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Goleman’s 5 Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence include:
1. 自我意识:也就是对自身的了解
1. Self-awareness: literally ‘knowing yourself’
2. 自我调节:控制自己的行为和情绪
2. Self-regulation: managing yourself and your moods
3. 自我激励:知晓什么能够和不能激励自己
3. Motivation: knowing what motivates you and what does not
4. 同理心:能对别人的心态感同身受并认同别人的努力
4. Empathy: the ability to experience others as legitimate and valuable and identify with their struggles
5. 社交能力:能在任何情况下与他人达成默契
5. Social skills: the ability to build rapport with others, whenever needed
We claim that Self Awareness is the ‘master key’ to Emotional Intelligence and that the other four of Goleman’s EQ elements all ultimately link back to Self-Awareness.
Why is Self-Awareness the “Master Key” for Leaders?
We said from the beginning that Self-Awareness is the most essential quality for fective leadership. This is simply because leaders lead…people! And to lead others, one must begin by leading oneself, on a journey of self-discovery and self-understanding. If you are willing to take this journey and make it a life-long practice, here is what will happen:
• 你将对他人,包括陌生人,抱有很深的同理心和同情心。
• You will develop deep empathy and compassion for other human beings, including total strangers.
• 你将能让自己摒弃陈旧的观念和信仰,而且很容易帮助他人这样做。
• You will empower yourself, discarding old ideas and belis that no longer serve you and it will be easy for you to help others do the same.
• 你将释放自己的潜力,你的满腔热忱、灵感与欢乐,会让你成为一名散发着魅力的领导者,人们自然而然会追随你。
• You will liberate your own potential, your deep passion, your inspiration and joy and you will become a magnetic leader that people will naturally want to follow.
• 在终身学习的旅途上,你不会再将他人视为“物体”或“工具”来对待,而会逐渐意识到他们和你一样,都是有灵魂的人,也有着常人所有的优点和不足。
• You will stop looking at people as ‘objects’ or ‘things’ to use and start seeing them as spiritual beings, just like yourself, with all the usual strengths and weaknesses, on a life-long journey of learning.
• 你会发现,他人的优点和不足将会成为自身的一面镜子:当你被他人的某个优点吸引时,这说明你自身也具有同样的优点;当你只注意到他人身上的不足时,也意味着你有同样的缺点。
• You will discover that others, with their strengths and weaknesses act as mirrors for ourselves: when you are attracted to a trait you see in others it means you have that in yourself; when you find yourself focused on some other person’s faults…it means you have that in yourself.
• 你将开始以全新的方式与他人相处,更多地看到他人的优点而非缺点。
• You will start experiencing others differently, focusing on their good points instead of their mistakes.
• 随着时间的推移,你将开发出真正的智慧和洞察力,懂得与人分享,而不是封闭自己。
• Over time, you will develop true wisdom and insight and enjoy sharing it, not keeping it locked inside you.
• 你会吸引其他具有自我意识的人,还会发现自己的领导能力将进入螺旋式的上升周期。
• You will attract other self-aware people and find yourself on an upward spiral as a leader for others.
Now, looking at the above list…how many great leaders do you know that lack this way of experiencing themselves and other people? I don’t mean ‘dominators’ that just use power to get their way. Those are not true leaders at all. I’m talking about people who are influential, trusted and appreciated by those that follow them.
I promise you that if you start on the path of Self-Awareness your life is going to change in many positive ways. A self-aware leader is the only one who can truly lead. And now I want to leave you with a few quotes to stimulate your thinking:
“We are not human beings trying to become spiritual. We are spiritual beings, learning how to be human.” Teilhard de Chardin
“Know yourself and know others and in one hundred battles you will be victorious one hundred times.” Sun Dz
“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time to plant a tree is right now.” Confucius
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲