized version of the city所体现。故选C。E项monument虽然是城市一景,文章未提及。E项侧重的是城市规模,虽然所指有些抽象,但比较C直观项,发现它也是偏的,择优C。
再来看一道题目,OG 973页,11题:
Frederick Douglass’ rhetorical strategy as described in lines 4-10 might best be summarized as
A. Identification with a concept followed by partial rejection
B. Recognition of a group’s wrongdoing followed by explicit steps to correct it
C. Elaboration on an unfamiliar argument followed by unusual qualifications
D. Evocation of a revered concept followed by a specific rerence to its undermining
E. Analysis of a particular event followed by a subjective plea
原文4-10行,内容是:Frederick Douglass, for example, firmly identified himself with the triumph of manliness and individualism that slavery suppressed. In so doing, he explicitly called upon his northern readers to recognize that the sufferings and inequities to which he had been subjected by the very condition of enslavement directly contravened their deepest principles of individualism.
先看选项,此题属于抽象题。回看文章定位区域,第一句表面FD的主观点:manliness and individualism;第二句,阐明他的做法:奴隶制违反了individualism所倡导的,带来了恶果sufferings and inequities。也就是:观点 违反(恶果)。 根据这样的内容,在文章中找出最直观的选项:
A 观点 部分反对
B 错误做法 更正步骤
C 不熟论据 不寻常限制
D 崇敬的观点 对其破坏
E 具体事件 主观请求
所以相对应的是D。对于废除奴隶制作者是持正态度。再进行一一对应的话,concept指manliness and individualism,undermining指contravened their deepest principles。现在,大家再看其他选项,就不会有不明觉厉的感觉了吧。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲